Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 614 Breaking Through the Wangwen Empire

Chapter 614 Breaking Through the Wangwen Empire
Wang Huang's face was like a golden paper, his treasure armor was broken, and most of the twelve crowns on the majestic emperor's crown were chopped off by a sword from outside the sky.

Wang Huang only had this thought now, the imperial crown was his last defensive weapon, the rank had reached the level of a spiritual weapon, each bundle of crowns could block the full blow of the Jindan cultivator, and seeing that there were only four crowns left, Wanghuang's heart began to tremble, he knew that as long as there was another sword strike, he would surely die.

"Heaven and earth formation!" Wang Huang exclaimed, and found that the world they were in had been sealed off by borrowing the power of heaven and earth, and no one could leave until the formation master withdrew.

On Mr. Bi Fang's slightly bent right hand, there was a faint white light. Countless transparent silk threads extended from the space between the sky and the earth, and were entangled between his ten fingers.

Wanghuang, the Wangwen Empire that was once invincible, is now just a trapped beast.

"Wang Shu!" Zhang Kun stepped forward in the air, and shouted sharply: "You led the army to invade my Xiaoshuo, and I will behead you here to pay homage to the thousands of souls who died because of you."

"Hahaha, I hope that Shu will spend his whole life laying the foundation for the empire, but I never thought that he will die in the hands of a yellow-haired kid." Wang Shu is like a wounded beast, with despair in his eyes, He knew he had no way out.

For his great cause of ascension, he spared no expense to invite a few top experts to strike out decisively when the Xiaoshuo Empire was at its weakest. He had even begun to calculate how to deal with Naxilan next after the Xiaoshuo Empire was annexed. country confrontation.

However, when he was at his happiest, this young man who suddenly appeared first wiped out his Wild Lion Legion, and then sent someone to behead those several golden elixir masters one by one, shattering the plan he had painstakingly planned for many years.

Wang Shu turned his head to stare at the Xiaoshuo Palace, let out an inaudible sigh, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

"He destroyed the Dao by himself, he is already dead." Mr. Bi Fang withdrew the Heaven and Earth Formation and said calmly.

Seeing that His Majesty the Emperor had committed suicide, the remnants of the Wangwen Empire also lost their will to fight. They put down their weapons and knelt down.

Even the invincible Yanbu Sanren and Master Mengyin are dead, what kind of storm can they create?They could only surrender one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Xiaoshuo Empire stared wide-eyed, their faces full of incredulity. This simply overturned their three views and cognitions. Originally, the Xiaoshuo Empire had been driven to a desperate situation, and there was no chance of turning around, but Because of the appearance of that boy, everything changed!
"Your Majesty." Zhang Kun glanced at Wang Shu who was standing on the hillside, his body and soul were gone, and he turned his head and said, "I don't know how Your Majesty plans to deal with these surrendered troops and the Wangwen Empire?"

The officials in the palace looked at Xu Qing enthusiastically. As long as Xu Qing nodded, the Wangwen Empire would probably be merged into Xiaoshuo. In that case, not only would it be a blessing in disguise, but Xiaoshuo would also be able to rank alongside the Xilan Empire in one fell swoop. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

"Your Majesty!" An official stepped forward to speak, but Xu Qing stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Because too many people have died in this war, let it end." Looking at the devastated imperial city, Xu Qing turned her head in pain and said.

"Your Majesty, have you thought it through?" Zhang Kun said with a smile.

"Naturally, if I want this world, there are countless soldiers from Xiaoshuo. Zhang Kun rescued Xiaoshuo from danger, and I am very grateful. Therefore, you can deal with these surrendered troops and the Wangwen Empire." Xu Qing With a wave of his big sleeve, he turned around and walked towards the palace, without the slightest bit of reluctance on his face.

Zhang Kun nodded. Although the Xiaoshuo Empire is weak now, with such a king, why not worry about it?
"Then I will go down to visit the Wen Empire for your Majesty." Zhang Kun looked at Xu Qing's free and easy back and smiled.

Under the leadership of Zhang Kun, everyone in Xilan Kingdom soared into the air, but suddenly a girl's call came.

"and many more!"

Zhang Kun looked down, and saw a charming girl in a white dress facing Wei Xi, looking at him with a pretty blushing face. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, she was as beautiful as an elf who had left behind.

"I want to go too."

"Meng'er." Zhang Kun called out affectionately, hugged the girl amidst a burst of screams, and the two of them flew into the sky hugging each other.

"Hahaha, Meng'er is so lucky!" Gongsun Yangyan and Su Yin met each other on the ground and laughed at the first glance. On the entire continent, Zhang Kun can be regarded as the most energetic young man!

After the Wangwen Empire and Wangshu took away most of the elite, the country is now in a state of emptiness, but the citizens are not worried at all, because the frontlines have frequently sent good news, and the last information that came back was that the army had already broken Xiaoshuo Guodu, this gave them great encouragement, thinking that Xiao Shuo was already in their pocket.

In the capital of Wangwen, in a garden in the imperial palace, several young men in fine clothes sat down and chatted relaxedly.

"Second brother, you said that after the father subdues Xiaoshuo, he will let someone take charge of this territory?" One of the tall young men said with a smile.

He is the eldest prince of the Wangwen Empire, Wang Licheng.The young man with dark eyes sitting opposite him is the second prince, Wang Lihui.

