Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 685 The Power of Blasphemy

Chapter 685 The Power of Blasphemy
Zhang Kun has no doubts about the terrifying power of the Great Witch God. If he is allowed to rush out of here and enter the human territory, I am afraid that no one can stop his terrifying power. The blood shadow demon spirit under him alone is enough to rival Zhang Kun's Celestial Legion is gone, not to mention, he still holds this divine scepter in his hand, the impure thorn!


Zhang Kun let out a loud shout, and the pure jun in his hand turned into a dazzling and huge golden light, and the fiery holy flame burst out vigorously, illuminating the night. This sword is the supreme sword of kingship, and will never allow anyone Filth has appeared in this land!
The divine sense in his body has reached its peak state, drawing all the vitality from the surrounding world and pouring it into the pure Jun sword, making the supreme blade soar several times, swallowing golden flames, it seems to be able to It's like splitting the sky!

There was a numbing sound of snakes, and the nine blood shadow serpents summoned by the unclean thorn, each of which had the strength of the peak of Jindan, this is a terrible thing, the entire Kunhua sect It may not be possible to gather nine strong men who are at the peak of Jindan!

"Now you know what a terrifying existence you are facing?" The Great Witch God laughed wildly, manipulating the nine big snakes, and rushed towards the pure Jun sword shadow in Zhang Kun's hand!

"Clang clang!"

It was as if the explosive sound of metal clashing continued to resound. The nine blood-shadowed serpents were made of steel, with copper heads and iron arms, and densely packed snake scales covered their bodies. Every time the serpent stirred its body, it would be released. A gust of blood, like a terrifying storm on the ocean, tore apart the world!
The wild wind blows away all the condensed sword energy on Zhang Kun's sword, and its power suddenly decreases. No matter how much vitality he pours into, it is difficult to compete with it!

The nine big snakes raised their heads, and the bloody snakes shrank suddenly, as if locking Zhang Kun and the others, which made people feel palpitating. Only a loud noise was heard, and the nine big snakes spit out a blood mist!
The mist of blood filled the air. It was a terrifying poison that was rare in the world. It was enough to turn an alchemy expert into pus!
Liang Lingxue shouted, stretched out her pure white lotus root arms, and danced lightly in the air, and the ice elements around her suddenly became violent!
I saw her pull out the Ice Soul Sword at her waist in an instant, as if an avalanche was coming, the long sky was cut into a line, and endless frost was attached to her sword, turning into ice crystals, and the sword bloomed like ice flowers Normally, the sky is full of scattered ice energy!

"Dance in the Ice Sky!"

Liang Lingxue's clear voice sounded again. Countless swirling snowflakes turned out to be fine silver particles like diamonds. The surrounding space was so frozen that several deep cracks appeared, as if wrinkled. collapse!

"This is, the burial song of the Ice Queen?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but exclaimed. He had witnessed this scene in the Arctic ice field, and the ice storm that swept across the entire ice field and the cold environment reappeared at this moment!
As Liang Lingxue's sword became faster and faster, the storm also gathered to the highest point, and the eyes were pale snow-colored. Everyone's souls were about to freeze at this moment, and countless blood shadow demon spirits fell, and the great witch god couldn't help but There was a flash of surprise.

In the icy cold wind, nine blood shadow snakes roared with their heads held high, and countless ice crystals fell on their bodies, making clanking noises. Although they could not penetrate their sturdy snake scales, the piercing chill still penetrated into the snakes, causing the speed of the big snakes to drop sharply !

The icy air covering the surrounding fields slowly covered the entire battlefield. The vegetation was frosted and the magma froze. The deadly poison was also extinguished by freezing!

The bloody light on the impure thorn was partly covered, and the figure of the Great Witch God seemed a little illusory, but the arrogance in his eyes did not diminish at all, and his face was indifferent, as if he was facing a light snow!

"It's so beautiful, it's pitiful. Why don't you follow me, and my great witch god will promise you glory and wealth!"

The Great Witch God spoke casually, with a bit of lust and greed in his eyes, even a person like him couldn't help but be tempted after seeing Liang Lingxue's peerless face.

Standing on the altar of flames, he held up the unclean thorn, a mouthful of blood was poured out of his mouth, and smeared on the unclean thorn. Immediately, the divine staff seemed to be awakened, and it boiled hotly. All the mysterious bloodstains depicted came alive, as if a group of worms were crawling on the scepter, disgusting!

The great witch god gave orders to the nine big snakes with the unclean thorns of his scepter, and they immediately trembled crazily, as if their essence and blood had been sucked out by someone. Get up, like a violent trapped beast, crushing everything it touches!
The Yanjing is the same as the Burning Valley, the terrain is the kind of cliffs and deep valleys, twisted by the huge body of the nine big snakes, and then huge stones fall down, and the solid rocks are crushed by the snake body, and suddenly turned into powder!
"What is he doing?" Mr. Bi Fang couldn't help asking. He was manipulating the formation and wanted to tear off the head of a big snake, but he was shaken away by a huge force, and the unclean thorns of the staff were released. There was a force of repulsion, and he didn't want anything to disturb its weird and terrifying ceremony!
Zhang Kun frowned deeply, he felt a majestic curse power, the blasphemous power was continuously released, countless demon spirits danced in the sky, the air was filled with blood, and the howls of countless resentful spirits rang through his ears side.

It's unbelievable how many lives were sacrificed by the person who trained this magic staff to create such a bloody magic weapon!

Thousands of ghosts howled at the same time, the loud cries made one's scalp tingle, the Great Witch God seemed to be killing the nine-headed serpent he had finally summoned at this moment!
Zhang Kun and others couldn't help but stop the offensive in their hands, and looked at him with great vigilance!
"Boom boom boom!"

The blood mist exploded immediately, and they saw a deformed monster appearing in the thick blood mist!

With a slender snake body, ferocious scales, monster-like sharp claws, monstrous blood pupils, a deformed monster with a human face and a snake body, the great witch god has merged himself with nine big snakes!
Nine arms grew from behind him, all of which were as majestic and terrifying as the nine big snakes before. Everyone shudders!


The great witch god with a snake body spat out a word, and his nine arms stretched across the air, forming a secret seal, which swallowed the power of blasphemy around him, and evolved into a world-destroying torrent, pointing directly at Zhang Kun!

(End of this chapter)

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