Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 687

Chapter 687
The space trembled violently, as if it couldn't resist the power of the great witch god beyond the limit, the limitation of heaven and earth still existed, the great witch god was an evil god from ancient times, the power contained in his body was far beyond the golden core level, and it was endless, as if it were endless generally!
At this moment, if he exerts all his strength, he will also incur the punishment of Heavenly Tribulation. Every moment he uses his power, he will lose a year of life!However, the scepter in his hand exudes blood-red brilliance, absorbing the vitality of those blood shadow demon spirits to offset the impact of the catastrophe on him!
"What exactly does he want to do, control the demon clan?" Zhang Kun stared at the strong pressure brought by the Great Witch God, and said with difficulty. Even with the Emperor's Armor standing in front of him, Zhang Kun still felt as if his body was about to collapse. Torn apart!
Every strand of vitality in his body is bursting and trembling. Under the pressure of the [-]-meter deep sea on the Arctic ice sheet, his vitality has been condensed to the extreme state, but at this moment it is still about to be crushed and collapsed!
The phantom of the Earth Emperor transformed from the Earth Emperor's armor floated up and down in mid-air, and the countless life energy of the earth seemed to have heard the order, forming a huge barrier in front of Zhang Kun, struggling to resist the unclean thorn onslaught!
"Hahaha, I see how long you can last?" The great witch waved his snake-like arms, making people dizzy for a while. The rhythm of the dazzling arm movements coincides with an ancient witchcraft, which makes people feel dizzy. Soul lost!
Although the Great Witch God seemed very confident and didn't take Zhang Kun and others seriously at all, he didn't show any mercy when he shot. He used all his strength when he came up, and he didn't hesitate to incur the punishment of God and sacrifice the lives of his subordinates, and he also broke out to surpass The ultimate strength crushed Zhang Kun!

"Boom boom boom!" At this moment, countless hot bubbles boiled in the broken flame well, as if something was about to appear!
The flame altar set up by the great witch god is also red at this moment, as if it might explode at any moment!
At the same time, Zhang Kun saw that in the distance, there were several other beams of light that soared into the sky, shooting directly into the sky, like a prairie fire, burning everything in the world!
"Red Cloud Flame Breath!"

There was a rare look of longing for worship in the eyes of the Great Witch God. With his identity and strength, he should not have put anything in his eyes for a long time, but at this moment, he raised his hands and turned towards the sky, as if he was worshiping, his face The expression on the face is extremely sincere!
As if he was accepting some kind of blessing from heaven, he raised his ugly and deformed head, his snake-like body entangled, and rushed to the sky, and in the sky, a fire shadow was slowly appearing!
Even if Zhang Kun took action to prevent the Great Witch God from setting up an altar in Scorching Valley, the number of spiritual fires refined by the other flame altars was enough to sacrifice to summon the King of Ten Thousand Fires, Chixia Yan died!

After all, Zhang Kun and others were one step too late. When he stepped into the flame well, the blood shadow apostle was actually ready to summon the great witch god to receive the red glow's breath!

And the Great Witch God was just teasing them all the time before, and he was about to get what he wanted!

"What about the Yaozu, why has there been no response? This is clearly the territory of the Yaozu, but they haven't made any movement. What are they doing?" Mr. Bi Fang couldn't help but wonder.

Such a huge plan of the Great Witch God and such a world-shattering battle cannot be concealed at all. The battle between him and Zhang Kun has already alarmed all the creatures in a thousand miles around!
And the demon clan is ruled by a super powerful demon emperor. Would that invincible demon emperor allow a great witch god who should have disappeared in the long river of history to jump around on his own territory?
"Hahaha, demon emperor?" The great witch god rushed to the sky, his eyes were full of disdain.

"After today, I will become the new demon emperor!" The Great Witch God laughed out loud, showing off wantonly, his eyes were full of fanaticism, as if he was about to gain great power, which made him tremble with excitement stand up!
"What is the relationship between Chixia Yanxi and the Demon Emperor?" Zhang Kun frowned deeply and asked skyward.

The Great Witch God didn't look at him, but just sneered and said, "The dead don't need to know that much, just shut up and witness the birth of the new master of this world!"

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Kun watched the Great Witch God ascend to the sky, holding a sharp sword in his hand, but he couldn't take a step forward. The torrent of secret seals was hitting the Emperor's Armor all the time!
The power of the Unclean Thorn of the Divine Scepter has been shown to the extreme. The root cause is that he is too weak and low-level. Even if he has the divine sword in his hand, he cannot exert their true power!

He is now in the foundation-building realm, and he should be using a Taoist weapon. Even Zhang Kun, the spiritual weapon, can't control it, and he can't fully use the power of the spiritual weapon. With my own depression!
Unless, Zhang Kun uses the power of the mirror field to drive the Excalibur, but this also means that he has to pay a huge price. The last time he used the mirror field to resist the funeral song of the ice queen closed the mirror field for a full year, causing the world In great chaos, Zhang Kun's power fell apart and was almost on the verge of collapse!

Afterwards, Jingyu warned Zhang Kun that he must not overdraw the power of Jingyu in a short period of time, otherwise the price will be Zhang Kun's life!


The fiery flames formed a ring of fire and began to burn unscrupulously. With the Great Witch God as the core, there were nine layers of rings of fire, and nine spiritual fires danced on each layer of the ring of fire, exuding world-dazzling flame energy!

The grade of these spirit fires is extremely high, and each one is an extraordinary fire, which can be compared with the remaining flames of the sky in the cauldron of the god's hedge for the last time!

Ninety-nine 81 spiritual fires, this is the number of days!

The spiritual fire was beating, shining, and burning with all its strength, as if it wanted to overdraw all its life and dedicate it to something!

The first ring of fire was formed, and the [-]-meter-long ring of fire ignited the entire jungle. There were swaying flames everywhere, and the flames burned the sky. Countless creatures fell because of this. Other than the others and the Great Witch God, there is no breath of life left!

This scene was suffocating, and everyone couldn't help holding their breath. They couldn't imagine what would happen next!
The second circle of fire is also slowly forming, and one after another the spiritual fires light up one after another, like a lit fuse, along the fuse, shining Gao Tian brightly!
The brilliance is like a great sun, and the great witch god stands proudly on the top of the sky, like an eternal god, looking down at the ants on the ground, the proud expression on his face gradually turned into a maniacal laugh!
"Is this the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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