Wang Lihui picked up a cup of tea and sniffed it, then slowly said: "Father's decision, is it something that us courtiers can guess?"

Wang Licheng laughed suddenly, pointed to a thin young man standing in the corner and said: "I said third brother, the emperor doted on you the most before, do you think you will reward Xiaoshuo with you? "

A flash of resentment flashed in the eyes of the thin and small young man, but it disappeared immediately, and he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

The three princes were once extremely favored, but they were framed by the eldest prince and the second prince, and fell out of favor in front of Wang Shu.

Wang Licheng wanted to taunt, but there was a rush of footsteps outside the garden.

"Your Highnesses!" An old servant walked in hastily.

Wang Licheng frowned, and couldn't help scolding: "How decent is it to be in such a hurry!"

"Your Highness, someone has forced their way into the palace." The old servant hurriedly explained, deeply afraid that Wang Licheng would punish him.

"What are the palace priests doing? Do you still need to report this kind of thing to me?" Wang Licheng frowned even tighter.

"All the offerings have been defeated, even the big formation outside the palace"

card wipe.

A transparent protective shield appeared in the sky, and fragments began to fall down. Finally, with the sound of broken porcelain resounding throughout the imperial city, the protective formation of the imperial palace was broken.

Wang Licheng's expression suddenly became very serious, and there was also a hint of worry in his eyes. Now there is an empty space behind the empire. If someone really takes advantage of the void and enters, I'm afraid it will be really bad.

When a few people rushed to the gate of the palace, they found that the entire east wall of the palace had collapsed, glazed bricks and tiles were scattered all over the ground, and a few old men were lying on the ground. At the peak of Foundation Establishment, one of them even formed a golden core. Normally, even if he, the prince, saw it, he would treat him with courtesy, but now he was no different from those mortals, lying on the ground wailing.

Wang Licheng cast his eyes on the few people who broke in, his eyes were already somewhat bitter. Although his realm was not high, his vision was still there. Although the aura of those middle-aged people was not attractive, but the vitality between heaven and earth But he was automatically attracted to him, and his breath became a faint vortex of vitality, he must be a master of Jindan.

"I don't know why some of you broke into my Wangwen Imperial Palace?" Wang Licheng suppressed his anger and forced a smile.

"Wang Shu died in battle. I came here to ask whether the Wangwen Empire will surrender or perish?" Zhang Kun looked at the magnificent palace and said coldly. He didn't have the slightest liking for this country.

Wang Licheng was stunned for a moment, Wang Shu had accumulated too much prestige in the Wang Wen Empire, the world only knew him as Wang Huang, although Wang Licheng was a prince, he didn't react for a while.

But the next moment he thought Zhang Kun was lying and wanted to trick them into surrendering to threaten Wanghuang.

"Your Xiaoshuo Empire has now been annexed by my father. You people are just bereaved dogs, and you dare to be arrogant here? I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. My father will spare your life after he returns from a great victory."

Wang Licheng said proudly, although it was a little strange why this group of people would be dominated by a boy holding a girl, but he didn't care, he thought that Wang Huang should be back soon, and he and others just need to delay Time will win, and at that time, I am afraid that even Wang Huang will look at him differently.

Su Fangmeng burst out laughing, and Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. This so-called prince really can think wildly, so he didn't bother to explain. He stretched out his hand and waved a water curtain, which showed the scene of the emperor's suicide .

The whole palace suddenly fell silent, Wang Licheng's eyes widened, and he kept muttering: "Impossible, this is impossible, how could the father lose."

The smile on Wang Lihui's face disappeared, and he looked at the water curtain with deep eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

Only the thin young man had an inexplicable joy in his eyes.

"You choose to surrender or destroy!" Zhang Kun's cold voice sounded again, like a god who controls fate.

Several great golden elixir masters also exuded a tyrannical aura one after another, a storm of vitality rolled up between the heaven and the earth, and it was difficult for everyone on the ground to move.

"I, I am willing to submit to the Xiaoshuo Empire." Wang Licheng suddenly knelt down and said with a dejected expression.

"I am willing to surrender."

After seeing Wanghuang commit suicide and all the masters of the Wangwen Empire were killed by this group of people, they also lost their fighting spirit, and now that the eldest prince has chosen to surrender, these people also knelt down one after another. There was a large group of people kneeling in front.

"Okay, then from now on, the Wangwen Empire will be a subordinate state of Xiaoshuo, paying tribute every year, is there any objection?" Zhang Kun was a little surprised that this group of people were greedy for life and afraid of death, but because of this, he didn't need to use some tough methods.

Seeing that no one dared to speak, Zhang Kun nodded and continued: "Since Emperor Wang has been executed, I will establish a new emperor for you. So who should you choose?"

Zhang Kun looked around at everyone, and the eldest prince suddenly showed a tinge of joy. Could it be a blessing in disguise? Originally, Wang Huang was at the peak, and he didn't know how long it would take until their princes competed for the throne, but now the opportunity seems to be close at hand.

"I am willing to manage the Wangwen Empire for the Xiaoshuo Empire." Thinking of this, the eldest prince raised his head hastily and said with a serious face.

"I am also willing to be loyal to Mr. Zhang Kun, and defend the Wangwen Empire for you!" The second prince also expressed his loyalty quickly.

However, Zhang Kun avoided their eyes and said casually, "It's just you."

Zhang Kun casually pointed behind the eldest prince, and the eldest prince turned his head suddenly, meeting the third prince's puzzled eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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