Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 761 Life Sacrifice

Chapter 761 Life Sacrifice
Even though they had already known this through rumors, when they actually saw Zhang Kun in person, the shock still made their eyes widen and they were full of praise for a while.

Zhang Kun just nodded lightly, neither happy nor sad.

The eyes of all the hunting kings could not help but focus on Zhang Kun, and they all opened their mouths to discuss.

"Thinking that when I beheaded a rebel in 120, I was already [-] years old, and this little friend Zhang Kun was a whole hundred years earlier than me!"

The one who spoke was a strong man with a bald head. He wore a monk's robe, held a Zen staff, and recited the name of the Buddha.

"The Nascent Soul is strong, and it's not just as simple as the initial stage, it is very likely that he has reached the fifth or even sixth level of the Nascent Soul!" Zhang Kun glanced at him and found that he could hardly see through his realm strength.

The strength of Zhang Kun's Yuanshen has reached the middle stage of Yuanying, but even he is not so clear about the specific levels, and the bald strong man in front of him gives him a feeling that he can't see through. Comparable!
On the other side, a strong man with a long sword on his back smiled at Zhang Kun and said, "I heard that little friend Zhang Kun is a master of swordsmanship. I hope to have the opportunity to compete with you in swordsmanship."

Zhang Kun smiled slightly and said, "Definitely."

The realm of this sword master is just a newcomer to Nascent Soul, but as a sword cultivator, his combat effectiveness is no worse than some monks in the middle of Nascent Soul. Killing the strong is best at fighting!
Behind the Queen of Shadows stood many strong men with different auras. They were all hunting kings with brilliant achievements, and at least one rebel fell in their hands.

Zhang Kun glanced at them indifferently, frowned slightly, and immediately relaxed. Just based on the surface, he couldn't tell whether these people had comprehended the Tao.

He wants to confirm one of his conjectures, is the existence of rebels related to Taoism?
The Queen of Shadows saw that everyone praised Zhang Kun endlessly, so she also smiled and said: "Zhang Kun Hunter, you are a foreigner, how do you feel about my Kingdom of Shadows?"

"Your Majesty, you are indeed surrounded by strong men like clouds." Zhang Kun replied lightly.

"At the same time, I am also very puzzled why there are so many rebels in the Kingdom of Shadows. I have traveled to countless different worlds, and this is the first time I have seen such a situation."

Zhang Kun is right. Of course, there are rebels in the Wuming Continent or the Xuanyuan Dynasty’s empire who try to overthrow the Dynasty. Asked by the Immortal, it is indeed a little puzzling to think of rebelling against the Kingdom of Shadows.

This is no coincidence. Zhang Kun listened to the news along the way, knowing that the reasons why those rebels rebelled against the Queen of Shadows were all kinds of strange. Great temperament change!

Unless there is someone or something deliberately guiding it, there is no way to explain this. Since Zhang Kun was ordered to eradicate all rebels, he wanted to find the root of the matter!
"Presumptuous, how dare you talk to Her Majesty the Queen like that!" A palace guard roared, and several royal priests at the Golden Core level surrounded Zhang Kun!

The scene was tense immediately, and the atmosphere became tense. The old hunting kings seemed to have no intention of interfering in this matter with detached expressions.

"Don't be rude, King Hunter Zhang Kun is the hero who beheaded the rebels!" The Queen of Shadows waved the guards and stopped them.

Zhang Kun glanced at the Shadow Queen lightly, and the doubts in his heart became more intense!

The Queen of Shadows smiled mysteriously and said: "You have to ask those rebels, how can we guess their thoughts? Zhang Kun Hunter King, I want to remind you that they are all a group of lunatics. !"

"Okay, it's getting late, Zhang Kun Hunting King, I will fulfill my promise to create a clone for you, I hope you will continue to work hard and continue to eradicate rebels for my country." The Queen of Shadows said coldly. With the help of a beautiful maid, he boarded the throne.

The throne of the Queen of Shadows was actually set up on the trunk of the ancient tree of life, and a big hole was hollowed out in the extremely thick ancient giant tree, and countless entwined vines formed a throne of thorns!
The Queen of Shadows held a scepter on the throne of thorns with a solemn expression, chanting mantras, as if the ancient forest goddess was whispering the original secret words, and suddenly the world resonated with it, and a huge roar resounded through the sky!

Zhang Kun looked up, and saw clouds surging up, turning into clouds of haze that enveloped the entire ancient tree of life. The ancient tree seemed to be awakened at this moment, casting countless rays of life energy, and the emerald green crown of the tree shone With dazzling brilliance, the entire Kingdom of Shadows can feel this scene!
"It's unbelievable, after thousands of years, I can actually see the life ceremony again!" The strong man with the long sword looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but muttered.

"This is a great honor, Hunter King Zhang Kun, your achievements and talents are worthy of this grand ceremony." Several old hunter kings said.

But Zhang Kun was just indifferent and expressionless, as if nothing had happened. He once climbed on the Tianxin to watch the scene of creation and destruction contained in the Nine Heavens Divine Stone. He has seen the birth and death of the universe, so what Will it be shaken by a small scene in front of you?

Outside the imperial capital, invisible fluctuations flashed in the air. If you look carefully, you can find a few figures passing by here, arousing the vitality of the surrounding world, but if it is not for people with extremely keen senses It is absolutely impossible to detect this change.

"The festival is about to begin, let's go!"

A deep voice suddenly sounded, a faint light flashed in the air, as if some kind of veil had been lifted, the space was suddenly shaken, and figures with powerful auras suddenly appeared above the imperial capital!
Countless people in the imperial capital hadn't reacted yet. They were still immersed in the joy of the beginning of the life ceremony, and they all knelt down and worshiped in the direction of the ancient tree of life devoutly!

The life festival is an extremely important event for ordinary people like them. Every festival is a gift, and the whole country of the shadow kingdom celebrates it!

"Are they worshiping us?" A figure in the midair smiled evilly, and a domineering aura suddenly dispersed, rolling over half of the sky of the imperial capital!
(End of this chapter)

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