Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 693 Yuxu True Daughter?

Chapter 693 Yuxu True Daughter?

"What, is what you said true?" The green figure of the demon emperor trembled a few times.

For countless years, what they have been pursuing so hard turned out to be in vain. According to what Zhang Kun said, even if they reached the Nascent Soul realm, it would be in vain. All this was futile for them.

The demon emperor couldn't help trembling. The vitality between the heaven and the earth is extremely thin. To them, it is as if they are living in a desert. Even if there are a few blessed places with abundant spiritual energy, they are far from enough to make the Jindan Extreme Realm strong. Those who broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm have too low a concentration of vitality. In such an environment, the spiritual objects from the birthplace are also congenitally insufficient, not enough for them to break through.

Therefore, since ancient times, immortal cultivators have racked their brains to find a way to break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

But Zhang Kun's words made the Demon Emperor feel as if he had received a blow from the head!
After a long time, he said tremblingly: "No matter what, the most urgent task is to eradicate the scourge of the Great Witch God first."

Zhang Kun nodded. Although Liang Lingxue activated the power of the ice queen's spiritual core to seal the great witch god in the thousand-year-old ice, the Chixia flames still did not go out. This is a hidden danger after all. I don't know when the great witch god will come again. Break out of the ice!

At that time, there will be no one who can stop it, especially when he gains the power of the demon emperor again, a real strong Nascent Soul may appear on the Wuming Continent!

"Originally, my dao injury was not that serious, but after the great witch god broke the seal, he sensed my existence and came to duel with me. I used too much power. Although the battle ended in a tie, my sick body was still the same after all. It’s a big loss!”

"Ahem, I don't have much time, we must act as soon as possible." The demon emperor said weakly, he glanced at Zhang Kun and continued.

"You have an aura that I can't understand. Did you ever get the same brand as me?" The Demon Emperor asked with a serious expression on his face.

Zhang Kun slightly raised his forehead, and then nodded. He once survived the Great Tribulation in Wangwen Empire, ascended to the sky, smashed the mark of Tianxin, stepped on the heaven and earth under his feet, entered the space of Tianxin, and saw the Nine Heavens God Stone, and was able to see All the avenues are displayed in front of him!
During this process, Zhang Kun also got the recognition of this world, and got the brand of heaven and earth, and he didn't suffer any Taoist injuries. Instead, he used the sky thunder as bait to refine his body.

"Unbelievable, you are not yet 20 years old this year?" After hearing this, the Demon Emperor couldn't help showing a bit of surprise on his face.

The monster girl bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and held her fragrant cheeks in her jade hands. She looked at Zhang Kun suspiciously and curiously. She was obviously surprised that he was so young, but he had already achieved something that the sages of ancient times could hardly achieve.

Zhang Kun nodded lightly. He is only 17 years old now, and his strength at the peak of Foundation Establishment is above the entire Unnamed Continent. The fastest cultivation speed in years, is a genius among geniuses!

The demon emperor nodded frequently, and his eyes showed a bit of approval, as if he saw himself in Zhang Kun back then.

Whether it is the demon emperor or the great witch god, their talents are undoubtedly the most against the sky, and the age of the demon emperor entering the foundation is not a few years later than Zhang Kun!

Zhang Kun said slightly puzzled: "Excuse me, I heard that your wife is a human being?"

After the demon emperor heard Zhang Kun mentioning his wife, his body trembled visibly.

The pretty face of the Yaozu girl also showed a reminiscing expression.

"Yeah, it's a pity that in order to heal my wounds and alleviate my injuries, she finally exhausted her vitality and passed away early." There were circles of ripples in the demon emperor's heart, but when he said it, he was shocked. It's a face of indifference.

What emerged in his mind at this moment was a gentle and virtuous human woman in white clothes. Her frown and smile, the demon emperor has never forgotten her for thousands of years.

"Mother's Queen." The Yaozu girl sniffed her nose and wiped her tears with her hand. It was obviously the words of the Demon Emperor that brought back her memories.

"She is a very smart person. I was able to break the shackles thanks to her idea, but I didn't expect that the success would fall short," the demon emperor said sadly: "From then on, she thought that I was injured because of her. Inadequate consideration led to a last-minute mishap."

"But how could I blame her?" The demon emperor shook his head helplessly and let out a long sigh.

Zhang Kun desperately searched for the names of strong human females from thousands of years ago in his mind, but he only remembered one, the true daughter of Yuxu, Fu Linjing!

Everyone in the world said that she was the one who was destined to be a heavenly woman, with stunning talent and peerless talent, and finally flew away.

It seems that it does not match the wife of the demon emperor, but in Zhang Kun's impression, no other female cultivator has reached this level in a thousand years.

"What you are talking about is the true daughter of Yuxu, Fu Linjing?" Zhang Kun said.

"Jing'er, do you know Jing'er?" The demon emperor stood up with a bang, and said excitedly.

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "I have long admired the name of Yuxu Zhennv, Yu Fengliu Jianying, Frost Moon Lock Qianqiu, her name has spread throughout the entire human territory, and her name is being praised everywhere."

The Demon Emperor let out a deep breath, as if fulfilling a long-lost wish.

He loves Fu Linjing deeply, but he feels ashamed of his wife because of his own identity, and is afraid that Fu Linjing will be spurned and abused by human beings because of himself.

But now that Zhang Kun told him the news, the Demon Emperor was finally able to relax.

But Zhang Kun looked at the demon emperor lightly and asked: "Then you can answer now, why did you choose me?"

The Demon Emperor nodded and said: "Because of your talent, I will pass on my life's power to you so that you can defeat the Great Witch God!" The situation is the same as water and fire, either you die or I live, and the life of the demon emperor has come to the last moment, and he can't take revenge with his own hands, so he chose Zhang Kun.

The life of the demon emperor, with a thousand years of cultivation, is so vast, like mountains and seas, majestic and endless, and the realm he has comprehended is beyond the reach of everyone. Without enough talent and perseverance, he simply cannot accept the teachings of the demon emperor!
"But you have to promise me a few conditions. First, kill the Great Witch God. Second, after my death, the demon clan may be in chaos. You will be the new demon emperor. If anyone refuses to accept it, kill him!"

"Third, take good care of Yangyang for me!" The demon emperor looked lovingly at the demon girl beside him.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

(End of this chapter)

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