Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 593

Chapter 593
"In the face of absolute strength, is your ambush useful?" Zhang Kun smirked, and he returned what Qin Sixin said just now.

The King of the Underground and Qin Sixin had pale faces, and their anger was as thin as a thread. They were cut to death by Yue Qingfeng's shocking two swords.

"This is impossible!"

The black shadows who came to surround and kill Zhang Kun were ashen-faced and couldn't believe it.

"Surrender or die." Zhang Kun shook his robe sleeves indifferently, looking down at them.

"We admit it!" The King of the Underground and Qin Sixin gritted their teeth and said in humiliation.

Zhang Kun's indifferent eyes swept over the people around him, and everyone bowed their heads, not daring to meet his gaze.

In the end, Zhang Kun fixed his eyes on the King of the Underground of Huangliang Road, and said with a smile: "The person who takes me to see you, the underground in Yiyang District will belong to me!"

"This..." The King of the Underground was a little shaken, and he showed a look of embarrassment.

"I can give you the position of the King of the Underground, but my identity is acquiesced by the Shangmeng, and the Ronghaomeng will not agree to your reckless behavior!" The King of the Underground said with difficulty, his mouth was covered with blood.

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "Really, do you think the Chamber of Commerce will agree?"

The King of the Underground froze for a moment, stayed in the middle, and raised his head to look at Zhang Kun. For the first time, he felt that this young man was completely beyond his imagination.

But he is only 15 years old, and within less than a month since he came to Raging Waves City, he has accomplished a career that these old fellows would never be able to do in their entire lives, it is extremely terrifying!
"Yes!" The King of the Underground bent down, and walked in front of Zhang Kun humbly to lead him the way.

Qin Sixin looked at Zhang Kun with a meaning in his eyes. After tonight's battle, this talented alchemist is bound to rise in the city of Raging Waves. He straightened up and murmured: "It seems that the sky of Xilan is about to change!"

"The news that Senior Yue Qingfeng is a Jindan powerhouse must be kept secret, and no one is allowed to disclose it!" Zhang Kun sternly ordered, Qin Sixin and the underground king smiled bitterly, and could only accept it.

"I've changed my mind, Yue Qingfeng, you stay by my side for the time being, I still have something to do here!" Zhang Kun said coldly.

Western Orchid calendar, 840, in the mid-winter of December, Zhang Kun subdued the underground forces of Huangliangdao, and the Qin family, a member of the Ronghao League, announced their support for Zhang Kun. After the news came out, Raging City was shocked!
Ge Ran will take advantage of the situation to expand again. With the support of Huang Liangdao, Ge Ran will sweep all kinds of small and medium forces in Raging Tao City. In the end, many small forces will directly come to Zhang Kun and swear allegiance!

At the same time, Zhang Kun also directly launched a money offensive. After spending part of the 100 million spirit stones brought out from Xuanyuan Fourteen High School to buy Shenjue Jade, there was still too much to spend, leaving a part for daily practice. Finally, Zhang Kun sold several famous mercenary regiments in Raging Wave City directly with a lot of money!

After taking over several small and medium-sized forces, the top ten families and four major forces in the imperial city finally couldn't sit still. Except for the Ronghao League, the other major forces held an emergency meeting again!
"Crazy, crazy, what is this Zhang Kun doing, where did he get so many spirit stones! 20 spirit stones, a total of 20 spirit stones bought five mid-stage foundation builders, and it turned out to be for His house is guarding the door!"

"Who can tell me, what does this Zhang Kun want to do? Does he want to start a war?" The ancestors of the forces whose territory was encroached by Zhang Kun were extremely angry, throwing things and cursing at the same time!
"Now that Zhang Kun can incorporate our subsidiary forces, the next step is for him to get involved in our core forces. We have to guard against it!"

Only the Lin family in the imperial city is still indifferent. Apart from the royal family, the Lin family has the greatest influence in the city of Rage, and their sphere of influence is in the core area of ​​the imperial city. Zhang Kun has not taken action against them yet.

"It's just a little guy who is practicing Qi, so what if he is an alchemist, have we seen very few talented alchemists for thousands of years, and how can we shake the foundation of my Lin family?" The head of the Lin family chuckled in the lobby .

"Father, Zhang Kun has to be on guard. Don't be fooled by his superficial strength. I suspect that this is not his real strength!" Lin Nuozhen frowned.

The head of the Lin family chuckled, "Zhang Kun's strength? Isn't it just a Ge Ranhui?"

"It seems that my Lin family has been silent for too long, and I need to take action occasionally to let the people in Raging City understand who is the real master here!" The head of the Lin family said confidently: "Taishan will be afraid of Zhang Kun, but we are not afraid of Zhang Kun. !"

Lin Nuozhen sighed, shook his head, and dared not say anything more!

Three days later, on Luohong Street, the headquarters of Rong Hao League.

