Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 590 Qin Ziheng's Death

Chapter 590 Qin Ziheng's Death

They can even see the crimson lightning hitting the magic circle like raindrops, stirring up countless ripples of order. The kind of lightning that can destroy the sky and the earth, even if they touch a little power, will definitely be reduced to ashes. spared.

"What should we do now? Have we been waiting here?" someone shouted.

"By the way, Mr. Bi Fang, can you break this formation and take us out?" Someone suddenly remembered something and asked loudly.

Everyone also looked at Mr. Bi Fang excitedly, their eyes full of longing.

In their view, Mr. Bi Fang, who can confront the golden dragon head-on, definitely has a way to take them out.

But when they saw that Mr. Bi Fang shook his head, panic spread among the crowd.

Even the elders practiced shaking their heads. They know their current situation better than these teenagers. At least it is safe to stay in this magic circle. If the magic circle is really broken, let them face the void directly. , that would be tantamount to courting death. Among them, only Mr. Bi Fang might be able to struggle, and the others would definitely be instantly killed by various visions in nothingness.

As time passed, those arrogances who didn't believe in evil and wanted to smash the magic circle also stopped. They found that it was futile. Under their attack, the magic circle didn't even have the slightest fluctuation .

And here is the same as other places, everyone can't absorb the vitality between heaven and earth at all, that is to say, everyone is waiting to die now, and in the end, everyone sits in place without saying a word, so as to reduce their own vitality The exhaustion, the atmosphere of despair gradually spread among the people.

"What is that!" Qin Ziheng suddenly shouted.Everyone followed his gaze, only to see a golden horse extending from the mainland, gradually approaching the fragment where they were.

That was Zhang Kun's ability after he had mastered the secret realm of the Ascender. On that golden horse, he was able to cross most of the terrain.

There was hope in everyone's hearts, and when they saw the figure in the golden horse, they were even more excited.

"It's Zhang Kun and Missy. They came to save us!" Someone shouted excitedly. After experiencing despair, nothing is more precious than this dawn of life.

The golden horse training pierced through the magic circle and extended in without any hindrance. After Zhang Kun and Bai Xiuxiu came out of the golden horse training, they were surrounded by excited people.

"Zhang Kun, are you here to save us?" Someone asked cautiously, and the others looked at Zhang Kun anxiously.

If Zhang Kun told them that he also accidentally broke into this place, there would really be no one to save them.

"Otherwise, is it possible that I traveled through the void so far to play?" Zhang Kun asked with a smile.

Everyone cheered.

"Great! Zhang Kun, I knew you wouldn't abandon us."

"Zhang Keqing, as long as you can rescue us, feel free to tell us what you need to do in the future. As long as we can do it, we will never complain!"

"That's right, from now on, your business is our business!"

Looking at the excited crowd, Zhang Kun looked at Bai Xiuxiu helplessly, but only got Bai Xiuxiu's eyes.

"You're a good boy even if you get a cheap price." Bai Xiuxiu snorted, she knew that after this incident, these teenagers would definitely be grateful to Zhang Kun in the future, and obeyed.

Zhang Kun laughed twice, turned his head and said loudly: "Everyone, don't get excited, I'm here to save everyone from here, but before that, we need to find something first."

"What?" someone asked.

"A small black square, only with it can we leave here." Zhang Kun explained.

This black square is actually the place where the Black Sword Immortal is imprisoned, and this is the independent space opened up by the black square in the void.

After seeing Zhang Kun, Qin Ziheng had a bad premonition in his heart. After he said that he needed black cubes to leave, his heart skipped a beat, but after seeing that Zhang Kun didn't know that he took the cubes, I just calmed down a little.

"Zhang Keqing, why are we looking for that cube? Why don't we go back the way you came?" Qin Ziheng asked deliberately with a smile.

"I relied on the power of the guardian of the secret realm to send me here, and now the guardian's strength has been used up, and I can't contact it, so we can only rely on a medium to return to the secret realm, and the black square is that The medium." Zhang Kun explained, and everyone suddenly realized that they scattered to look for the black square.

Zhang Kun looked at the busy people and smiled lightly. Although he didn't tell lies, he didn't tell all of them. In fact, as the master of the secret realm, one thought is enough for him to return to the secret realm.

However, according to the golden dragon, after the black cube was used to seal the Black Sword Immortal, there was a strong evil spirit left in it, which made it easy for people to get the evil spirit into the body and become violent, so Zhang Kun still decided Recycle the black cube.

