Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 783 Destroying the World 1 Strike

Chapter 783 Destroyer Strike

The earth-shattering thunderstorm swept down like thunder, and Zhang Kun didn't even find a target. What he aimed at was the ground under his feet and the sky above his head!
When he and the sky-defying figure behind him merged into one, the whole body was permeated with a world-destroying thunder light, and the electric arcs made chi-chi chirping sounds like thunder dragons. The purple divine thunder was extremely gorgeous, following Dong Yue Chongjian pierced through Xiaoyun and landed with a bang!


Deafening thunder resounded throughout the audience, and the thunder like an angry dragon seemed to be able to destroy everything. At this moment, one piece of land was completely turned into powder, and it was directly destroyed in front of the mighty torrent of destroying the world!

The hard rock exploded!
Stout trees burn!
Stable space shattering!
The world turned pale, and everyone in the audience looked in disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions!

The terrifying thunder still resounded in their ears, but Zhang Kun didn't stop at all. His body seemed to have endless energy, and he struck down with one sword after another!
"Qinglong Fury!" Zhang Kun let out a low growl, and a dragon shadow of blue demon color flashed past him. At this moment, he was full of strength, and the blood power of the life-defying body was stimulated to the extreme. burst out!

A full nine swords were slashed, and finally all the vitality in his body was emptied!

Sword upon sword, thunder upon thunder, the sky full of thunder swallowed everything!
Dongyue's epee seemed to be activated by something, like a raging dragon, with jet-black thunder shining all over its body, and the gushing blazing light raged, as if it could tear everything apart!
The Nine Tribulation Thunders instantly turned into a boundless minefield, powerful and domineering to the extreme, the entire space was shattered and turned into turbulent currents, it was impossible to withstand such a powerful attack!
The center of Qianhe Small World suddenly turned into a huge whirlpool of lightning and thunder!

As if the swallowing power of a black hole strangles and attracts everything around it, any matter will be torn into particle state the moment it touches the thunder light.

At this moment, the small world of Qianhe is still shrinking, while the thunder and lightning vortex is gushing out a force of swallowing. Under the combined effect of the two forces, Qionghua's female disciples are directly drawn to the center of the thunder and lightning vortex by the strong gravitational force!
"Is it a vision between heaven and earth? Didn't Palace Master Xinchan say that there are no other elements in this world, only us disciples fighting with each other?"

"What, what is this?" The Qionghua female disciples present were all stunned. They screamed and ran away in panic, but it was completely useless.

Because the small world of Qianhe is shrinking, they are already at the border of the world, they can no longer escape, they can only watch themselves being swallowed by the vortex of lightning!


The almost endless thunder energy directly plunged into the rage, the wind and lightning, and thunder bursts, all the Qionghua female disciples who had not reached the Nascent Soul realm in Qianhe Small World were smashed to pieces in an instant, if not for Lin Xinchan The ray of vitality bestowed on them kept their lives, and they had already been directly buried under Zhang Kun's terrifying power!
Zhang Kun stood in the mid-air, as if a god stood above the nine heavens, looking down at the world!

"It's Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun made it!" Finally someone realized this, and looked up at Zhang Kun, who looked like a god of heaven. Before they had time to think about anything, they were directly swallowed by the thunder light in the next moment!
After one blow, the small world of Qianhe burst into bursts of brilliance, which was the effect of the aura bestowed by Lin Xinchan. It can be seen how many Qionghua female disciples were directly eliminated at this moment!
"He has already eliminated 47 people!" On the lotus platform watching the battle, someone shouted, and everyone couldn't help but gasped!
If it was on the battlefield, this would kill more than forty people with one blow. What kind of terrifying combat power is this, and what kind of heroic posture is this?
Before they could react from the shock, the vortex of thunder and lightning exploded again. The thunder calamity was vast, like a real catastrophe. The swallowing power of the lightning vortex is nothing more than that, but now is the moment when the almost endless explosive energy sweeps in, the whole Qianhe small world seems to be boiling!
Following Zhang Kun's angry shout, Lei Guang hit the ground again wildly, the mighty blow seemed to be able to split mountains and seas, pick stars and embrace the moon!
"Bang bang bang!"

The whole small world is full of dead silence and destructive lightning. Unbelievable power bursts out loudly, and the whole sky is covered by robbery thunder. Zhang Kun's massive vitality pours out, as if a sun burst here!
Even more frightening, the thunder light swept past, and the screams sounded one after another, and another group of people fell into the sea of ​​​​shen thunder, and they turned into radiance and were eliminated.


At this moment, everyone present took a deep breath.

"There are only eight people left on the field."

On the lotus platform, He Junyao and all the elders stood up with a bang, dumbfounded and unable to say a word.

"It's horrible, he's not human at all!"

"Horror, pervert!" Countless Qionghua female disciples tremblingly said these words, their hearts were shocked.

How could they have imagined that Zhang Kun, who seemed to have only the peak strength of Jindan, would burst out with such terrifying strength.

With one blow, the Qianhe Small World was completely destroyed, leaving only eight people left on the field!

What a terrifying strength this must be!
Everyone was shocked!

What Zhang Kun did was not to defeat some strong enemy one-on-one, but to eliminate nearly a hundred strong men with a single blow!

This is no longer a scene that ordinary people can imagine!

Lin Xinchan couldn't help laughing bitterly at this moment, no matter how much she overestimated Zhang Kun beforehand, at this moment she also found helplessly that Zhang Kun was much stronger than she imagined!

This man doesn't make sense at all!
Originally, this big scuffle in Qianhe's small world would last at least one more day, and the big scuffle should be decided in the cruel and long fight by the disciples.

But Zhang Kun was completely reasonable, he didn't follow the script they had envisioned, and just hit out with one blow, sending most of Qionghua's female disciples back to the sect!

"No matter what the final result is, Zhang Kun has proved his strength."

Those who were originally unwilling to admit that Zhang Kun joined Qionghua Palace all expressed their feelings sincerely at this moment!
This kind of strength is too strong, they can't even imagine how Zhang Kun did all this, did he use some kind of one-time release big killer?

Tangli took a deep breath and said, "Although Zhang Kun is powerful, he has exhausted his strength at the moment. There are seven other people on the field besides him."

 Readers, Happy New Year's Day, did you spend New Year's Eve with your beloved one last night?
(End of this chapter)

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