Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 695 The Ultimate Golden Elixir

Chapter 695 The Ultimate Golden Elixir
Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes. The vitality content in the monster clan's underground palace is several times stronger than that of the outside world, which is enough for Zhang Kun to attack the golden core here. A mortal, now that he has experienced the catastrophe and the baptism of the demon emperor's true essence, his body is no worse than other cultivators with special physiques.

On the contrary, Zhang Kun's acquired physique is even more reliable, because it is Zhang Kun's own body, and he knows it well!

Like a long whale drinking water, tens of thousands of vitality poured into Zhang Kun's body.

The solid vitality around Zhang Kun gathered around Zhang Kun like a storm, and only this overwhelming vitality storm remained in the entire Demon Emperor's underground palace, as if it could destroy everything.

If there are human monks here, they will be so surprised that they can't even speak, because what they will see is the fastest person to reach the Golden Core since the birth of this world!

Zhang Kun let out a low cry, and all the vitality around him was absorbed into his body, as if a hurricane passed through, the entire hall was blown down and destroyed, and he became the only eternal light in the world!
"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun just clenched his fists casually, and then let out bursts of air explosions. The whole space was trembling and trembling, faintly forming a series of torn black holes. The dark holes seemed to be connected with the void.

Zhang Kun glanced at it, and there was a flash of lightning in his eyes, as if the divine thunder had descended into the world, it was extremely deep, seeing through the endless void, making him faintly feel that on the other side of the endless space, there is a huge and incomparable world waiting for him .

"Da Yanjie, is this the name of the Master Realm of Cultivation?" Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

All the vitality in his body followed the meridians and poured into the sea of ​​qi, and the sea of ​​qi was like boiling water that was about to explode, with bubbling bubbles, the vitality in his body had already condensed into substance, no longer like an illusion The gas is normal, and it condenses into a liquid, just like amalgam!
At this moment, in the center of the sea of ​​qi, there is like a small universe with endless space. At this moment, in the nothingness, a deep vortex is slowly born, and it spins at a high speed, and soon reaches a rapid speed. Seeing it can spin tens of thousands of times, and the vitality vortex under high-speed rotation is like a huge void, and begins to swallow all the vitality in Zhang Kun's body!
At this moment, all of Zhang Kun's internal organs lit up, and his flesh and blood also radiated thousands of rays of light!
I saw that the demon emperor's true essence fell into the vitality vortex like fine nectar and jade liquid, and landed on the solid road foundation built by Zhang Kun. It was swallowed up like a mud cow into the sea, and the spirit foundation shone with thousands of rays of light. It began to evolve into various irregular shapes, like a rebellious child, refusing to return to its place!

I saw Zhang Kun shouted in a low voice: "Ning!"

Countless vitality gathered together like a good baby, and under the guidance of Kunyu Huazhang, they condensed the golden core.

This can be said to be the most critical step for Qi practitioners. The power of the golden core is a hundred times stronger and more condensed than the vitality flowing in the limbs and bones before, and it can attract the power of heaven and earth at any time to supplement oneself, which is almost endless. !
The vitality condenses slowly, forming a pill shape, that is the golden pill that countless strong men on the Wuming Continent pursue day and night!

Zhang Kun raised his right hand, buzzing, and countless lights and shadows flashed out. He took out a jade bottle and uncorked the bottle. A strong and old smell came out immediately. It was the blood of the three-headed dog of the underworld. , Contains endless divine power!

The three-headed dog of the underworld is an ancient alien species, born before endless years, before the world has undergone major changes, and there is no restriction of the Yuanying. The three-headed dog of the underworld is an ancient monster of the transformation god level. Can kill Nascent Soul!

This bottle of blood essence has been refined by Zhang Kun, absorbing all the tyrannical and ferocious monster breath, and now it is just a drop of blood essence containing mysterious laws, like golden essence liquid, which can improve the quality of Jindan!

But at this moment, Zhang Kun directly poured the blood essence of the monster into the golden elixir, and the blood stained the golden elixir!
At the same time, the essence of the demon emperor was also injected into the golden core, fused into one, and condensed the core!
Condensing golden elixir and refining elixir have the same effect, the difference is only the material, Zhang Kun is a seventh-rank alchemist, and at this moment, by chance, he has stepped into the realm of harmony between man and nature, and he is in excellent condition. Concentrating the golden elixir, vowing to raise the grade of this golden elixir to the extreme!
The quality of the golden elixirs is divided into five grades. Most of the monks on the Wuming Continent can only practice the lowest low-grade golden elixirs, and the emperors of various countries who use the power of faith to break into the golden elixirs can only condense the low-grade golden elixirs. Unless you are an amazing person, who already has a talent for cultivation, it is possible to have a middle-grade golden elixir.

Even the demon emperor, the great witch god, etc. can only condense top-grade golden elixirs, and the highest-grade golden elixirs above are rare even in the Dayan world. One may be born.

The top-grade golden elixir is already too powerful. At the same level, the top-grade golden elixir is three times stronger than the top-grade golden elixir, nine times stronger than the middle-grade golden elixir, and it is even more crushing for the low-grade golden elixir. style advantage!
But there is also a kind of god-grade golden elixir that is above the best, and that is the real one that is hard to find without a trace. In the history of the entire Dayan world, only one person has ever achieved it!
The rank of the golden elixir is not determined only by the moment when it is promoted to the golden elixir, and in the future practice process, the golden elixir can be sacrificed to make the golden elixir more solidified and the rank can be improved!

Generally speaking, for those who can cultivate to the peak of the golden core, the quality of the golden core has also been raised to the middle-grade level over time. If there is another adventure, it is not impossible to obtain some natural treasures and achieve a higher golden core !
But this is not as good as establishing a high-quality golden elixir when one is promoted to a golden elixir, the so-called one step ahead, every step ahead!

Whether it is the blood essence of a monster or the true essence of the demon emperor, only one drop is enough to burst the body of a golden core monk, but Zhang Kun's body is completely different from those ordinary golden core monks. The meridians in the body are comparable to dragon tendons, extremely thick, and can withstand almost unlimited vitality and other energies!
"It's done!"

After a long time, Zhang Kun let out a low cry, and raised his head from the void. In his sea of ​​qi, an inner alchemy glistening with golden light had been condensed. At this moment, Zhang Kun seemed to have changed into a different person!
"It's a pity that there is only the cohesion method of the best golden elixir in the Kunyu Huazhang, otherwise, this time, I can achieve the supernatural!" Zhang Kun sighed with some regret.

(End of this chapter)

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