Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 648 Destroy Heaven and Earth

Chapter 648 Destroy Heaven and Earth
The ice ball is as beautiful as glass, but it is extremely dangerous. The ice ball made of thousands of ice crystals can turn into a glacier in an instant, crushing everything!
Zhang Kun acted as if he hadn’t seen it at all. With a roar, he jumped up and went through the air. In front of him, there seemed to be an invisible sharp knife cutting the glacier. More than tens of thousands of thorns pierced Zhang Kun's body one after another.

But he didn't care at all, he spat out blood, and the fighting spirit in his eyes didn't diminish at all, he roared and stretched out his claw-like hands, only to see rainbow lights flickering, and two cold lights appeared in his hands!

Chengying and Yuchang came out of their sheaths at the same time, with golden blue and dark red divine brilliance, instantly soared in Zhang Kun's hands, bursting out a prismatic light more than ten meters long!


The sword came out like the sound of a dragon chant, violent and high-pitched, pointing directly at the sky, making a rumbling sound!

The vitality of Zhang Kun's hands, like blazing flames, was poured into the two long swords. Even though this is the Arctic ice field, the air was still ignited, and the power of the dragon's breath from the golden dragon still remained in the midair. It was also in Zhang Kun's hands, as if the ancient and powerful dragon had suddenly awakened at this moment!
Going upstream, Zhang Kun uttered an indescribable beast-like roar, aimed at the lotus platform behind the ice, and with his right hand holding the shadow, tore off the hard protection of the lotus platform, while the intestines of his left hand couldn't stop beating, like a revived violent Like a dragon, his murderous aura suddenly appeared!
In the icy and snowy battlefield, there is only a group of hellish flames burning indulgently, which seems out of place with this world!
A murderous aura that seemed to be real passed by, and the fish intestines had already come out of his hands, turning into a blood rainbow, pointing directly at Binghou's head!
Like a cannon ejected from its chamber, or a sharp arrow shot from a crossbow, the Yuchang Sword accelerated to a terrifying speed in an instant. It seemed that the naked eye could no longer catch its trajectory. In fact, it was not at all It was fired from a fixed trajectory, but traveled through the space and came directly to the Bing Queen!

The speed was so fast that there was no reaction even behind the ice. There was a monstrous hostility in the guts of the fish. It was the killing intent accumulated by the peerless killers of all generations. It had already turned into substance. Before the sword arrived, the Murderous aura is enough to cut through all obstacles!
Yuchang is the sword of bravery in the legend. The more desperate the person using this sword is, the more indomitable his heart will be, and the more powerful the fish intestine will be able to exert!No wonder Zhang Kun had been having trouble controlling this divine sword before. At this moment, he put life and death aside, put everything down, and only had this blow in his eyes!
At the same time, it is only a magical blade that can exert the most powerful power on the target who is a king, and the Queen of Ice is the queen of the arctic ice field, and it is in her arms!

"Ah!" Binghou screamed, the fish intestines pierced her fair cheeks without hindrance, and penetrated her head. At the same time, a strange light shone on the fish intestines, and a bloody wave It emerged, as if a flower of blood had exploded, and the body of the Queen of Ice made bursts of explosions!

"Did you win?" Gongsun Yangyan and Yuan Ao stared at this side, with sweat in their hands. Although they didn't know what Zhang Kun was relying on, they turned into this appearance, and changed He is so powerful, but his enemy is the Ice Queen, that is the spirit of the Arctic ice field, that is an invincible existence!

Liang Lingxue was already as angry as gossamer, and her eyelids were extremely heavy. Even though Zhang Kun left her a ray of vitality to protect her heart when he left, the cold air in the sky had gradually invaded her heart. The blazing vitality has gradually become difficult to resist this cold air!
She only longed for one thing at the moment, and that was that Zhang Kun was safe and sound.

He and Zhang Kun haven't seen each other for nearly a year since the farewell in Poling City. During the days of Qi's family in Xilan, she was worried about Zhang Kun's situation every day at first, and finally learned about it from Qi Zhengyan. With the news that Zhang Kun was still alive, she felt relieved and practiced with Leader Rong Hao.

Her talent is very strong, and her own physique is very special. When she was accepted by Qingyun Pavilion before, the master of Qingyun Pavilion only saw that her physique was very compatible with the suppressing spiritual weapon, the Ice Soul Sword, so he attached great importance to her. Personally accept apprentices to pass on skills.

But he neglected that Liang Lingxue's own physique is actually an extremely rare ice-attribute spirit body, which is not much better than Chen Xiyue's Seven-Aperture Immortal Physique. It is the physique that can become a fairy!
Qingyun Pavilion didn't know the inside story, and only trained her as a user of the Ice Soul Sword, but in fact, her physique has more room for growth. If it weren't for the strict suppression of this world, Liang Lingxue would almost certainly be able to reach the Nascent Soul realm!
Pavilion Master Qingyun didn't know this, but President Rong Hao was different. He was well-informed and had read ancient books all over the world.

Xiaozhi was trapped on another glacier by the ice back. Her footsteps were imprisoned by an inch-by-inch ice prison, and she couldn't move, but her upper body was still able to move. Her clear eyes looked into the ice valley. But behind the ice, there was a hidden worry in his eyes.

The thick white mist dissipated, and I saw that the Ice Queen whose head was pierced through was not dead. She was the spirit of the Arctic ice field, a spirit body, and her head was not the key. Of course Zhang Kun knew this, so he tried his best to use it After eating the fish intestines, the shocking murderous aura attached to the fish intestines is enough to wipe out all vitality!
But at this moment, the Bing Queen laughed wantonly, Zhang Kun had indeed killed her, her graceful body was withering, turning into crystal bright fragments, blowing up and flying in the wind!

At the moment when Queen Bing's soul returned to heaven and earth, that extremely sad funeral song sounded again!

"Some secrets are destined to be buried deep!" Bing Hou's cold voice sounded: "Bury it with you!"

No wonder the Queen of Bing didn't resist at the last moment. It turned out that she was concentrating on inducing this funeral song. Even though Zhang Kun had already torn her body apart, it was already too late. This funeral song cost the Arctic ice field. The song has been completed, and a certain mysterious ceremony is also started at this moment!
"Boom!" The heaven and the earth let out a roar together, the earth trembled, Gao Tian collapsed, and the space was torn and distorted!

The sky collapsed, and the entire arctic ice field was in a mess. The arctic light completely lost control following the death of the ice queen, and exploded directly!

A beautiful mushroom cloud rushed up to the sky in an instant, it was simply a sight to destroy the world!Within hundreds of miles, the entire Arctic ice sheet collapsed, and the explosion swallowed all life!
 Yesterday I went out to talk about things. I trekked [-] kilometers back and forth. I always felt that I had sent an update. When I came back, I went to sleep and covered my face. I just found out today that it turns out...

(End of this chapter)

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