Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 628 Nine Heavenly God Stones

Chapter 628 Nine Heavens Divine Stone
"Boom!" The thunder light shot by Zhang Kun pierced through countless thunderclouds straight to Tianxin, smashing an invisible diaphragm to pieces!

Everyone stared at Zhang Kun in the sky with a look of disbelief.

The violent explosion in the sky brought heavy cloud waves, and the erupting cloud ring spread out, covering the entire Xuanyue City, and the sky burned like fire, as if a god was crying!
Zhang Kun jumped up and passed through Tianxin, a flash of spiritual light flashed, his figure became unreal, he stepped on it, although he was in mid-air, it felt like he was stepping on the ground, although he could still see the sky below Xuanyuecheng and everyone, but Zhang Kun knew that he was no longer in the same space as them.

I saw Zhang Kun's body surrounded by fairy mist and fairy sounds. He took a step, and the originally transparent ground was covered with white and crystal clear jade floor, and the surrounding pavilions rose from the ground, just like heaven and earth.

The scene here is like a heavenly court, but there are no people in it. In the vast fairy palace, only Zhang Kun walks in it. The heavenly court is full of magical medicines. Zhang Kun even recognized a few of them. There is actually a phoenix feather holy brilliance flower, which is a precious medicine that can raise the flesh and bones of the dead, and can even prolong the life of the strong golden core, and live a second life.

Walking slowly, a splendid temple appeared in front of Zhang Kun. The gate was open to him, and the hall was shining with colorful brilliance. Zhang Kun was slightly puzzled, and stepped into the temple to find the source of the brilliance.

I saw that there was no Chen She in the main hall, only a small platform, the whole body was copper-colored, as if it was smelted from ancient bronze, it was very simple, and on the square platform, there was a sacred stone floating, which was exuding blue and red. The smoke is misty and dizzying.

Looking at the sacred stone, Zhang Kun couldn't help being fascinated, because it was so beautiful and eye-catching.

After a long time, Zhang Kun came back to his senses. This place is above the heart of heaven, and the sacred stone that emerged from it was very extraordinary. He walked forward and reached out to touch the sacred stone. He feels refreshed.

"Nine Heavens Sacred Stone?" When Zhang Kun touched the Sacred Stone, a message came into his mind, and he knew that it was the Nine Heavens Sacred Stone, a natural wonder, just before Zhang Kun wanted to explore its mysteries. Suddenly, a mysterious picture appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw a clear light suddenly erupted from the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, and some hazy images flickered in the light, such as flying immortals, stars shining in the world, and broken planets.

Is it?

A possibility flashed in Zhang Kun's mind, and he circulated a trace of spiritual power. The moment his right hand touched the Nine Heavens God Stone, ripples appeared on the surface of the Nine Heavens God Stone, and those strange pictures were broken in the water pattern, and the Nine Heavens God Stone burst into endless light. , engulfed Zhang Kun's sight, and at the same time a suction force came from his fingertips, so fast that Zhang Kun had no time to make any resistance.

The next moment, Zhang Kun was already in a dark space, like a night sky without stars, so vast that he could not see the edge.

The space began to be filled with gray mist, and amidst the chaos, a light suddenly flickered from the starting point.

There are more and more light spots, more and more bright, the mist is gradually dissipating, and countless billions of star spots flicker on and off, forming a vast galaxy.

Then life was born on the planet, various civilizations began to develop, and everything prospered and survived.

As time passed, the galaxy became dim, and the aura gradually decreased.

Finally one day, the light of the planet went out, everyone's figures turned into dust, and the mist once again filled the entire universe, and everything returned to chaos, but a gray stone began to condense, undulating in the chaos.


"This is the birth and death of the universe." Zhang Kun was extremely shocked. With a glance at Wannian, he actually saw the complete birth and death process of the universe. The majestic picture shocked him.

"Buzz buzz!" At this moment, the fragments of the mirror field in Zhang Kun's arms emitted a faint yellow light. Zhang Kun took out the bronze mirror fragments suspiciously. The buzzing sound became louder and Zhang Kun's expression changed slightly. The Nine Heavens Divine Stone suspended in mid-air seemed to be trembling in fear, as if it was extremely frightened by the fragments of the mirror field in Zhang Kun's hand.

"What's going on? The Nine Heavens Divine Stone represents the Tianxin of this world, and even it is afraid of the fragments of the mirror field. Is there a relationship between them?" Zhang Kun frowned deeply.

Holding half a bronze mirror in hand, he walked a few steps towards the Nine Heavens Divine Stone. Not only did the Divine Stone tremble in horror, it also shook violently up and down, as if trying to stay away from the fragments of the mirror field.

Zhang Kun frowned deeply, and asked Jing Yu with a thought: "What's going on here?"

"Have you forgotten the murals you saw in the Kunhua Realm?" Jing Yu said indifferently, Zhang Kun seemed to get an electric shock in his mind, and a picture began to emerge in front of his eyes.

Those are three murals in the cave in the small world of Jiujianxian. On the first mural, it is a picture of the sacrifice of the ancestors. On the high platform, an old man is covered in a black robe, and his face cannot be seen clearly. An ancient book.

The sky on the second wall shattered a pitch-black gap, and countless people below looked at the sky excitedly. It seemed that there was something extremely terrifying hidden in that pitch-black gap.

The scene in the third mural is that an ancient mirror fell from the gap, and the ancient book was shattered and turned into several pieces, which fell to all parts of the world.

"Yes, I still remember." Zhang Kun murmured, he suddenly thought of the old man in black robe outside Wang Wen's ancestral land, Zhang Kun had a strange feeling, as if he was in that mural The old man who presided over the sacrifice.

The giant stone sculpture in the ancestral land depicts the battle of the fall of Jing Tiandi, a man in green shirt, the last owner of the mirror domain. After his death, the mirror shattered and turned into fragments and fell to the lower realm, inheriting the third picture of the cave murals. .

There should have been two pictures in the cave paintings, but at that time Zhang Kun saw a blank space, as if someone didn't want him to know what happened next.

"What happened next is related to the Nine Heavens God Stone!" Jing Yu continued: "The arrival of the fragments of the God Mirror changed the environment of the world, so this world was isolated and locked, disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars, and finally floated here Wild land."

"Thus, for ten thousand years, no one in this world has been ascended, unable to leave this place, and the upper world has no way to observe this place, until your appearance and the use of the power of the mirror field attracted the attention of the Lord of the Black Moon!"

Zhang Kun suddenly realized, no wonder this world has experienced a great change. Since then, the Nascent Soul has disappeared in the whole world, and Jindan has become the top combat power!
 Double 11, the one who makes money with his hands, is like a floating cloud with me, code words, and make money!

(End of this chapter)

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