When the outside world was turbulent, the situation was changing, and when Raging City was turned upside down, Zhang Kun shut himself in the alchemy room, claiming that he was refining medicine, but in fact he stayed in the mirror domain, absorbing and digesting the alchemy from the secret realm. Some exercises and alchemy techniques obtained.

Although Jiu Jianxian is a generation of sword cultivators, he has extensive knowledge and loves to collect various exercises. Zhang Kun's inheritance not only improves his realm level, but more importantly, these precious exercises.

And today is the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. All the high-level members of the Chamber of Commerce will appear on this day, and some important decisions about the development of the Chamber of Commerce will also be discussed today.

And Zhang Kun was invited to participate in this meeting, this is the first time in the history of the business alliance to invite outsiders to participate, and he is also the youngest in the meeting!

After the trip to the secret land, Zhang Kun's status in the business alliance skyrocketed. Among the secrets!
In this meeting, Zhang Kun raised two issues. One was that the Ronghao League sent troops to help the Xiaoshuo Empire defeat the invasion of the Wangwen Empire, and the other was to let the Shang League officially recognize Zhang Kun's status as the underground king!

The elders in the business alliance are all businessmen. As long as the interests are sufficient, there is nothing that cannot be discussed, and Zhang Kun has what they need!

Panacea, precious materials, massive spiritual stones!

"Zhang Kun, come with me, they are already waiting for you." As soon as Zhang Kun opened the door, he saw a pretty face with a sweet smile.

Bai Xiuxiu also changed into a luxurious long dress today, which made her a little less girlish and a little more cute and charming.

"Oh." Zhang Kun rubbed his somewhat messy hair, put the Dan Shu aside, got up and walked towards Bai Xiuxiu.

Bai Xiuxiu took Zhang Kun's arm naturally, and the refreshing fragrance lingered in Zhang Kun's nostrils.

When the two entered a secret room isolated from their spiritual consciousness, other people looked at them one after another. A majestic middle-aged man sitting at the top of the round table also smiled when he saw Zhang Kun.

"Zhang Keqing, you are here. This meeting cannot go on without you." The middle-aged man joked, and everyone laughed out of face.

Zhang Kun also smiled slightly, and he also guessed the identity of this middle-aged man in his heart. He should be the rumored leader of the business alliance, that is, Qi Angfu, the father of Bai Xiuxiu and Qi Zhengyan.

"Xiuxiu, don't pester Zhang Keqing anymore, I'm afraid my little girl has brought you a lot of trouble." Qi Angfu gave Bai Xiuxiu a doting look, and said with a smile on his face.

"Father." Bai Xiuxiu said coquettishly, but she was too embarrassed to hold Zhang Kun's arm again after Qi Angfu said so.

"Miss Xiuxiu also gave me a lot of help on weekdays, and I am very grateful." Zhang Kun said politely.

Qi Angfu laughed heartily when he heard the words: "Zhang Keqing is serious. I hope that our two families will have more exchanges in the future. Now let's officially start the meeting."

Zhang Kun sat in the corner, watching the decisions made by these elders, and did not interrupt them ignorantly.

"The next topic is about Zhang Keqing. I hope that our business alliance can help the Xiaoshuo Empire repel foreign enemies. You all know what happened. As a reward, Zhang Keqing will provide us with ten more 300-year-old plants. Iron Thread Grass, and help us refine Jiangling Pill, so start voting now." After Qi Angfu finished speaking, he raised his hand.



The elders who had entered the secret realm with Zhang Kun all raised their hands, while the other elders, tempted by the ten iron wire plants, agreed after a little hesitation.

Compared to the risk of helping the Xiaoshuo Empire, the temptation of the Iron Thread Grass is even greater for them, and because of this, they can befriend a promising alchemist. Everyone knows how to choose.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Qin Sixin also raised his hand. Everyone couldn't believe it. Qin Ziheng died in a secret place. Everyone thought that Qin Sixin was using this as an opportunity to attack Zhang Kun, but he stood on Zhang Kun's side. Afterwards, this simply overturned their three views and cognition!

"More than half of the votes passed. I will discuss the specific situation with Zhang Keqing after the meeting." Qi Angfu said with a smile.

Zhang Kun also nodded with a smile. He knew that from this moment on, the Shangmeng had truly stood behind him.

After Zhang Kun chatted with Qi Angfu about the specific strength of the enemies of the Xiaoshuo Empire, he slowly returned to the alchemy room.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on the masters of the business alliance to deal with the Wangwen Empire. Zhang Kun also needs the strength of the Xilan army!
As soon as he entered the door, his face changed slightly. After closing the door calmly, he turned towards an open space and shouted in a low voice: "Come out! You actually sneaked into the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, what is your intention?"

"Master Zhang Kun, it's me." Yue Qingfeng's figure appeared, looking at Zhang Kun with a wry smile.

"Huh? Didn't I ask you to take care of Ran Gehui? What are you doing here? Don't think that you can be lawless if you break through the golden core. There are definitely more than five fingers who can keep you here." Zhang Kun frowned. Frowning, he said with some dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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