Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Under the suspicious eyes of the guards, a golden bolt suddenly appeared in Zhang Kun's sleeve and shot towards the resplendent plaque.

The plaque was actually guarded by a defensive formation, and all kinds of light flickered wildly, but with a crisp sound, the light was all dimmed, and the plaque fell to the ground in two pieces.

The guard was stunned, staring wide-eyed at the symbol of the Lin family's identity being broken into two in front of him.

"You, do you know what you did!" The guard stretched out his hand tremblingly, pointing at Zhang Kun and shouted angrily.

He knows how severe the Lin family's methods are. Even if Zhang Kun is finally executed, he will definitely not be able to escape the responsibility. It is relatively easy to abolish the exercises and sweep the house. When he thinks of the methods used by the Lin family to interrogate prisoners, his body can't help it trembled.

"Go and report it, don't be afraid, they won't have time to care about you in a while." Zhang Kun patted the guard's shoulder with ease, and the guard almost collapsed to the ground with his legs limp.

He also understood that the master and servant are two ruthless people, but he still couldn't understand why Zhang Kun was so calm. What Zhang Kun did was slapping the face of the Lin family, and he would definitely receive the most violent punishment from the Lin family. Revenge, and in Xilan country, apart from the royal family, the Lin family is the sky!

The guard scrambled and ran in to report. Zhang Kun just blocked the door of Lin's house, admiring the plaque leisurely, and said in his mouth: "By the way, the handwriting written by this emperor is really not very good. What a waste of such good material."

A large number of onlookers had gathered long ago and couldn't help but roll their eyes there, wondering where this ruthless person came from. It wasn't enough to slap the Lin family's face, so they spit on it to humiliate them. There is still some hope that this young man really has a monstrous power behind him, who can fight with the Lin family.

However, they also knew in their hearts that it was impossible. I am afraid that after the Lin family came out, this young man would probably be shot dead by the angry Lin family.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a group of people hurriedly appeared under the leadership of an old man, and Lin Nuo was really in the group.

The old man is the third elder of the Lin family. He was explaining his cultivation experience to some juniors. Unexpectedly, the guards suddenly broke in and said that someone was causing trouble at the gate of the Lin family. He died, but the Lin family climbed to the top step by step, so he thought in his heart that he must use the most severe means to deal with this reckless provocateur, so that the world would know that the Lin family could not be bullied.

But when he saw the broken plaque on the ground as soon as he went out, his indifferent demeanor disappeared instantly, replaced by a hideous face.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The third elder blew his beard and stared, his face was flushed and he was very angry. He had already decided to lock Zhang Kun in the lowest dungeon of the Lin family and torture him!

Yue Qingfeng's expression was slightly condensed. The aura leaked by the third elder when he loses control of his emotions can cause the vitality in the world to be disordered, so he is undoubtedly a strong Jindan.

Yue Qingfeng took a step forward to block Zhang Kun, and the majestic aura of Jindanqi was exuded, and he and the three elders were in a confrontation.

The third elder let out a sigh, he didn't expect this humble middle-aged man to be a strong Golden Core, and he secretly guessed the identity of this young man.

"It's too ridiculous for a mere gold pill to smash the plaque of my Lin family and provoke my Lin family. If you two commit suicide, I will let your family go." The third elder felt that Yue Qingfeng's aura was still a little uncomfortable Steady, obviously just broke through not long ago, relaxed his vigilance, and said with a chuckle.

"Wait, why don't you ask me why I smashed this plaque?" Zhang Kun saw that the third elder looked like he was about to make a move, and immediately stopped him.

The third elder paused, thinking that Zhang Kun was afraid, and said with a mocking look on his face, "Alright, I want to see what you can say, so that people in the world won't say that my Lin family is unreasonable."

"Actually." Zhang Kun hesitated, and the others also turned their ears, thinking that he would say something about the family's grievances. Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun suddenly stepped forward and left a big footprint on the plaque , and said with a look of embarrassment: "Actually, I have been unhappy with your Lin family for a long time, and I just thought of stepping on it today. What can you do, old man!"

The third elder staggered and almost fell to the ground, Zhang Kun was so angry that the majestic Jindan master almost passed out without panting.

All the onlookers showed incredulous expressions, staring blankly at Zhang Kun who was talking nonsense, and there was only one thought in his mind, this kid was doomed, only Lin Nuozhen recognized Zhang Kun from the beginning, and felt a little happy While Zhang Kun was seeking his own death, he was also faintly uneasy.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The third elder laughed back angrily, and said three good words in succession. His strong breath bulged his robe, and the clouds and mist between the sky and the earth were swept away by his soaring aura. A bright and clear sky was revealed.

