Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 661 Magic Flame Body Forging

Chapter 661 Magic Flame Body Forging
Roaring angrily, the three-headed dog of the Underworld ran towards Zhang Kun again, just like thousands of giant elephants running wildly on the grassland. Scatter and flee!
This time Zhang Kun changed his previous style of manipulating the flying sword from a distance, and charged forward directly, his terrifying brute force burst out completely, and his aura was raised to the peak, just like a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex!
"Boom boom boom!"

One person and one beast fought in mid-air, so fast that it was difficult for everyone to catch any details. The people below could only see two groups of lights and shadows clashing crazily, and Zhang Kun's every punch and every kick was real Booming on the head of the three-headed dog of the underworld, there was a tooth-piercing impact sound!

Holding its bloody head, the three-headed dog of the underworld could only rage helplessly in place. Its huge body had no possibility of dodging at all, but Zhang Kun was too flexible. He dodged repeatedly in the air, and its huge hooves and sharp blades could not even open Kun's clothes can't even be touched!
"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun quickly punched and punched, and there was a sonic boom. Every blow was like a falling meteor. The dragon's blood and keel endowed him with such strength that he could shake the earth!

The three-headed dog of the underworld wailed angrily in pain, raised a head and threw it towards Zhang Kun, like a meteor hammer, with terrifying power that could destroy a secret realm, even the space in Kunhua Realm seemed to be Unbearable, mottled ripples appeared!

Zhang Kun sneered. Facing the sudden blow, he didn't panic at all. All he saw was that his five fingers were flaring up, and golden light flowed from each finger, setting him off like a god!
Every time the bombardment exploded the rocks on Kunhua Mountain, the sky and the earth collapsed!

The two fought and flew across half of the Kunhua Realm. This peaceful and peaceful secret place was completely devastated and in a mess under the fighting between the two. The mountains of the underworld were directly cut in half. The three-headed dog of the underworld is worthy of being the gatekeeper of hell. It is so powerful that even Zhang Kun cannot win quickly!

But he was injured after all, he lost a head, and the demonic energy in his body was constantly passing away, like half of a deflated big leather ball, which became more and more shriveled under Zhang Kun's attack. On the contrary, Zhang Kun here The more he fought, the more courageous he became, the vigor was like the sea, and the attack was like a dragon. His body was condensed with the world-killing dragon flames. Every blow, with a mighty divine light, directly tore the body of the three-headed dog of the underworld, and beat him to death. Get it to burst into blood!
"The physical body is good, you can refine a furnace of treasure pill!" Zhang Kun looked at the powerful physical body of the three-headed dog of the underworld, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared.

"Disrespectful!" The three-headed dog of the underworld roared. He is also a legendary demon god in the hell world, equal to the immortals in the fairy world. When has he been so humiliated by a mortal?
Zhang Kun sneered: "It's just a vicious dog that dares to act presumptuously in front of me, even if you are a powerful demon, I have killed it too!"

What he said is true, in the ancestral land of the Wangwen Empire, he once entered the body of the man in the green shirt Jing Tiandi, manipulated the mirror to kill the demon dragon, the powerful demon clan, and even fought against the demon king!
The demons in the hell world are famous for their viciousness. They never mind using all kinds of unconscionable methods for their own cultivation. There was once a powerful demon who evaporated the creatures of the entire star field in order to practice unrivaled magic skills. There is also a demon king In order to sacrifice the magic weapon, countless monks in the fairy world were captured alive, their souls were locked in the magic weapon, and they were burned day and night with blazing magic fire, making their life worse than death!
Therefore, the righteous way of the fairy world has sent troops to sweep the hell world many times, but in the end it was still unable to regain this world, which shows the strength of the demons in the hell world!

"Speak wild words, my demon clan can cut a whole world with one finger!"

The three-headed dog of the underworld roared, extremely angry, and drove the remaining two heads, and spewed out red and black magic flames!
"Monstrous Demonic Flame!"

The three-headed dog of the underworld roared out flames that split the sky, and the world seemed to be collapsing, crumbling, and everyone felt that the vitality in their bodies was evaporating!

The flame burned the blue sky, and the dark black magic flame was accompanied by extremely terrifying magic energy. This is the original magic fire of the three-headed dog in the underworld. It cannot be used several times in a lifetime, and it is not inferior to the spiritual energy born between heaven and earth. , if the previous Daoist Ji Hong was here, he wouldn't be able to bear it for a long time with his extreme strength!

"Very comfortable!"

Zhang Kun grinned, and he was standing in the very center of the monstrous demonic flames, bathed in flames all over his body. He didn't have any scars on his body. Instead, he summoned the dragon soul, turned into a golden dragon, and attracted everyone around him with his teeth and claws. The monstrous magic flame poured into his body!
"How is it possible that his body can't even be burned by the magic flame?" The three-headed dog of the underworld was so shocked that the countless eyeballs on its head were about to fall to the ground. The terrifying power of its own magic flame is so terrifying. In front of it, it was as fragile as a child, but Zhang Kun was not injured at all, and dared to induce the magic flame to temper himself?

Zhang Kun smiled faintly. His body is Kunyu's physique, which was tempered by Wendao's Heavenly Tribulation, and he practiced hard for a year under the Arctic ice ocean. Reaching the limit, supplemented by a large number of panacea, has reached perfection, and almost no means can harm his body, unless the opponent has the divine power of the Nascent Soul level, and a wave of vitality of the five elements swims around his body, which is his body. The power of the spirit base is absorbing the power of the magic flame at this moment, making the spirit base even stronger!
Everyone stared wide-eyed and saw Zhang Kun standing proudly in the air, like a phoenix bathing in fire. He frantically absorbed the surrounding magic flames, and the three-headed dog of the underworld continued to spit flames unconvinced, refining the void It's normal, but it can't cause even a little damage to Zhang Kun!
"Boom!" There was a deafening sound, Zhang Kun held up the endless fire energy he had absorbed with one hand, and clenched his fist tightly. At this moment, his fist strength broke through the limit, and several world order The chains are all entangled, as if such a terrifying power is not allowed to exist!
Zhang Kun punched the three-headed dog in the underworld extremely amazingly. Suddenly, there were only monstrous red and black flames in the sky, and one person and one beast attacked and killed together. It was difficult for everyone to see the scene!
"Whoever wins, who wins!"

At this moment, everyone looked at the sky-high flames with concern, and saw a huge and fat figure in the exploding mushroom cloud smashing to the ground like a meteorite, blasting a distance of hundreds of meters. Big pit!
(End of this chapter)

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