Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 710 Join me in Qionghua Palace

Chapter 710 Join me in Qionghua Palace

She didn't expect that Zhang Kun would be able to use the Ice Heart Art. The change of ice and snow in the world was caused by Zhang Kun's attempt to condense the ice veins.

"Zhang Kun, stop the exercises!"

Lin Xinchan tried to transmit the sound, but Zhang Kun inside did not respond.

Lin Xinchan sighed secretly, feeling a little disappointed with Zhang Kun in her heart, she didn't expect that he, like everyone else, couldn't resist the temptation of exercises.

Even so, she was ready to forcibly interrupt Zhang Kun. Even if Zhang Kun would be severely injured, it was better than being killed by the power of heaven and earth.

But Lin Xinchan soon noticed something strange, because the wind and snow gathered around Zhang Kun gradually dissipated, this didn't seem to be counterattacked by a kung fu, but a scene where the ice veins were successfully condensed.

Zhang Kun suddenly opened his eyes, and the ice and snow around him gathered into a cold current, which was absorbed by Zhang Kun.

"you succeeded?"

Lin Xinchan dissipated the gathered strength, frowning and asked uncertainly.

Zhang Kun withdrew his mind from an extra crystal clear meridian in his body, and saw Lin Xinchan looking at him in surprise.

Zhang Kun nodded subconsciously, and Lin Xinchan's exquisite face was suddenly full of complex colors, struggling, hesitating, and shocked, making it difficult for people to see her inner thoughts clearly.

"how did you do it?"

Lin Xinchan immediately realized her gaffe, and changed back to her cold demeanor, but she still couldn't help asking.

"Maybe my physique is a little different."

Zhang Kun was vague in his words, but he already had some guesses in his mind.

Seeing this, Lin Xinchan didn't ask any more questions, nodded lightly and said, "Since you have succeeded in condensing the ice pulse, then go and feel the Tao."

When that small vein of ice formed in Zhang Kun's body, he formed some kind of mysterious connection with the ice and snow between the heaven and the earth. Even with a single thought, he could make the snowstorm work for him.

Zhang Kun knew that this was the best moment for him to comprehend the Tao!

On the barren snowfield, except for the howling cold wind, there is only flying snow all over the sky.

A figure sat quietly in the wind and snow, motionless, a thick layer of ice and snow had accumulated on his body, and he couldn't even see a human figure.

On a towering ice peak a few miles away, another graceful figure stood quietly. The white skirt swayed in the cold wind, with snowy muscles and bones, like a fairy in the ice and snow, who might fly away at any time.

Lin Xinchan stared at the ice sculpture-like figure. After supporting it for 20 days, Zhang Kun's vitality began to gradually weaken, and now it was like a candle in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

Since Zhang Kun began to understand the meaning of ice 20 days ago, Lin Xinchan has been silently guarding his side, but ten days ago, Zhang Kun actually directly removed all defenses and directly placed his body in the ice and snow.

Zhang Kun is already fighting to the death, directly contacting this world in the most primitive way, but if

If he has not been recognized by this world and comprehended the meaning of ice, then he must be buried in this eternal ice world.

"Is it still a failure?"

Lin Xinchan sighed, at the same time, Zhang Kun, who was several miles away, had exhausted his last vitality and was taken away by the wind and snow.

Lin Xinchan looked neither happy nor sad, she floated down from the ice peak, and walked slowly towards Zhang Kun.

Time in the whole world seems to have stopped suddenly, all the snowflakes are strangely frozen in mid-air, the howling cold wind is nowhere to be found, and the entire Xuanbing World is like a majestic and magnificent ice painting.

In this stagnant world, there is only one ice sculpture with a faint blue aura floating on it.


The slight sound of a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon came, which must have been covered by the howling cold wind in the past, but now it is

so clear.

The crack spread across the entire ice sculpture in an instant, and the ice and snow on it fell rustlingly, revealing Zhang Kun who was sitting upright inside.

Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes, and the ice blue mysterious runes in his eyes gradually disappeared.

He looked at the frozen world, showed a faint smile, moved his lips slightly, and said softly: "Break."

The ground under his feet began to vibrate, gathering thousands of years of ice and snow in the mysterious ice world, breaking up and flying, turning into countless tiny ice crystals, flying towards the sky, and instantly sweeping the entire mysterious ice world.

At this moment, the sky turned pure white, the sky turned into snow, and even the sun was dimmed, as if everything else had been swallowed up except for the endless snow and ice.

Huaqing Pool is still shrouded in milky white fog, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly, two embarrassed figures appeared on the Huaqing Pool out of thin air, disturbing the morning mist and startling the birds.

Lin Xinchan threw Zhang Kun aside, her chest heaving violently, and she looked at Zhang Kun who was lying on the ground expressionlessly.

Seeing Lin Xinchan's sullen expression, Zhang Kun felt a little embarrassed. If Lin Xinchan hadn't protected him just now, I'm afraid he would have confessed to being in the Xuanbing Realm.

At that time, after he had just comprehended the meaning of the ice world, he had a wonderful connection with the mysterious ice world. Unexpectedly, he just wanted to try the newly comprehended power, but it affected the meaning of the mysterious ice world to some extent, triggering the entire mysterious ice world. The ice and snow in the ice world are floating in the sky, but he didn't expect that after he achieved this step, he would lose contact with the mysterious ice world because of his weakness, and then all the hundreds of millions of ice crystals smashed towards the ground down.

Those were all ice crystals that had been deposited for tens of millions of years, and their hardness alone could even kill a Golden Core expert alive. In the end, under Lin Xinchan's protection, the two returned successfully, but they were both in a mess.

Zhang Kun was covered in blood, and there were only a few strips of cloth left on his clothes, while Lin Xinchan was not much better, her hair was disheveled, she was panting delicately, and her spotless ice and snow dress was broken in many places, revealing a bit Snowy and seductive skin.

"Well, I didn't expect this to happen." Although Zhang Kun looked miserable, most of them were skin injuries. After taking a pill, he immediately ran around again.

Lin Xinchan still didn't speak, just looked at him silently, with a bit of contemplation, which reminded Zhang Kun that when he was in the secular world, those butchers were thinking about where to cut the knife when they were slaughtering pigs expression.

"I said you wouldn't still plan to kill me." Zhang Kun stood up in a jerk, looking at her cautiously. After he comprehended the meaning of ice in the first realm, he understood the relationship between the two of them better. The difference in strength, I am afraid that Lin Xinchan has already comprehended the five realms or even higher levels, so he is absolutely powerless in front of her.

"Zhang Kun, you can join my Qionghua Palace." Lin Xinchan watched Zhang Kun, who was almost naked, jumping in front of her, and sighed helplessly.

 Zhang Kun successfully ascended to the ascension, everyone, give a reward and promote this book!

(End of this chapter)

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