Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 659 Three Dogs of Hades

Chapter 659

"Did you win? Did you really win?"

Everyone in the Kunhua faction looked at the real Ji Hong who was broken into several parts in mid-air, all of them stared wide-eyed, with incredible expressions on their faces, which completely subverted their three views and cognitions. For those who are at the peak of the golden core, only a few people, or even one person, will be born in the vast and unnamed continent in the past hundred years!
Such an invincible figure in the world was actually cut off by a rising star, which is really shocking.

Yue Qingfeng covered the wound on his body, looked up at this scene and shouted excitedly: "Okay!"

"Zhang Kun, is he so powerful?"

Countless strong men are all stunned. Zhang Kun seldom shows his skills in front of the world. Countless people think that his own strength is mediocre. He can get to where he is today because of pills and adventures. A lot of luck is involved, and he himself It can only be said that he is a talented junior!
But today, he completely unleashed his own strength, killing the invincible Daoist Ji Hong in an instant!

On the other side, Liang Lingxue stirred up the wind and snow, and the power of silver ice filled the space, forming a huge field, like rebirth after ice, turning the Kunhua faction, which is like spring all the year round, into an arctic ice field!
The disciples of the sects all over the world changed their faces. In this kingdom of ice crystals, they were all trembling, and the vitality in their bodies was frozen. If they stayed in this area any longer, their vitality would be lost, and their realms would collapse. To fall!
Everyone retreated quickly, not daring to have any further plans against the Kunhua faction. The ice barrier that Liang Lingxue propped up, with the help of the Dan formation, built the Kunhua faction as solid as gold, where the icy air permeated, so everything must bow their heads, She is like the queen of ice and snow!
At this time, the Kunhua Sect had turned into a sea of ​​jubilation, and the disciples of the Kunhua Sect embraced and celebrated endlessly.

However, Zhang Kun still stood in mid-air with a solemn face, looking at the place where Ji Hong died, clouds of air slowly rose from the void!


The fairy bell uttered a clear trembling sound, Huang Zhong Dalu resounded through the sky, and the ancient breath of the rhyme rushed to the face!

"Boom, boom, boom!" A loud noise erupted from the area where Master Ji Hong died, balls of black mist surged wildly, and a black light with a blood shadow broke through the mist!

"what is that?"

"It's Immortal Ji Hong, as expected, he doesn't die so easily!" the bald strongman from Pill King Valley shouted excitedly.

There were roars like angry beasts in the void, as if a giant beast broke through the seal and came back from ancient times!

"I didn't expect that someone could kill my fake body!" The rumbling sound of that giant beast resounded throughout the Kunhua world, making everyone feel like an enemy!

Zhang Kun looked indifferently at the terrifying monster that appeared in the void, and saw that he had three heads, which looked particularly terrifying like sarcoid tumors, and each head was covered with densely packed eyes. The pupils emitted a green light, making everyone feel a chill!
"Hiss." Seeing this scene, countless people gasped. The terrifying monster in front of them felt terrified in their hearts.

In the Kunhua faction, many people are from the Xiaoshuo Empire. They have experienced the tide of undead brought by the Lord of the Black Moon. At this moment, they seem to recall the profound experience brought to them when the Lord of the Black Moon came. The terror in the depths of the soul is ordinary!
Not only the people of the Kunhua Sect, but even the disciples of the world's sects who were watching the Kunhua Sect all opened their eyes wide in horror. They didn't know that there was such a terrifying person hidden under the body of Ji Hong. monster!

"What the hell is this?" Countless people asked tremblingly.

Zhang Kun looked a little dignified, looked at the scalp-numbing monster, and spit out a few words: "Ancient alien!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there are still people who remember this deity!" The three heads on the monster's neck laughed wildly at the same time, revealing ferocious and sharp teeth!

When Zhang Kun killed Master Ji Hong, he had already noticed a trace of its aura, which was very similar to the aura he felt in the Crystal Palace deep in the Arctic Ocean. It came from ancient times, with an ancient The prehistoric aura is incompatible with this piece of heaven and earth, and this kind of existence is called an ancient alien species.

They have different shapes, terrifying strength, and are born with many supernatural powers. They don't even belong to the whole world, and some of them come from the hell world!
The demon kings of the hell realm have worked hard for thousands of years, always looking for opportunities to invade the lower realm, opened up many space cracks, broke through the boundary and came to the lower realm, although their strength will be suppressed, they still suppress the first realm!
I don't know where this real Ji Hong came from, maybe he was taken away, maybe he was awakened by a demon god, no matter which one he is, he is so powerful and frightening!

Not only that, but their vitality is even more powerful and terrifying. Just imagine how difficult it is to kill the alien species that can survive the prehistoric era until now!
And this ancient alien species in front of me is the legendary three-headed dog guarding the gate of hell. Its body is filled with the blood of a demon god. The boiling blood is like strong acid, like flowing lava, melting everything. At this moment, he is exhaling yellow rotten air, and the flowers, plants and trees in the Kunhua world are withering because of this!
The Tianxia Zongmen was originally retreating, but now they seemed to see hope, and looked at Zhang Kun with a sneer!

"It's terrible!" The newly recovered confidence of the Kunhua faction fell to the bottom again!

"Die, Zhang Kun!" The three-headed dog of the underworld roared angrily. It raised its huge palm, and the entire Kunhua Realm mountaintop, hundreds of feet of earth and rocks were all cracked, as if it couldn't bear the terrifying force. , The sky cracked a deep hole!
The Kunhua faction who had walked out of the Dan formation hastily pushed into the Dan formation and opened the lotus formation again, while those disciples of the Tianxia sect who were far away fled in haste one by one. When the air of corruption gets a little bit, he immediately cries for his father and mother!


"It's terrible!" Before they had time to rejoice in their misfortune, they were enveloped in the terrifying attack of the three-headed dog of the underworld, and they exploded to death one by one. The monks who had not reached the golden core state died violently one after another!

Zhang Kun looked indifferently at the three-headed dog of the underworld in front of him, and shot out a beam of light, only to see a delicate little sword hidden in the light, which turned into a blood rainbow, pierced through the air, and condensed to the essence of a murderous blast Blast away!


The blood rainbow is the terrifying murderous aura attached to the Fish Intestine Sword, possessing the power to kill immortals!

(End of this chapter)

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