Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 690

Chapter 690
Behind Zhang Kun was a world of ice and snow, the snowflakes were crystal clear, and the silver light flickered completely covering the entire flame well. There was no room for it. Everything was frozen and fell into dead silence!
Liang Lingxue, or in other words, the ice queen with a soft posture and soft bones, dancing lightly in Lingbo, like a fairy in the snow, returning everything around her to plain white.

The mountains and rivers trembled and stiffened from the cold, and the air seemed to freeze. This was an absolutely solid barrier of ice that froze everything, and even the Great Witch God couldn't resist such a force.

The blazing flames turned into ice flowers in an instant. Those who watched the battle from afar were all stunned, with expressions of disbelief. In the endless jungle in the south, a huge ice ball appeared out of thin air. The cold wind pierced the bones. Freeze all the nine rings of fire into ice rings!
This spectacle later attracted countless people to stop and watch. In the eyes of the world, there is a goddess of ice and snow who showed her might and sealed the evil witch god here, suppressing it forever!
"The Great Witch God, just like that, was sealed?" Many people felt that it was very unreal at this moment, the sense of oppression that the Great Witch God brought to them was too strong, and they all thought that the world might be destroyed in one fell swoop , but who would have thought that things would turn out like this!
After a false alarm, everyone took a deep breath, and at the same time they were extremely rejoiced. Fortunately, Liang Lingxue took action, which stopped the plot of the Great Witch God!

"It's a pity that Zhang Kun and Liang Lingxue were also frozen. Like the great witch god, they can't escape forever."

"They were buried with the Great Witch God. Of course they are human heroes, but it's a pity that the huge power established by Zhang Kun is about to collapse again!" Several human golden core powerhouses looked at each other and reached a consensus.

This time, they all saw Liang Lingxue exerting the power of the Ice Empress Spiritual Core, sublimating herself into an Ice Empress, perishing with the Great Witch God, and being frozen together. Zhang Kun was also among them. Not immune!
This is different from the last time on the Arctic ice field, when Zhang Kun saw no one alive, no dead body, and only the Lord of the Cold Land saw the battle.

Zhang Kun is just missing, no one is really sure that he is really dead, but after a long time, everyone has forgotten him, but this time is different, everyone really saw him and The great witch god died together.

Zhang Kun was really dead, and this idea floated in everyone's minds. Before they had time to think about how much shock it would bring to the Wuming Continent, everyone was shocked.

The last time Zhang Kun disappeared, an unprecedented all-out war broke out on the mainland. The human empire was in chaos. The Wangwen Empire, Xiaoshuo Empire, Xilan Kingdom and other empires became one, and the Kunhua faction was also visited by people. Paying a visit, stepped on the plaque and smashed the palace.

What will become of the Unnamed Continent this time, no one can predict!
And Zhang Kun stared blankly at all this happening. In all his eyes, there was no flying snow all over the sky, only a young girl's bewitching face. The ethnic features make her look extraordinarily coquettish and magnificent.

Her beautiful eyes are also purple, her straight nose bridge is a little smaller, and her porcelain white skin is comparable to the ice and snow behind them.

The girl took Zhang Kun and turned into a purple light and shadow. Before everyone could react, she broke through the space and escaped from the frozen ending.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath, and was about to speak, but felt a sense of exhaustion in his body. Just now, Zhang Kun forcibly used the power of the mirror field, but was forcibly cut off again, which brought a great burden to his body. , At this time, the power of backlash just appeared, making his eyes go dark, and he passed out.

"Hey, hey! Don't die!"

The monster girl looked at Zhang Kun lying in her arms, and panicked all of a sudden. She turned her ears and pressed her furry ears to Zhang Kun's chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat.

"Really, I tried my best to rescue you, and you passed out before you could say anything!" The monster girl pinched the flesh on Zhang Kun's face fiercely, as if she was venting her anger on him. After losing her temper, she looked at Zhang Kun and sighed faintly.

"I really don't know why my father fell in love with you." The monster girl puffed her mouth slightly, and glanced at Zhang Kun with a bit of curiosity and worry.

The Yaozu girl rubbed her head angrily and said to herself: "Forget it, forget it, let's take it back first and then talk about it."

After finishing speaking, she turned into a faint purple light and shadow again. Looking carefully, I saw a faint purple halo shining on her body, and a pair of beautiful and transparent purple wings grew out from her back. She seemed to have the ability to travel through space Usually, when the jade finger slides across the void lightly, a purple light flashes quietly, and the space divides in front of her!

She is like a darling of the space, like a fish in water, shuttles freely in the void, and takes Zhang Kun through an unknown number of dimensions, and comes to a dark space.

This space is silent, as if there is no vitality at all. What is even more puzzling is that there is not even a little light here. Everything is hidden in the darkness, making it hard to see what is inside.

But this darkness is for ordinary people, for Qi practitioners, they can perceive everything around them with spiritual thoughts, open their minds, and observe the world.

And here, completely different from the darkness on the surface, there is a group of majestic palaces in this world. The splendid and luxurious palaces are a hundred times more magnificent than the imperial capital of any human empire. Baili!

Emerald glass, gold and vermilion jade, here can only be used as miscellaneous materials for the floor, star gems, and eternal diamonds are just random decorations, and the thousand-year-old night pearl is placed on the lamp beads as if it doesn't matter, instead of being enshrined!
Treasures of heaven, material and earth can be seen everywhere in this kind of palace. It is simply a paradise for alchemists and weapon refiners. No human chamber of commerce or empire's treasure house can compare with it. All human emperors will feel emotional when they come here. How small is your empire!
This makes people not only guess who the owner of this palace is, but also have such astonishing financial resources and can be extravagant!
Even though the monster girl was in the dark, she still couldn't hide her beautiful face. She stepped into the gate of the palace with Zhang Kun's body on her back. With her arrival, the world shone with a faint light. The door opened by itself.

"Why is it so heavy, it's so heavy!" The monster girl complained depressingly, dragging Zhang Kun's body into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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