Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 616 Kunhua Sect

Chapter 616 Kunhua Sect

Zhang Kun told Su Fangmeng about the twists and turns of this year's experience, from Haomen County to Yaohuang Mountain, then to Poling City, until the decisive battle with the Lord of the Black Moon, Su Fangmeng was terrified, The little hands clenched the corners of the clothes tightly, feeling extremely nervous.

Zhang Kun's eyes are full of memories. Now that he thinks back to that battle, he is still a little afraid. If he has not perfected his heart at the critical moment, he will kill the Lord of the Black Moon with the help of the power of heaven and the power of the mirror field , the current Nameless Continent should be a mess, lifeless, full of undead and living bones, right?

"Later, His Majesty Xu Qing sent me a direct voice transmission, asking me to rush to Xilan country for help. I'm sorry, the situation was too urgent at that time. I didn't have time to come back to you, and I didn't notify you. It won't happen in the future. !” Zhang Kun said seriously.

He knew that the pure white and innocent girl in front of him had been silently caring for him for a long time in a distant place, and he swore that he would not let his beloved be hurt in the slightest.

"Do what you say!" The delicate and lovely Su Fangmeng said, staring closely at Zhang Kun's eyes. Suddenly, she opened her mouth slightly and asked in surprise: "Zhang Kun, what's wrong with your eyes? Are they broken? Already!"

"Haha, that's another story." Zhang Kun laughed, and continued to tell Su Fangmeng what happened afterwards. After defeating the Lord of the Black Moon, Zhang Kun went to a foreign country, and he was lost and helpless when he first entered Raging City. , was questioned by others, until he overwhelmed the entire dynasty on the fourteenth star of Xuanyuan, obtained powerful body skills, and his pupils turned dark gold. After the full-fledged wings are full, they will overwhelm the entire Raging Waves City!
Although it led to the catastrophe of the Lin family, in the end he passed the alchemist assessment, let Luo Quan return, and sent the royal family to slaughter the Lin family. Finally, Zhang Kun's status in Xilan Kingdom was no less than that of Emperor Qi Hua. He completed all the preparations and returned The Xiaoshuo Empire defeated the enemy!

"So, you have a small secret world in your hand?" Su Fangmeng tilted playfully, and the young man pestered Zhang Kun and said, "Take me in and have a look, I have never been to another world before." !"

Zhang Kun smiled faintly, and a white light enveloped Su Fangmeng, and the misty light curtain flashed, and the two appeared in a small world with beautiful scenery and rich aura.

The two appeared on a hillside covered with green grass, which was the place closest to the sky in the secret realm.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Su Fangmeng looked up at the vast sky, his beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, Zhang Kun smiled and waved his hand, and night fell instantly. As the master of this world, he can easily Changing the sky here, the entire starry sky rotates, speeds up and condenses into a nebula, the starlight is brilliant, magnificent, and the bright light lingers around the girl, and the starlight and the girl weave a poetic picture.

Zhang Kun saw the sea of ​​stars flowing in the girl's pupils, dotted with stars one by one, turning into reflections in the vast night sky, the colorful colors are as gorgeous as the stars, and the moon shadows of the stars are scattered among the stars.

Su Fangmeng was wrapped in a pale pink dress, with a white gauze on the outside, revealing a graceful neck and clearly visible collarbone. From a distance, she looked like a fairy descending to the mortal world. With loose sleeves and a slender waist, she looked even more charming. Sweet and touching.

Zhang Kun hugged the girl beside him tightly, looking at this beautiful world and feeling the warmth between his hands. In the past year, Zhang Kun has been tense in order to deal with two wars that are almost impossible to win.

He is cultivating all the time, either cultivating Kunyu Huazhang or following Luo Quan to study the way of alchemy. He hardly closes his eyes for half a moment every day. It seems like a year, but in fact, under the acceleration of the mirror field, he has been tempering for a long time. .

And what supported him to go on, apart from a heart that constantly pursued to become stronger, was this beautiful girl beside him. At this moment, Zhang Kun smiled without hesitation, and he met Su Fangmeng's eyes.

Zhang Kun gently leaned over and kissed Su Fangmeng's cold lips.

The girl was half leaning, with her hands behind her back, her eyes were tightly closed, and only the slightly trembling eyelashes showed that she was not so peaceful in her heart.

The silvery moonlight sprinkled softly on her delicate little face, and the mottled starlight flowed on her black jade-like long hair. Her expression was solemn. This was not just a kiss, but more like completing a kiss. The sacred ceremony, everything is so natural and beautiful, as if this kiss should have appeared at this time.

It seems like a minute, like another century, in this short and long time, the world seems to stop for them.

Ge Ranhui and Qianlongwei's people saw the change of the scene that day, and ran out to see what happened, but they saw two people cuddling each other on the hillside.

Zhang Kun chuckled, let go of Su Fangmeng, came to the crowd holding her hand, and introduced Su Fangmeng to everyone.

"This must be the president's wife, hahaha!" Zhong Liye and He Zhiyong laughed.

There was a gloomy look in the eyes of Fu'er and Jia'er, but then they silently blessed the two in their hearts. They finally knew why they could never reach Zhang Kun's heart.

"With your help, we have defeated the Wangwen Empire. Now that the Wangwen Empire has surrendered to me, it's time for Qianlongwei and Ge Ranhui to grow stronger again!" Zhang Kun looked around the crowd and said with a smile made his decision.

Everyone was extremely excited, Zhang Kun's power had spread across the entire continent, and their core power as Zhang Kun's relatives would naturally increase as well!

"I will establish a school within the entire continent, with you as the core, and the name is called Kunhua School. This small world secret is our main altar, and I officially named it Kunhua Realm!" Zhang Kun announced loudly, He took out two words from the exercises he practiced and named them his forces!

"Kunhua faction, Kunhua faction!" The crowd below rejoiced, shouting the names of the new forces one by one. They knew that a brand new era was about to begin, and they would be on the highest stage of the Unnamed Continent!
Zhang Kun bestowed the elixirs and magic weapons looted from the Lin family and the Wangwen Empire, let Yue Qingfeng be the acting head of the Kunhua School, and Zhong Liye and He Zhiyong his deputy. The Celestial Legion belongs directly to Zhang Kun himself. In the future, he also plans to recruit alchemists, weapon refiners, and formation masters to perfect the Kunhua faction and make him the largest faction in the world, spreading across the entire continent!
After Zhang Kun sketched out the grand blueprint of the Kunhua School, he returned to Xuanyue City, where there were still many things that he needed to advocate and take over, and there were also many resisting forces that he needed to put down!
(End of this chapter)

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