Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 667

Chapter 667 Successfully Taking the Sword-
In an instant, countless information frantically poured into Zhang Kun's mind, making his head almost explode. Every corner of his sea of ​​consciousness was firmly occupied by the knowledge of refining weapons, without any gaps. This also means that he doesn't have any spare energy to think about other things, and all his thoughts are spent on breaking through the craftsman!

"No way, it's not that difficult to become a craftsman, why is he in such pain?" Fei Zhu covered her cherry lips lightly, and said with some surprise, in her impression, low-level craftsmen such as craftsmen, craftsmen and master craftsmen Teachers are nothing at all, and if you catch a lot of them, they don't have a high status in the sect, they're just thugs.

Therefore, Fei Zhu passed all the information and knowledge to Zhang Kun, otherwise she would definitely not be so reckless, and did not even consider whether Zhang Kun could accept it!
"Don't be sarcastic, tell me those are the important points first, and help me sort out the basic context!" Zhang Kun gritted his teeth, and said to Fei Zhu with difficulty, now it is extremely difficult for him to separate out a little bit of spirit!

Fu'er's delicate body was trembling all the time, her smooth back was slightly red, her face was completely burned up as if she had suffered from heat stroke, her eyes were closed tightly, her body was trembling constantly, Zhang Kun knew that she must be in unbearable pain at this moment.

"Okay, okay, you start to understand from the timing of the fire!" Fei Zhu said quickly.

Zhang Kun immediately gathered his mind. With his current strength and state, it is not difficult to understand what Fei Zhu said, but there are too many information coming in all of a sudden, and it is difficult for him to accept!

But Zhang Kun's spirit is always imagining the river map in Kunyu Huazhang, and it has been polished all the time. This difficulty can't defeat him. If it is replaced by any Jindan strong man, I am afraid that he will pass out all of a sudden!

"Ah, Master Zhang Kun, I feel so uncomfortable!"

Fu'er couldn't help groaning in pain, her delicate little face covered with an uncomfortable expression.

Zhang Kun could only use a little energy to generate a few bursts of vitality, and entered Fu'er's body to help her stabilize the ancient sword in her dantian. The dantian was restrained, and she was going to suck her soul essence to consume her energy. If Zhang Kun couldn't stop it sooner, Fu'er's life might be in danger!
"Fu'er, you must hold on, give me some time!" Zhang Kun said in a deep voice, now that he has dominated the world, the only thing that can make him worry is only a few people, he did not expect that at this moment he would meet to difficulties.

Fu'er's body convulsed, and she gasped weakly. It was obvious that her physical strength had been overdrawn. Whether it was Zhang Kun's treatment or Gu Jian's restraint, she was actually using her body as a battlefield. Zhang Kun and Gu Jian Fighting for control of her body!

"En!" Fu'er could only groan, bit her lip, and forced herself not to fall asleep, otherwise she might not be able to wake up.

The process of taking out the Horcrux cannot be done by Zhang Kun alone. Fuer must also have the will to defeat the ancient sword, otherwise, with Zhang Kun's current attainments in refining weapons, forcibly taking the sword is tantamount to Consuming Fuer's vitality!
After a long time, Zhang Kun sorted out the knowledge of refining weapons taught by Fei Zhu little by little, and digested them all completely. At the same time, the three spiritual objects on Fuer's body also lit up, as if they had spirituality. .

A piece of material, in the hands of different people, has a completely different ending. In the eyes of those who don't know how to do it, natural materials and earthly treasures are also considered useless!
These three materials are all materials that can be used to refine spirit-level magic weapons. They were like dead objects in the hands of Zhang Kun before, and they did not show what a divine material should be at all. Splendid!

The three spiritual objects burned up all of a sudden, turned into heat and poured into Fu'er's delicate body, and the shocks hit her dantian like a river!

"Ah!" Fu'er couldn't help shouting out, but the pain on her face eased a bit, and the ancient sword in her body floated up and down, making trembling sounds.

The three spirit objects were carefully selected by Fei Zhu, which could relieve Fu'er's pain to the greatest extent without harming her life and strength, but the suppression of this ancient sword seemed a bit weak!
Fei Zhu said in Zhang Kun's ear: "Sure enough, I still underestimated it, Zhang Kun, you must be careful next time!"

Zhang Kun nodded solemnly and said, "Okay!"

"The principle of taking the sword is actually very simple. This sword needs a host to provide it with energy. Fu'er's body is its shelter. What you have to do is to use the energy of these three spiritual objects to attract it, hook it Come out." Fei Zhu said.

Zhang Kun suddenly realized that when he understood the principle, the next things would be much easier, but it still tested his skill in controlling the refining materials. These three spiritual objects were all top-quality refining materials. As far as Gu Jian is concerned, they are good nourishment. If the energy of these materials can be absorbed, Gu Jian will no longer need to entangle Fuer's body!

Zhang Kun operated carefully, which was much simpler than his alchemy and weapon refining. It was enough to think about a part, but he still didn't dare to be careless.

I saw that he controlled the three kinds of spiritual things, and the input of vitality turned into a palm, which penetrated into Fu'er's body like a bag, but Zhang Kun didn't care. He formed seals with both hands, turning into countless radiant lines The silk thread moved the ancient sword in Fu'er's dantian.

At this moment, Zhang Kun was able to see the appearance of the sword. Just looking at it from a distance, this sword is particularly extraordinary, as if it was made by nature.

Outside the room, Su Fangmeng and Liang Lingxue had been standing in the courtyard for an afternoon.

Su Fangmeng's pretty face turned pale, and she tightly pinched the hem of her white gauze skirt, while Liang Lingxue looked worried.

"Brother Zhang Kun hasn't come out for so long, it's been an afternoon!" Liang Lingxue couldn't help but said, but she still believed in Zhang Kun. He even survived such a difficult environment on the Arctic ice sheet. What difficulties are there for Zhang Kun? Kun can't get over it?

At this moment, bursts of youthful laughter came from the room.

"Hahaha, what a good sword, what a good sword!"

"I didn't expect that it would take no effort to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes!"

At this moment in the room, Fu'er was covered with a quilt and collapsed on the bed, but she had a relaxed expression on her face, as if she had got rid of the serious illness for many years, and she was happy and joyful.

 It’s the weekend, readers, the author is an early bird, do you have any worms to eat?
(End of this chapter)

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