Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 607 Final Preparations

Chapter 607 Final Preparations
With the help of Mr. Bi Fang, Zhang Kun came to the secret realm of Jiujianxian. Although he is the master of this secret realm, the secret realm is far away, and he cannot directly enter the secret realm. He must bring it into the mirror domain system before he can carry it with him. carry.

As for his control of the secret realm, there is no need to hide it from the Merchant Alliance at this moment. His personal status has reached the peak in both the Merchant Alliance and Sealand, and there is no need to hide anything.

The environment in the small world of the secret realm is very good, with green mountains and green waters, and rich spiritual energy. Although it is not as good as in the mirror domain, it is already a paradise compared to the outside world!

Ge Ranhui, Qianlongwei, Fu'er and others were placed here by Zhang Kun, and they were very safe. They didn't know what happened outside, so they could only silently pray for Zhang Kun again.

Just as Zhang Kun was returning from victory happily, he saw Zhong Liye coming up to him with a sad expression.

"What happened, the Xiaoshuo Empire was defeated?" Zhang Kun's heart sank when he saw this, and he immediately thought of the worst plan!

Zhong Liye shook his head and said: "Not yet, it's just that the army of the Wangwen Empire has arrived at the city of Kaiyang, and His Majesty has issued several urgent orders, asking Lord Zhang Kun to send troops to help immediately!"

Zhang Kun frowned deeply. He had just come out of the catastrophe of the Lin family. Although he had the support of Luo Quan, it would take some time to master the power of the Xilan Kingdom. The formation is complete!
"How many enemies are there and what strength are they?" Zhang Kun hurriedly asked Zhong Liye, ignoring Fu'er Jia'er who came up to congratulate him.

"The emperor of the Wangwen Empire, Wangshu Yujia personally marched, bringing at least three or four Jindan powerhouses to attack, and the ace of the Wangwen Empire, the Wild Lion Legion, has a total of [-] ninth-level Qi training!"

"Most of the empire's land has fallen, and even two Prince Zhuji died in battle. All the remaining power of the empire has retreated to Kaiyang City, ready to fight to the death with the Wangwen Empire!" Zhong Liye sighed. Tell Zhang Kun about the battle situation.

Zhang Kun's face changed slightly. The country of Xilan has a vast border, and it is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from Kaiyang City. Even if he sets out to fly there with all his strength now, it will take a full ten days, which is too late!

"It's too late, Master Zhang Kun, we can only avenge His Majesty and them!" Zhong Liye gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Zhang Kun frowned deeply, as if he was thinking about something. It is almost impossible to send so many people to Kaiyang City at such a long distance, even a formation master like Mr. Bi Fang could not do this Powerful teleportation array!
"Not necessarily, let me think of a way. You first gather your men and prepare to go out at any time, and I will figure out the rest!" Zhang Kun ordered, and with a flick of his body, he entered the core of the secret realm.

The golden dragon was perched on the dragon-locking pillar, still extremely majestic. It had just made a move and could not show up outside for a short time, otherwise it would directly incur the punishment of the law of heaven and earth, and he had to wait for the aura of the law of heaven and earth to dissipate on him.

"Boy, what are you worrying about?" The golden dragon opened his mouth wide and said, "Aren't you going to become the master of this world soon?"

"Lord of the world?" Zhang Kun shook his head and sighed, "My hometown and friends are at stake. Even if we have the world, what's the use of it? I have to go back!"

"Ha, then I wish you good luck, the deity fell into a deep sleep first." The golden dragon has lived for tens of thousands of years, and has long since found out what relatives and friends are. He sneered, entangled on the lock dragon pillar and fell into a deep sleep .

Zhang Kun entered the mirror domain in the secret realm. At this time, the alchemy hall was empty. He shouted to the sky: "Can the bronze mirror have the ability to transfer a group of people to the other end of the continent?"

"It's not impossible to teleport through the mirror field, but it needs to consume a lot of energy, and the amount of 100 million spirit stones can be carried out once!" Mirror field replied indifferently.

Zhang Kun was overjoyed after hearing this, as long as there is a way, although he doesn't have 100 million spirit stones in his pocket, is it not a casual thing to collect spirit stones with his current position of power?
The last time I brought back a million spirit stones from Xuanyuan Fourteenth High School, I used up 25 at the auction. For the shortfall, just ask Rong Haomeng to borrow it!
"Ming Yu, I have already rescued Wei Xibu himself, there is no point in keeping his soul here, let him go back." Zhang Kun said.

"Okay, Dan Hall and Dao Hall are temporarily vacant, waiting to search for a new instructor." Jing Yu responded.

"The next piece of the mirror field fragment is in another realm, you need to find the method of ascension and go to the main world of the cultivation world!" Mirror field said suddenly.

"The World of Cultivation Realm Master?" Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt, "What is that place?"

"The place where you are is also a part of the cultivation world. The cultivation world is divided into four regions, heaven, earth, black and yellow. The place you are in does not belong to the four regions. There exists the world of masters of comprehension, that is the place you should go next, and your master Fei Zhu from Qidian came from there!" Jing Yu explained.

