Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 765

Chapter 765
The number of hunting kings is not dominant, and many hunting kings guarding various parts of the kingdom of shadows have no way to come here, and the rebels have gathered together in a way beyond their imagination, which makes the hunting king They were caught off guard!

The hunting kings roared unwillingly, but the rebels showed no mercy at all. All kinds of shining vitality turned into powerful attacks and bombarded the hunting kings, making them only use precious magic weapons and armors to resist!
"Withdraw, we can't fight them to the death!"

A hunting king coughed and spit out a mouthful of blood. His body shone with cyan and yellow light, and a thick earth wall appeared to help him resist the bombardment of a violent thunder.

The hunting kings know that with their current number, they may not be the opponents of the rebels, but if the hunting kings of the entire country are called together, it will be different, and the situation will change immediately, so they cannot fight against the eight rebels here. attack!

"Then what about Her Majesty the Empress and this little guy?" The hunting king with the sword frowned and said anxiously.

A trace of hesitation and intolerance flashed in the eyes of the hunting kings, and finally they ordered with difficulty: "There is no other way, withdraw!"


The hunting king with the sword angrily slashed the sword in his hand into the void, and retreated while fighting. Before he left, he glanced at Zhang Kun and said, "Little brother, I'm sorry this time!"

Zhang Kun raised his head to look at the hunting king with a sword, and smiled faintly.

"It's okay, I can handle it myself!"

The hunting king with the sword was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "What?"

The rebels obviously also heard his words, and they hesitated for a while, and then bent down with a sneer!

"A mere ants, dare to speak wild words!"

"It's really arrogant!"

The rebels were all arrogant and arrogant, and they all laughed at Zhang Kun, and even the most mysterious and reticent lone traveler couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with a look of disdain.

With Zhang Kun, who only has the peak strength of Qi training now, it is impossible to defeat any rebel!
After the battle between Zhang Kun and the Predator, the lone traveler had already studied that battle thoroughly, and he came to a conclusion.

Zhang Kun itself is nothing at all, except that he also possesses Taoism, there is nothing miraculous about him. Instead, he has the power to summon monsters and release Chixia flame breath!
Five golden elixir monsters are enough to drag a weaker rebel to death, and the psionic energy of Chixia Yanxi is even more terrifying. With one blow, even a powerful existence like a lone walker will be a little bit weaker. Stay out of the limelight!

But he knew that the energy of Chixia Yanxi needed to be accumulated for a long time, and it was impossible for Zhang Kun to use this power again in a short time!
A boy who is less than 20 years old has so many abilities, the lone traveler judges that Zhang Kun's strength has reached the limit!
Therefore, he can judge that Zhang Kun, who is now sitting in the fountain of life and accepting the life ceremony, is not at all a threat at all.

"Is it?"

But Zhang Kun smiled faintly, and raised his hands slightly. If you look carefully, you can find that his left hand is wrapped with blue little wind shadows, while his right hand is a curl of blue waves!

"how is this possible!"

Everyone was still immersed in the ridicule of Zhang Kun, but the lone traveler suddenly changed his face. He looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief, and his heart was shocked!

"I said before, this is the boundary, and those who cross the boundary will be killed without mercy!"

"Do you think that what I Zhang Kun said doesn't count?" Zhang Kun let out a loud shout and slammed down his hands at the same time!

At this moment, the two powerful psychic energies gathered in Zhang Kun's palm directly blasted violently, revealing their true power!
"Swinging Hurricane!"

The power of the huge tornado suddenly came to this world with a wild and ancient atmosphere. The super strong wind swept wildly, stirring up the tide of vitality in the world. Everyone just felt that they couldn't stand at all. The readers were immediately interrupted!

There is no way for them to maintain their own state under this situation. The ability to release the Tao must at least maintain the state of body and Tao, otherwise it is impossible to borrow the power of heaven and earth!

Not only that, the hurricane also carried a terrifying tearing force, the ground was torn apart again, and there were deep and huge mouths, and even the ancient tree of life swayed accordingly, and the branches were chaotic. Trembling, shaking off countless leaves!


The rebels howled sharply, their faces pale!

Even the most scheming lone traveler among them didn't think of this, Zhang Kun actually has more than just Chixia Yanxi in his hands!
Even if they tried their best, they would never have guessed that Zhang Kun was still hiding this trick!
In fact, Zhang Kun has been calculating everything for a long time. When he was fighting against the predators, he did not shy away from being watched by others in his battle, and in that battle, he did not hesitate to injure himself and the monsters in the end. Detonate the flames of Chixia at all times, all this is to lure the enemy to go deep!
Sure enough, as he expected, all the rebels couldn't sit still, they decided to put all their eggs in one basket and get rid of Zhang Kun and the Queen of Shadows together!
And this is exactly in Zhang Kun's arms. He holds two kinds of psionic powers in his hand, and he is not afraid of this kind of siege at all. This kind of heaven and earth psionic powers is best at dealing with a large number of enemies!

"Shaking the waves of the world!"

On the other side, the waves of the world turned into a tidal wave and surged towards the sky. The ocean was unrestrained, like a clear spring that washes away the world, trying to purify all rebels!

With the aura of rushing mountains and rivers, the waves of the world are like the undulating ocean, and they want to bury the rebels at the bottom of the sea!

The combination of the two kinds of psychic energy formed an extremely terrifying waterspout, crushing everything, with an extremely powerful swallowing force, trying to suck them all into the inside of the tornado and crush them into pieces!
The rebels were panicked and bewildered, and even the lone walker had a strange look on his face. On the other side, the hunting kings also widened their eyes, watching this scene in midair in disbelief, which made them feel unbelievable!

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, at this moment they realized that what Zhang Kun said was true!

They couldn't help but think of Zhang Kun's lofty ambitions before, those who cross this realm will be killed without mercy, these words are not just words!


Finally, the lone traveler couldn't sit still anymore. He gave a cold shout, and a destructive aura gathered around his hand. His whole body was filled with misty purple aura, and he looked extremely noble, just like a noble-blooded emperor!
The rebels who were ravaged to death by the two kinds of psychic powers were overjoyed, and hurriedly retreated again and again, leaving the battlefield!
When the lone walker makes a move, they are reduced to a foil. The reason why the lone walker is called the lone walker is that his strength can only be exerted to the maximum when he walks alone!

"Die! Zhang Kun!"

(End of this chapter)

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