When everyone returned without success, the atmosphere at the scene became more subtle, and everyone also thought that someone might have obtained the black square but was unwilling to hand it over.

"Although the black square does have some miraculous features, it is an ominous thing. The evil spirit contained in it will gradually erode people's sanity, and finally the evil spirit will enter the body, and even the soul will be completely deprived by the evil spirit." Zhang Kun looked around. All around, he said with a serious face: "So I hope you can take the initiative to hand it over. This is also the task entrusted to me by the guardian of the secret realm."

"Zhang Kun, stop bluffing people. I don't think you want to take it for yourself." Qin Ziheng suddenly said nervously.

"The black square is on you." Zhang Kun looked at Qin Ziheng with a smile on his face.

"You, what are you talking about? How could you be here?" Qin Ziheng was startled, his eyes flickered, and he hurriedly denied.

"You probably don't know that I have a small way to detect the surrounding evil spirits, right?" Zhang Kun said lightly. In fact, in his eyes, Qin Ziheng's surroundings were already surrounded by a thick layer of bloody mist.

Qin Ziheng didn't expect to be exposed so soon, so he stopped hiding and said viciously, "So what if I'm here? You must be jealous of me and want to rob me of my fortune!"

"Qin Ziheng! Hand over the black square!"

The angry crowd glared at Qin Ziheng. They didn't expect that it was actually on Qin Ziheng's body. They thought that it was Qin Ziheng's fault that they and others came here.

"Hehe, you all want to snatch my fortune too!" Qin Ziheng's eyes turned red suddenly, and he said like crazy: "I won't let you succeed, you just wait to die here, and I'll go first!"

After Qin Ziheng finished speaking, the vitality in his body burned violently, turning into a blood-colored streamer, and shot towards the golden horse.

Bai Xiuxiu wanted to stop her, but was stopped by Zhang Kun. Looking at his confident eyes, Bai Xiuxiu obediently retreated behind him.

On the golden horse training, Qin Ziheng took out a black square glowing with black light, and looked at the crowd frantically,

"I'll go first, you just wait here to die!"

Qin Ziheng's secret method of burning his own vitality was so fast that no one could react, and even Mr. Bi Fang frowned.

When they saw Qin Ziheng standing on the golden horse, their hearts sank, and their only hope was gone.

"Qin Ziheng, if you look back now, I can let the past go." Zhang Kun said calmly.

"Hehe, Zhang Kun is now, is it interesting for you to still put on such a hypocritical face?" Qin Ziheng's expression was distorted, and he shouted frantically: "Why does everyone look at you differently, why do you To have so many genius treasures, I am the first genius of the business alliance, and I am the hope of the business alliance!"

Everyone cursed, but Zhang Kun looked at Qin Ziheng who was already crazy, and a hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes.

"But it's all over now, you stay here with these people waiting to die."

Qin Ziheng poured Yuanli into the black square continuously, and the black square emitted a faint light. Qin Ziheng showed joy, but soon his face froze.

The light of the black square became weaker and weaker, and soon turned back into a small black square, which fell back into Qin Ziheng's hands.

"How could this happen!" Qin Ziheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, he yelled at Zhang Kun like a wild beast that chooses to eat people: "What did you do! Why didn't you respond!"

"Hehe, that cube is indeed the key to get out, but it needs to be activated by injecting vitality with a special method." Zhang Kun said with a sneer.

"How dare you lie to me!" Qin Ziheng's expression became more ferocious, but when he saw the people glaring at him, even Mr. Bi Fang opened his eyes, staring at him with indifferent eyes, he knew that he had no way out up.

"Hehe, you don't want to get what I can't get." Qin Ziheng backed away with a wry smile, suddenly turned around and leaped into the void.

The golden horse carried him and floated into the distance. Just as a gleam of joy appeared on his face, a crimson thunderbolt exploded from the void. Qin Ziheng's last voice in this world was only a heart-piercing scream.

After Qin Ziheng was struck by lightning and turned into powder, the black cube fell on the golden horse.

"I've already given you a chance. If you don't cherish it, you can't blame me." Zhang Kun looked indifferently at the place where Qin Ziheng disappeared, and said softly.

"Zhang Keqing, it's Qin Ziheng who doesn't know what's good or bad. We can't stop someone who wants to die."

(End of this chapter)

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