"Master Zhang Kun, be careful. When the fight starts, you should back off as much as possible, otherwise you may be hurt." Yue Qingfeng's aura also rose to its peak, and the exercises in his body began to work crazily.

"It's okay, he has no chance to make a move." Zhang Kun said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the third elder, who was originally imposing, suddenly froze, and then, like a leaking balloon, his aura quickly weakened, and he turned back into an ordinary old man after a few breaths.

"You, what did you do!" The third elder suddenly panicked. He found that there seemed to be a hole in his body, and the vitality he absorbed from the world would flow through this hole, even his own vitality. Passing by, if this continues, he will really lose all his skills in a short time!
"Come back, sharp-bladed insect." Zhang Kun said with a chuckle, reaching out his hand in the direction of the third elder.

The five monsters that Zhang Kun subdued in the Flame Demon Cave had a lot of origins. He didn’t pay much attention to them before, but later, after his realm went up, his vision widened and he realized that they were all ancient alien species, and the demon respected the flames. Only then can they be subdued!

The growth rate of this ancient alien species is very fast. With the help of Xianyuan and Luo Quan Dan, they have reached the early stage of foundation establishment, and now they are steadily moving towards the middle stage of foundation establishment. This is comparable to the speed of Zhang Kun's own practice. Much faster.

This is the advantage of the race, which is beyond the envy of human beings. Some monsters with noble and pure bloodlines can even reach the golden core level when they are adults!
A black light flashed from the body of the third elder, and it stopped in Zhang Kun's hand in the blink of an eye. Only then did everyone see its true face, it turned out to be a small bug the size of a grain of rice!
While others were speculating about the origin of this bug, the expression of the third elder suddenly changed, and he cried out in horror: "Impossible, how could you have such a thing!"

The sharp-bladed beetle contains the blood of the god-slaying insect, soul poison.

The third elder thought back to the passage in the ancient book he had read back then. Just the sentence about the blood of the god-slaying insects was enough to make him shudder, let alone the sentence about the poison with no cure. When he thought that he had already been poisoned, Even though the third elder had lived for hundreds of years, he was still terrified, and felt a sense of weakness in his body, so he sat down on the ground.

"I don't see that you are a bit knowledgeable." Zhang Kun looked at his ugliness, slightly surprised.

But at this moment, those menacing Lin family members were terrified when they saw their elders, looked at each other suspiciously, and didn't dare to rush forward for a while.

"What are you doing blocking the door! How noisy are you?" Suddenly a majestic voice came from the crowd, and people subconsciously looked back, only to see a middle-aged man with a beautiful beard standing at the end of the street people.

"Patriarch!" The members of the Lin family exclaimed, their expressions full of joy.

Zhang Kun looked over suspiciously. The head of the Lin family, Lin Linfeng, had been mentioned many times after he came to Xilan country. His reputation was even better than that of the previous head, Lin Hanshui. Lord.

"What happened." Lin Linfeng walked slowly up the steps, glanced at everyone, and paused briefly on Zhang Kun.

Everyone in the Lin family seemed to have found their backbone, and gathered around one after another, talking about Zhang Kun's "evil deeds" one after another.

Lin Linfeng's expression also changed slightly after hearing the blade beetle. After listening to everyone's statements, he looked at the confident Zhang Kun and the third elder who was sitting on the ground with a dead face, and fell into deep thought.

"If I'm not wrong, you are Zhang Kun, Zhang Keqing, right?" Lin Linfeng suddenly looked at Zhang Kun, seemingly asking, but his tone was very firm.

The crowd suddenly boiled. If the most popular topic in Raging Waves City these days, then Zhang Kun, the mysterious businessman, is definitely one of them.

"What? He is the rumored youngest guest minister in the history of the Business Alliance?"

"No wonder he is so confident. In Xilan, probably only the Shangmeng is not afraid of the Lin family."

"And I heard that the leader of the business alliance is very fond of this guest, and even intended to betroth Miss Bai Xiuxiu to him." A young man who seemed to know some inside information said mysteriously, which caused an uproar from countless men. The name of Xiu has long been crowned in the entire Xilan country. You may not have heard of the Shangmeng and the Lin family, but it is absolutely impossible not to know Bai Xiuxiu.

So when he heard that Bai Xiuxiu might marry this kid, Zhang Kun immediately made countless men glare and jealous.

"I didn't expect Patriarch Lin to have heard of me." Zhang Kun said with a smile: "Since this is the case, things will be easy to handle. People from your Lin family are bullying others. If I didn't have some means of saving my life, I would be the one lying on the ground now. "

(End of this chapter)

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