Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 682 is late

Chapter 682 is late

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "For the time being, we don't know what level the Great Witch God's strength is, nor what his purpose is, but at least we know his plan."

Mr. Bi Fang also nodded and said: "So, our next step is to go to the flame well in the southwest."

Liang Lingxue said with a little worry: "I'm afraid this is a trap. What the big blood shadow demon spirit said may not be true. It is very likely that the great witch god has laid a net there, waiting for us to go to die."

Zhang Kun closed his eyes, thought for a moment, then opened his eyes and said: "Our goal is the Chixia Yanxi, but if we want to summon the Chixia Yanxi, the seven altars must be controlled in our hands. What is the attitude of the Yaozu, if such a big incident happened, and it is on the territory of the Yaozu, I think they will definitely not sit idly by."

"But it's useless for us to stay here now. Why don't we go to Yanjing first." Zhang Kun said.

Liang Lingxue opened her lips slightly and said, "Would it be too dangerous? You just promised me that you would not take any more risks."

Mr. Bi Fang also said solemnly: "Zhang Kun, you have a special status now. You shouldn't have come out so easily to risk yourself. Now you are still in the foundation building state. If you cultivate for a period of time and reach the Golden Core, we will also give you a chance. You don't have to be so timid anymore."

This time, the plan to find Chixia Yanxi was originally not that complicated. As long as he avoids the edge of the demon emperor, Zhang Kun thinks that no one will be his opponent. Wait for him to take Chixia Yanxi and swagger back to the human territory. But what I didn't expect was that there was another Vulcan cult here to stir things up, which greatly exceeded Liang Lingxue's risk assessment for this trip. She was no longer willing to take Zhang Kun's risk and fight with her life!
Zhang Kun looked at Liang Lingxue, his eyes were full of tenderness and said: "I know you care about me, but I still want to go. It's not Zhang Kun's style to be timid and timid. Besides, I have killed the strong in the extreme realm. I may not It’s no match for the great witch god! And this time we are well prepared, I still have the Earth Emperor’s armor on me!”

Liang Lingxue took a deep breath and said, "Okay then, you must promise that if we lose, we will run together!"

"Yes, yes, don't worry!" Zhang Kun smiled, stepped forward to fondle Liang Lingxue's ice-coloured hair, and hung her little nose.

As soon as Zhang Kun raised his hand, dozens of jumping spiritual fires full of flame and vitality appeared in his hands. These are all spiritual fires collected by the blood shadow apostles from various places. They plan to use them to sacrifice Chixiayan No news, but now Zhang Kun has caught them all.

"Mr. Bi Fang, you can choose which ones can help Bi Fang's bird?" Zhang Kun said with a smile.

Mr. Bi Fang stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Haha, I didn't contribute anything this time, so how could I have the nerve to ask for your spoils, let's take them back first!"

Zhang Kun thought for a while, then nodded, and put away the fire seeds. Next, he needed the assistance of these fire seeds to summon Chixia Yanxi.

"It's not too late, let's go now!" Zhang Kun snorted, and the three divine swords that suppressed Gao Tian in the sky returned to his side, and the divine swords trembled, as if they were very eager Like drinking the blood of the enemy, they know that a big battle is coming!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Zhang Kun grasped the Dao formula in his hand and flew with his sword. He stepped on the shadow and flew away, while Yuchang and Chunjun carried Mr. Bi Fang and Liang Lingxue respectively, and flew into the sky, piercing the clouds and breaking the sound barrier. Frighteningly, they flew towards the flame well!

It wasn't until Zhang Kun flew away with them and gradually disappeared into the sky that the mercenaries in Scorching Valley regained their ability to think as if they had just woken up from a dream!

"What's the situation, what did I see?" Countless mercenary men were stunned on the spot, their mouths were opened wide and they couldn't close them at all.

The hooked-nosed old man gasped, unable to believe what was happening before his eyes, it was simply unbelievable.

City Lord Yaohong fell into deep shock, his eyes were full of shock, originally they had been driven to a desperate situation, but they never thought that a sword array would fall from the sky and kill countless blood shadow demon spirits!

Later, Zhang Kun raised his hand casually, and grabbed the big blood shadow demon spirit out of the void. This scene amazed everyone, what a terrifying strength this must be!
"He, he, could it be?" City Lord Yaohong and the hooked-nosed old man looked at each other, and they both read the horror in each other's eyes.

At the same time, they guessed endlessly, at such a young age, with such a terrifying method, there was a stunning girl by her side.

On this continent, there is probably only one person who can do this, right?

"I didn't expect that we were so close to him!" The hooked-nosed old man had a remorseful look on his face. If he could have discovered this earlier, as long as Zhang Kun showed a little bit of goodness through his fingers, it would be enough to make him flourish!

The uncle with a square face was so frightened that his legs went limp. Fortunately, he didn't provoke Zhang Kun too much before, and he knelt down to apologize in time, otherwise his body would have been completely cold!

Zhang Kun controlled Chengying, and while traveling the sky, he kept his divine sense to the maximum extent, and everything around him was under his control.

"It's almost there!" Zhang Kun said, he had already sensed a palpitating aura, which gave him a faint feeling that he was invincible.

Suddenly a huge figure with a human head appeared in the void, and he sneered at Zhang Kun and said, "It's you, kid, do you dare to disturb the plan of the Great Witch God? You really can't control yourself!"

It was a blood shadow apostle who appeared in front of him. Zhang Kun had arrived a few steps late. He had already controlled this place of flames and built a flame altar here.

The high altar seemed to be able to pierce the sky. Several spiritual fires were enshrined on it, and the various colors complement each other. A stream of flames burned and shot up into the sky. Those spiritual fires trembled, as if being pulled and bound by some kind of force They seem to be stuck, and their fire cores are swaying, as if they are very painful. It is a secret technique of the Vulcan Sect, which is used to sacrifice spiritual fire to create the supreme flame, the red glow.

Under the altar on the high platform, the corpses of human mercenaries were covered all over the ground. Obviously, not only one mercenary wanted to take this opportunity to find the spiritual fire, but unfortunately, they did not expect that not only monsters were hidden in the endless jungle, but also monsters. There are taboos that should have disappeared, and the appearance of the Vulcan Cult has shattered all their hopes!
On the flame altar, stood a blood shadow apostle, looking at Zhang Kun who came through the air with a sneer!
 Something went out yesterday, delayed the update, make up!

(End of this chapter)

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