When Zhang Kun heard it, he suddenly realized that the place he was in was an uninfluential realm, no wonder the highest was only the strong Jindan, and in the eyes of Jingyu, those who did not enter the Nascent Soul were all ants!

And stars such as Xuanyuan Fourteen should also be in the sky-level area of ​​​​the cultivation world, and they can give birth to masters of tribulation and mortal immortals!
"Okay!" Zhang Kun nodded. Luo Quan, the secret of ascension, had already told himself that among the four polar regions in the south, east, north and west, after the war against the Wangwen Empire, he would go deep into these polar regions to find the method of ascension. Then go to the Master World of Cultivation Realm to continue your cultivation path.

"I want to rewrite the formula of Jiangling Pill so that it can be used by those who practice Qi!" Zhang Kun came to the empty alchemy hall, lit a fire, and began to study alone.

The difficulty of rewriting the alchemy formula is no less than that of creating one's own. What's more, this crimson spirit pill is an ancient alchemy formula left by Jiu Jianxian. Among the classics, there is an article that records the principle and refining ideas of Jiangling Pill!

If the elixir formula is a relatively mechanical formula, the principle and thinking are more flexible. After Zhang Kun got this product, his mind and heart were fully open, sometimes frowning and thinking, sometimes lighting a fire to refine it, and he was busy until ten. Two hours later, he finally had some clues!
"Hey, after all, I can't fully replicate the effect of the crimson spirit pill!" Zhang Kun picked up a blood-red pill in his palm and sighed.

Zhang Kun said to himself: "This little crimson elixir can increase the possibility of advancing to the first level of foundation building by 30% for those who practice Qi training at the ninth level, but the side effects are stronger. After [-] years, the collapse of the realm will fall again Ninth level of qi training, and it is impossible to advance one step in a lifetime!"

However, the effect of this kind of medicine is indeed enough to meet Zhang Kun's current needs. As for the side effects, it is indeed a bit unacceptable, but if you come to Raging Waves City, you should be able to find a group of strong Qi practitioners who are willing to take Xiaojiang Lingdan.

After successfully transforming the elixir, Zhang Kun did not procrastinate and was about to return to Raging Waves City.

"By the way, I want to take some of the Phoenix Feather Brilliance Flowers." Zhang Kun still didn't forget what he gave Luo Quan.

After doing all this, Zhang Kun returned to the city of Raging Waves. In the next day, he was in a hurry. Luo Quan appeared in person and transferred most of his power to Zhang Kun. Sitting shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Qi Hua, the title inherited Luo Quan's fierce name, Blood Nine Kings!

After Luo Quan got the Phoenix Feather Brilliance Flower, he went to the closed death gate to refine the elixir, in order to reach the realm of the great alchemist in one fell swoop!

There are only a handful of golden alchemists in ancient times, and this great alchemist is even rarer, only one person will appear in thousands of years!
"Blood Nine Kings, His Royal Highness Chujun invites you to go to the Lin family to clean up the spoils."

"Lord Blood Nine Kings, the materials you need have been purchased for you, please have a look."

"Leader Zhang, isn't it just 25 spirit stones? Since you have spoken to the Shangmeng, I will give it to you directly!"

Zhang Kun was very busy in the palace, the business alliance, and the alchemist union. The alchemist union intended to let Zhang Kun take over as the vice president. On behalf of the royal family, Qi Lingshou proposed a banquet for Zhang Kun. Princess Qi Yelin was also eager to see him!

But Zhang Kun refused all of them. He is in a hurry now, and he has started alchemy to refine small crimson spirit pills in batches. He has never been so tired. He has not experienced such high-intensity and fast alchemy for a long time. I went back to the days when I practiced alchemy hard in Youjia Pharmacy two years ago and wanted to become an alchemist.

After the refining of Xiaojiang Lingdan was completed, Zhang Kun released a list in Raging Tao City, informing the world of the efficacy and side effects of Xiaojiang Lingdan. Can receive a large number of spirit stones, and join the strongest army in Xilan, the Celestial Army!

Sure enough, as Zhang Kun expected, people who came to take the pill formed a long queue, and the actual effect of the little Jiangling pill was much better than what Zhang Kun had imagined. Ge Ranhui and Qianlongwei also had People try to take it, it seems that the deeper the skill, the higher the probability of successfully breaking through to Foundation Establishment!
Finally, Zhang Kun completed the last piece of the puzzle in his counterattack plan. He has pieced together a legion of foundation-builders with as many as a hundred people. Although it still lacks training, it is enough to change the direction of a war. After Mr. Fang, the leader of the business alliance, and Yue Qingfeng, the three top golden elixir powerhouses, Zhang Kun opened the mirror field teleportation array, aiming at Kaiyang City!
On the vast square in front of the imperial palace of Raging Tao City, Zhang Kun looked at the power under his command, and he couldn't help feeling arrogance in his heart. The mirror field drove millions of spirit stones, forming a misty light, and outlined a path in midair. The golden radiance, like the constellations in the sky, enveloped the entire square, and even Mr. Bi Fang, who had been immersed in the formation for many years, couldn't help admiring a few times.

"Meng'er, I'm here!" Gently reciting the girl's name, Zhang Kun slowly closed his eyes, which turned into a white light!
(End of this chapter)

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