Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 669 The Sword Array Has Been Completed

Chapter 669 The Sword Array Has Been Completed
After listening to Feizhu's words, Zhang Kun felt the magic of the sword more and more. He held the sword lightly, and a burst of vitality poured into it!
Immediately, Zhang Kun felt the arrogance conveyed by this sword. It was the arrogance of looking down on the world, and it was the sword of kingship!

The noble patterns on the sword's body brightened up, and there were bursts of trembling sounds, like a dragon hitting nine heavens!

Zhang Kun laughed and said, "This sword fits me!"

Chengying is exquisite and elegant, and it is beneficial without contending. It used to be the sword of Emperor Jingtian, and it has been accompanied by Zhang Kun's growth all the time, while Yuchang is violent and perverse. Known as the sword of bravery, it carries a strong murderous look. The fish intestines can only display its true power when he has a killing heart. Since Zhang Kun used the fish intestines to change his life in a desperate situation last time in the Arctic ice field, he has gradually been able to control the fish intestine sword!
And Chunjun is a divine sword co-cast by heaven and man, with the life of a master craftsman as a sacrifice, noble and unparalleled, just like Zhang Kun at this moment, looking down on the world, unparalleled in the world!
At this moment Chun Jun also responded to Zhang Kun, he has recognized the power of this sword master!
Only by controlling the sword with heart can the best effect be achieved, otherwise, the sword is just a dead thing!

"With these three swords, my sword array can be completed!" Zhang Kun stroked Chunjun, and at the same time called out two other divine swords, the blood-red fish intestines, the blue Chengying, and the golden-colored Chunjun, The three different colors complement each other, and under Zhang Kun's control, they merge together.

Zhang Kun was a little surprised. He thought that this process would be as difficult as combining alchemy, but what he didn't expect was that the three divine swords seemed to find the same frequency, resonated, and were extremely closely integrated. Under the command of , they are waving synchronously in an extremely harmonious manner!

"It seems that they were once one!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene.

Zhang Kun's eyes were like lightning, as if he could pierce the void. As he muttered words, the three ancient swords flew up, attracting and circling each other, forming a huge sword array. The three divine swords above the sky suppressed the sky Suddenly, the sword rain fell like a torrential rain.As fast as lightning, the rain of swords scattered, as if the sky was full of cold stars, falling at the same time!

Countless sword rains, every sword that falls has the ability to kill the strong Jindan. If such a sword array appears on the battlefield, it may be able to kill an entire army with one move!

Huo Ruyi shoots the nine sunsets, and he is like a dragon flying like a group of emperors!
"However, this consumption of vitality is really terrifying!" Zhang Kun said regretfully. Normally, he would use all his strength to drive an excalibur. This time, the three swords flew together, and the vitality consumed was comparable The superposition has produced a qualitative change!

With the power of Zhang Kun's foundation building now, it can only drive the sword formation to last for a stick of incense!

"It seems that only when I reach the Golden Core Realm can I really play the true role of this array!"

Zhang Kun withdrew from Mirror Realm, and Liang Lingxue had already arrived.

"Lingxue, you also know the information we got in the Arctic Ice Field. I have to find those three spiritual objects. Which one do you think I should start?" Zhang Kun pulled Liang Lingxue in, and the two of them Sit opposite.

Liang Lingxue thought for a while and said, "I used to worship the leader of the Ronghao League as my teacher, and I also had exchanges with Mr. Bi Fang."

Zhang Kun nodded. Liang Lingxue would benefit a lot from knowing Mr. Bi Fang. Zhang Kun still remembered that she liked to study formations when she was in Changyang City, and Mr. Bi Fang was a master of formations!
"Mr. Bi Fang sent out a mission in the alliance a few days ago. It seems that the bird he drives is going through a transformation period, and needs to find fire in the southern monster empire." Liang Lingxue said.

Zhang Kun put his hand on the table, thought for a while and said, "Alright, we will visit Mr. Bi Fang tomorrow and go into the Yaozu Empire with him. Mr. Bi Fang's strength and formation skills can just help us! "

Liang Lingxue said with a smile: "Well, Mr. Bi Fang is extremely powerful, and he is indeed our reliable right-hand man."

"It's not too late, let's start tomorrow!" Zhang Kun decided.

Liang Lingxue said: "The southern monster empire is full of dangers, and there are even golden core monsters and even ancient alien species haunting it. In addition to the complex and changeable jungle environment there, we need to make more preparations."

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "It's okay, I can make alchemy overnight to deal with all kinds of situations."

Liang Lingxue put her palm-sized petite and flawless face in her hand, tilted her head and smiled and said, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Thank you for your hard work, you have always been with me in the North Pole."

Liang Lingxue lowered her head and smiled shyly: "If possible, Lingxue wants to be with Brother Zhang Kun for the rest of her life."

At this moment, Liang Lingxue's watery and smooth whiteness is somewhat translucent under the moonlight, her icy muscles and bones look like a fairy, her clear and bright beautiful eyes are blinking, full of affection, like the willows in March. The eyebrows add a bit of charm, the corners of the eyes are full of sweet smiles, the smart and delicate Qiong nose, the thin cherry lips, and the beautiful smile displayed on the exquisite and flawless face make it difficult for Zhang Kun to keep his mind!
Because of absorbing the ice queen's spiritual core, her body carried a faint fragrance, like wintersweet in the snow.

Zhang Kun smiled without saying a word, took out the cauldron of Shenli, and began to refine the elixir.

After a year of submerged training under the deep sea of ​​the Arctic ice sheet, Zhang Kun not only advanced by leaps and bounds, but also did not lag behind in alchemy, and Zhang Kun dominated the entire Unnamed Continent. Dan Fang.

It can be said that the elixirs in Zhang Kun's hands are omnipotent. From recovery to attack, from defense to increase, from poisoning to weakening, these elixirs can be said to be omnipotent!


The embers and residual flames ignited in the cauldron of the divine fence. This kind of spiritual fire has accompanied Zhang Kun for two or three years, but it can still meet Zhang Kun's daily alchemy needs. However, most alchemists have more than one kind of alchemy spirit fire.

For the alchemist, the properties of the flames that are required to be used in different refining pills should also be different. The residual flame of the sky is a pure flame attribute, which can meet the needs of refining most of the pills. However, refining Frost elixir is not so suitable.

"I heard that there is a field of fire in the southern monster empire, which was the dojo of a powerful man in ancient times, and there were frequent spiritual fires." Zhang Kun remembered such information.

"This time I'm going to the south, in addition to looking for the Chixia flame breath, I should also look for several more spiritual fires." Zhang Kun thought.

The embers and flames will warm the night, and the medicinal materials that Zhang Kun took out began to emit a burst of light fragrance. This scene is warm and beautiful, Liang Lingxue looked at Zhang Kun with a smile and said, "Shall I dance the sword for you? "

(End of this chapter)

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