Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Zhang Kun retreated in Qingluan Pavilion for three days, digesting and comprehending the newly realized Dao of Ice and the Art of Ice Heart. As the cold mist that filled the room was sucked into Zhang Kun's mouth, the attic returned to normal temperature.

Zhang Kun opened his eyes, and the rune in his eyes gradually disappeared, but a small ice ball was condensed out of thin air in his hand. Zhang Kun stared at it for a long time, and when he held his palm, the ice ball was absorbed by the cold pulse in his body up.

There was a bit of a smile on his face, this time he had a little more understanding of the use of the Dao of Ice during the retreat, and the ice veins in his body also grew stronger.


The downstairs door was suddenly opened.

Could it be that Lin Xinchan sent someone to let him go to Qionghua Palace?Thinking this way, Zhang Kun bumped into a group of people as soon as he arrived downstairs.

"who are you?"

Looking at the ordinary young man in front of him, Liu Yong frowned and asked.

Zhang Kun looked at his haughty face, the folding fan in his hand and the long sword on his back were not ordinary things, and even the Taoist robe he was wearing was full of golden threads, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was carrying treasures, I just find it a little funny.

He also knows the rules of Qionghua Palace, male disciples are not accepted, because only women can practice Qionghua Palace's exercises, so is this man also a guest of Qionghua Palace?
"It's you."

The petite woman on the side exclaimed and recognized Zhang Kun, who was the man standing beside her when the palace lord came back just a few days ago, which caused a lot of gossip among the disciples in the palace at that time.

"Who is this slut?"

Seeing that the petite woman recognized him, Zhang Kun knew that she was a disciple of Qionghua Palace, so he went straight around Liu Yong and asked her.

"He is the young leader of the Hidden Sword Sect."

The petite female disciple seemed to be still in shock as to why Zhang Kun appeared here, before turning her head around, she replied foolishly.

Zhang Kun also showed a knowing smile when he heard the words, and suddenly felt that this petite female disciple was cute.

"Oh! It turns out that the master of Shao Bao Shao Sect of the Tibetan Sword Sect."

Zhang Kun deliberately prolonged his voice and said with a smile.

"No, no!"

The petite woman finally came to her senses, waving her hands indiscriminately and shouting, she hurried out of the door, wanting to rescue soldiers, Zhang Kun was brought back by Lin Xinchan, there must be no accident!

Liu Yong watched the two people sing together, couldn't hold back his smile anymore, closed the folding fan with a "snap", and snorted coldly: "Who the hell are you? Could it be that you sneaked into Palace Master Li's former residence to steal things?" ?”

"You don't understand human language. I said this is where I live, now you get out!"

Zhang Kun's face also turned cold, and he said in a cold voice.

"Are you kidding? Since you said that this is where you live, can you still be a disciple of Qionghua Palace?" Liu Yong suddenly laughed while talking, and other Tibetan Sword Sect disciples also laughed.

"Then it seems that you want me to invite you out?" Zhang Kun had a slight headache, thinking in his heart, would Lin Xinchan be angry if he beat up this young master of the Hidden Sword Sect?

"Hehe, just use your mere golden core?"

Liu Yong's expression became more and more contemptuous, Zhang Kun didn't deliberately hide his realm, Liu Yong could tell at a glance.

Zhang Kun used his fingers as swords, and dozens of sharp sword qi crisscrossed the attic.

"Small skills, with your strength, how dare you speak wild words?" Liu Yong opened the folding fan, and on it was a scroll of landscape paintings. When the sword energy touched the folding fan, the lake water in the painting rippled in circles, turning all All the sword energy was absorbed.

Zhang Kun frowned, but he couldn't see the grade of the folding fan at all. There was no treasure of this grade in his original world.

"Stop it, don't fight."

The petite girl shouted hastily, one side is the young master of the Hidden Sword Sect, and the other is the man brought back by the palace master. The identities of the two sides are not simple. If they really fight, there may be big troubles, but neither of them paid attention to her. She stomped her feet and finally ran outside.

"Okay, I don't have time to play with you, so I'll catch you, a little thief, in front of Palace Master Lin, and see if you can still be so stubborn?" Liu Yong put away his folding fan, and his lazy attitude suddenly changed, It turned out to have the strength of the peak of Jindan!
However, Zhang Kun still didn't raise too much energy about it. For him, he is invincible in the Jindan realm!

The only thing to worry about is the magic weapons on Liu Yong's body whose quality cannot be seen through.

"Tianlei, call!"

Liu Yong took out a blue talisman, and after tearing it off, the room was shocked.

A purple thunder suddenly appeared, and it struck Zhang Kun like a mad dragon, shining with the power of destruction.

Zhang Kun didn't expect that the young master of the Hidden Sword School, who seemed extremely insane, would be so cautious, and use this kind of thunder talisman that could instantly kill Jindan to test himself.

A phantom of a water curtain faintly appeared beside Zhang Kun, and the violent thunder scurried in the water curtain, splashing countless water splashes, and the water curtain was also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The astonishingly imposing Zi Lei was frozen in mid-air, and countless branches could even be seen spreading from the thunder and lightning, but now it seemed like a specimen, frozen in a piece of ice that was bubbling with cold air.

"Freezing Divine Thunder? How is it possible?"

This unbelievable scene was completely beyond their imagination. Seeing the ice cubes falling to the ground with a thud, everyone's faces were full of shock.

The thunder system Taoism originally had the sky to overcome the water, but in Zhang Kun's hands, this violent thunder has no strength to struggle.

"Is this moral?"

Liu Yong said with a gloomy face, although this seems to be some kind of Taoism, and only Taoism can break through the physical laws of this world, making this scene so unimaginable.

But a mere Jindan Realm comprehended the Dao?
After Liu Yong asked, he felt extremely ridiculous, shook his head and expelled this unrealistic idea, thinking that Zhang Kun must have used some kind of secret treasure.

"Little Lord!"

The disciples of the Tibetan Sword Sect behind suddenly exclaimed.

Liu Yongzheng wanted to look back, but felt that his lower body was not in control. He looked down and found that at some point, a thin layer of frost had spread to his knees.

"Do you think a sneak attack is useful? It's ridiculous!"

Liu Yong's surging vitality surged out, shattering the frost in an instant.

However, as soon as he showed a smug smile, he found that the layer of frost spread like a gangrene, and even the meridians in his body were covered with a layer of frost!
"What did you do to Young Master!"

The disciples of the Tibetan Sword School pulled out their epees one after another, and pointed at Zhang Kun aggressively.

Zhang Kun raised his head and grinned, only to realize that there were two runes slowly spinning in his pupils, exuding a faint ice blue light, which looked extremely strange.

(End of this chapter)

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