Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 634 Fish intestine sword

Chapter 634 Fish intestine sword

Gongsun Yangyan's alchemy room looked very simple, the quiet room was full of aura, and the medicine cabinet beside it was filled with fairy herbs and spirit stones. The master and apprentice sat opposite each other and had a long talk.

"You just came back, take a rest for a few days, and take Meng'er around for fun. The scenery of our Yaohuang Mountain is still very good. When Master is ready, I will go to the Arctic Ice Field with you." Gongsun Yangyan said.

Zhang Kun seemed to think of something, and asked, "Where's Yuan Ao?"

Yuan Ao is the owner of the Alchemy Valley, the alchemist leader of the Wangwen Empire, and Wang Shu's confidant. It is because of the strong support of the Alchemy Valley that the Wangwen Empire dared to fight this battle!
"He was imprisoned in the prison of the imperial city, and the vitality in his body was restrained with special shackles. He was one of the culprits who launched the war in the Wangwen Empire. I think he was spared from his death because of his old love, but he was also in prison. Spend the rest of your life in it." Gongsun Yangyan sighed, remembering that he and Yuan Ao were friends back then and liked the same girl, but now that girl is still frozen there forever in the Arctic ice sheet, and Yuan Ao has also been reduced to a prisoner .

Zhang Kun's heart moved slightly and he said, "Take him with you on this trip. You once went to the Arctic ice field together. It is much more convenient to have him on the way, and you will have more helpers at critical moments."

Gongsun Yangyan thought for a while and said: "Alright, this is also one of his wishes. After Xiaozhi is rescued, he will be taken back to the prison, and it will not be too late to imprison him forever!"

At this time Zhang Kun took out a small box from his arms, handed it to Gongsun Yangyan and said with a smile, "This is a small gift I prepared for Master."

Gongsun Yangyan didn't even look at what it was, and accepted it with a smile. He knew that Zhang Kun's status was now detached, and the entire Wangwen Empire surrendered to him. At the same time, he was also the Nine Blood Kings of Xilan Kingdom, second only to Luo Quan. , Zhang Kun prepared a small gift that was a jade bottle looted from the treasury of the Wangwen Empire. It was used to store the elixir, which could keep the properties of the medicine so that it would not be lost for thousands of years.

"The disciple is going to try the sword in the mountains first, and Meng'er will be taken care of by you for a while." Zhang Kun stood up, carried the sword box on his back and left Gongsun Yangyan's alchemy room. Fist said: "I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself."

Zhang Kun smiled gently, fish intestines are the murder weapon, he might hurt Su Fangmeng when he tried the sword, it would be better for her to chat with Gongsun Yangyan here.

Zhang Kun carried the sword box on his back and began to march towards Taiji Peak. The owner of this mountain is a powerful elder. His strength is second only to Gongsun Yangyan in Yaohuang Mountain, and he is obsessed with martial arts. The general cultivation base of the disciples is also the strongest in Yaohuang Mountain.

Moreover, monsters are raised in the mountains and forests of Taiji Peak for the trials of Taiji Peak disciples!
Zhang Kun walked all the way to the middle of the mountain. Zhang Kun stopped after looking at the shaded trees around him. After confirming that there was no one around, Zhang Kun sat cross-legged on the ground, took off the sword case and put it on his lap, and took out this famous sword from it. The sword of the world.

The whole sword is covered with a thick layer of light green patina, the blade is uneven, and there are even many gaps on the blade. This inconspicuous and even a bit horrible appearance makes Zhang Kun start to wonder if he has misjudged it. This is not like a secret sword for killing people, but rather like an antique that rich people love to collect.

However, Zhang Kun immediately stopped thinking so. When he tried to inject vitality into the sword, the sword let out a clear sound, which seemed to express the joy of seeing the sun again. The whole sword began to tremble violently, and the copper rust on the blade Peel off one after another.

When Zhang Kun saw this, he injected energy like money. This famous sword that had been stained with the blood of the king finally showed his true style in front of him. The length of the sword was less than an inch, and the grid was concave. Twists and turns, uneven, full blade patterns are exposed, the front of the hilt is animal face pattern inlaid with blue glass, and the back is cirrus pattern inlaid with turquoise, its exquisiteness and texture are not inferior to Chengying Sword.

Zhang Kun held the Yuchang Sword with joy in his face, and looked at the sword with a satisfied smile on his face, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore. When he was about to withdraw his vitality, he was horrified to find that the vitality in the meridians in his body had already disappeared. Out of control, Yuchangjian crazily sucked his vitality, like a man who has been abstinent for many years, suddenly saw a woman who was flirting with him, the result can be imagined, but unfortunately, Zhang Kun was that woman.

Zhang Kun's face became paler and paler, and the loss of vitality in his body made him feel weak. If this continues, he will definitely be sucked dry, but this sword seems to be stuck in Zhang Kun's hand, please. not drop.

Suddenly Zhang Kun remembered one thing, all famous swords must have spirits, and this is also the most important criterion for judging whether a sword is qualified to be among the famous swords, so Yuchang, as a divine sword comparable to Chengying, must also have a soul Sword spirit, if you don't get the approval of the sword spirit, even if you get this sword, you can't use its true power!

At this time, Zhang Kun can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and immediately threatened the sword in his hand: "If you don't stop fighting, I will be sucked to death by you, you just wait to come back again!" Bury it in this mountain for thousands of years!"

"Buzz, buzz."

This threat was indeed effective. Yuchangjian let out a crisp sound, and the will conveyed seemed to be complaining about how the current sword master was so weak. The emperor of Wangwen Empire was at least at the Golden Core level, and Zhang Kun is only at the ninth level of Qi training now. , but at the same time Yuchangjian stopped absorbing Zhang Kun's vitality.

Seeing that Zhang Kun finally got rid of the entangled sword, he immediately shook his hand violently, and saw a red glow flashing past Zhang Kun's eyes, as if breaking through the limitation of space, even Zhang Kun didn't see its trajectory clearly , but a strong and substantial murderous aura made his hairs puff up all over his body, and he felt mortally threatened, and then, he disappeared.

Zhang Kun was dumbfounded. He lost an Excalibur in his hand before he warmed it up?A sword like Yuchang is rare in the world, and there will never be a second one. If he loses it, Zhang Kun will regret it for the rest of his life!

Zhang Kun shook his head vigorously. This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen. Following the direction he threw it out, Zhang Kun found a small hole with a diameter of less than ten centimeters on the big tree, which was pierced by the fish intestine sword. Zhang Kun couldn't count how many trees had been pierced in the direction, and Zhang Kun also found that the branches and leaves of these trees had turned yellow and fell, and they were out of place in the emerald green. This was caused by the murderous aura contained in the Yuchang Sword itself. .

Finally, Zhang Kun found the sword in a mountain wall. It penetrated half of the mountain wall and lay quietly inside. When Zhang Kun dug it out, it returned to its unremarkable appearance. It looked like a decorative short sword, and it seemed that it was not responsible for the earth-shattering blow just now.

 I had a meal with my friends at noon, and I actually had a little diarrhea, hey, the author has a stomach...

(End of this chapter)

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