Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 767 Divine Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 767 Divine Sword Unsheathed
The fountain of life, Haohao Tangtang, is the manifestation of the Dao of life. Countless lives have been born from here, including the lush ancient tree of life. This is the source of life for all things, and it has wonderful divine power.

After Zhang Kun dripped the blood containing his essence and soul, the fountain of life began to give birth to a brand new life. Under the ceremony hosted by the Queen of Shadows, the entire fountain of life boiled, and Zhang Kun's brand new avatar will start from Born in the spring!

From far to near, countless Sanskrit chants sounded, as if the heavenly voice came from the depths of the starry sky, the fountain of life poured into the sky!

The spring that represents life is rapidly shaping a human figure, building a skeleton, and constructing texture!

"What, what?"

Even the lone traveler couldn't help but frowned suddenly, and looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief.

He kept manipulating the magic energy to kill Zhang Kun's clone in the cradle, but at this moment Zhang Kun's body suddenly shone with a khaki-yellow brilliance, it was the Emperor's Armor!
This piece of armor made of the body of the ancient emperor has powerful protective energy, and it is filled with a strong life energy and vigorous vitality from the inside to the outside, which is enough to resist the lone walker's demon of destruction gas!

The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth twitched into a faint smile. In fact, his body was more fragile at the moment and needed more protection, but he still took a gamble and put the Earth Emperor Armor on his avatar!

As a result, he really made his bet. The lone traveler felt an instinctive sense of fear when he saw Zhang Kun's condensed avatar. Instead, he ignored Zhang Kun's body, who was only at the peak of Qi training!


A cold snort came, and the life ceremony was accompanied by tender green life energy all over the sky blooming near the avatar like fireworks, turning into a divine light that soared into the sky. Zhang Kun's avatar was finally shaped, and the vast breath suddenly It spread, and a person slowly walked out from the divine light.

I saw a young man with black hair like a waterfall appearing in the midair. He has a handsome appearance, his pupils are pitch-black, like an eternal starry sky, so deep that he cannot see the bottom, his body structure has reached perfect proportions, this body He couldn't find anything in his body that made him picky. Every muscle and every skin in his body was flawless, like a naturally formed brilliant diamond, and even continuously burst out a soft and bright light. Light, supporting him like a god-man!
Standing here, he seemed to blend in with the environment around him. This flawless body was like a masterpiece from heaven. Zhang Kun's avatar had an illusion that the power contained in his body seemed to be able to tear apart the planet!
Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded, obviously very satisfied with his new body.

Seeing this scene, the Queen of Shadows also put down the scepter in her hand, and sat down on the throne with a tired face. She presided over the ceremony and consumed a lot of energy, and it was difficult to replenish it for a while.

But at this moment, she looked at Zhang Kunxin's body with a happy face, as if admiring her own work!
The rebels were also stunned. Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun actually created a new body in front of them and succeeded!

The lustful person licked her delicate lips, her eyes flickered, Zhang Kun's avatar was so handsome that she was a little moved.

The hunting kings were equally astonished and gasped a few times!
Only the lone traveler sneered, his eyes like an abyssal demon god fell on Zhang Kun's body, and after a glance, the corner of his mouth involuntarily raised a mocking arc!

"What's the use of a mere avatar in the Golden Core realm?"

After listening to the words of the lone traveler, everyone came to their senses. After careful inspection, they suddenly found that this seemingly perfect and powerful body only had the strength of the mid-stage Golden Core.

The strength of Jindan mid-term is not a threat to them at all, and the rebels immediately laughed!
The expressions of the hunting kings suddenly became a little awkward. The perfect body constructed with the fountain of life as the raw material and Zhang Kun's blood essence as the medium actually only had the strength of the middle stage of Jindan. This strength was comparable to that of everyone present. It looks so small!

However, Zhang Kun's avatar smiled slightly, raised his hand slightly, and a surge of vitality surged out, forming a black hunting robe on his body.

"This strength is enough to kill you!"


The Lone Walker snorted coldly: "No matter what kind of body you have, I will crush it!"

"It's so noisy, I've been here too long, so I'll kill you all."

Zhang Kun's avatar said lightly, as if a trivial matter had been decided, a pill suddenly appeared in his hand.

The color of this elixir is black and blue, and it circulates unbelievable divine power. This elixir has reached the top level of the seventh-order panacea. A new elixir made from a single elixir formula, Jiuxiao Pishen Pill!
Swallowing the Jiuxiao Pishen Pill, the vitality in the split body that originated from the fountain of life was completely ignited, and the momentum on his body continued to rise, and he reached the Nascent Soul Realm in less than half an hour!


Everyone couldn't help but gasped a few breaths, and the beautiful eyes of the Shadow Queen showed a bit of fiery light!
However, the lone traveler still just sneered.

"Even if you use pills to improve to the early stage of Nascent Soul, I am the peak of Nascent Soul!"

Speaking of the terrifying aura on his body erupting wildly, without any reservation, the monstrous demonic aura rose to a height of ten thousand feet, filling the entire space, and the space trembled suddenly, as if the world was frightened by it!
The strength of the Nascent Soul peak has reached the top level in this world, and it is only half a step away from touching the upper limit of the world's strength. There is a cloud of robbery in the high sky, and the sky and the earth are dark.

The rebels said in admiration: "The Lone Walker Boss is indeed the strongest, even Zhang Kun is definitely not his opponent now!"

"is it?"

I saw Zhang Kun's avatar chuckled, and in an instant three strands of sword energy burst through the air, directly tearing open the space, the sword light shining to the extreme flashed, and a melodious sword chant came, After several months, the Chengying sword was unsheathed again!
The sword field was formed directly in an instant, and the pure sword light appeared in the field. The sharp rays seemed to be able to break through the sky. Zhang Kun raised his hand gently, and cut out a gorgeous rainbow light across the battlefield. Mang Tuntu is as high as a thousand feet, and he slashes at the lone traveler with the momentum of reversing the galaxy and reversing the world!
 It finally came out before 12 o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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