Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 785 The event ended

Chapter 785 The event ended
Lin Xinchan couldn't help but nodded. At this moment, she felt relieved. How could Zhang Kun, who possesses such a powerful artifact as the mirror field, be recognized by the mirror field, be an ordinary person?
The others seemed to have been numb for a long time, they had given up thinking at this moment, and looked at Zhang Kun blankly.

Zhang Kun did not do nothing during the three months of retreat and painstaking practice. He followed Feizhu to practice the way of refining weapons hard, and was led by a master of the master level. Zhang Kun's way of refining weapons advanced too quickly. With the blessing of ten times the speed of time, his art of refining has equaled his previous attainments in alchemy, reaching the level of a seventh-level craftsman!

And his alchemy technique has gone one step further, leaving only half a step away from the realm of a great alchemist.

And he also learned the drawing method of destroying the god pattern from Feizhu, and engraved this terrifying pattern on the Dongyue epee!
In the sword just now, it seems simple, but in fact it is infinitely mysterious. Under the stimulation of Zhang Kun's energy and blood, the Destruction Divine Pattern directly burst out, tearing Qingtong's protective energy, and then the pure mammoth The strength directly defeated Qingtong!
Qingtong clenched her fists tightly, struggling to stand up, but found a gleam of light around her body.

"No, don't, Palace Master, I can still fight!" Qingtong screamed unwillingly, looked around in a daze, and finally turned into a streamer and was sent out of Qianhe Small World.

Now in Qianhe Small World, only Zhang Kun and six Qionghua female disciples are left.

"It's admirable, Zhang Kun, your strength is indeed extremely terrifying, and you have even broken the record for the most defeats set by Palace Master Qingluan." Liu Xichi said.

"But, now you are at the end of your road." A woman in blue said indifferently.

Taking advantage of the decisive battle between Zhang Kun and Qingtong just now, they were not idle, and took out pills to treat themselves. By now, [-]% of the vitality in their bodies had recovered, enough for a battle!
In the Jiying Court in Qionghua Palace, everyone stared at the scene that appeared in the last ball of light, and they all let out a long sigh.

"It's a pity, Zhang Kun is indeed strong, but if this happens, the championship may not be his."

"Pillions, magic weapons, generous rewards, Liu Xichi and the others are absolutely unwilling to give up!"

Looking at the scene in front of them, Tangli and Zhao Aichu couldn't help saying with some regret.

Standing in the center of the battlefield, Zhang Kun panted slightly.

At this moment, he has exhausted his vitality and physical strength, and a sense of weakness is slowly rising from the depths of his body.

Now Zhang Kun is out of ammunition and food, surrounded by six powerful Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses, and he has not even had the chance to use pills to replenish his vitality. As they said, he has come to the end of the road at this moment!
Six Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses kept pressing towards Zhang Kun, with countless powerful auras shining behind the fingertips of their hands. The power of the six together could tear the sky apart. Get away with it!
But is this really the case?
"Kill, let's go together!"

With a chirping sound from Liu Xi, everyone rushed out and attacked Zhang Kun!
The bright sword light, hot flames, and sharp blades came directly to attack.

At this moment, the corners of Zhang Kun's mouth turned up slightly.

In an instant, his pupils were covered with a golden light, and a white light flashed all over his body. When the white light dissipated, Zhang Kun appeared again!

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun swept away his previous fatigue, and shot out a series of cold currents to the surroundings. An ice pulse suddenly condensed on his body, as if the eternal cold generation came to this world in an instant, and the power of extreme cold froze everything!
All the people present gasped, and countless people stood up with a bang. As disciples of Qionghua Palace, how could they not know what this is!
Frozen Heart Technique!

And he still comprehended the Bingxin Jue after the blessing of Frost Dao!

The ice flow that was enough to freeze the powerful Immortals in place overflowed. Liu Xichi and the others never expected that things would turn out like this, and they didn't have any time to react, so they were directly frozen in place by Zhang Kun. land!

The raging fire was extinguished immediately, and the sharp blade and sword light split directly on the ice!

"My God, isn't he unable to condense the ice veins and release the Ice Heart Art?" Many people thought of what happened in the elegant room before, and they all opened their mouths, it was inconceivable.

"And isn't he without vitality? Why do I feel that his vitality is not much worse than his peak state?"

Tangli and the others gave a wry smile.

"It turns out that he was just hiding it at the time. For this moment of reversal, he waited for three months!"

There was no suspense about what happened next. Zhang Kun snapped his fingers, and several ice sculptures burst open immediately. The power of frost was so cold that it froze those people to death, and they turned into streamers and were eliminated.

At this moment, Qionghua Palace was silent, and everyone in Jiying Court was staring at the only person who was still standing in Qianhe Small World.

Zhang Kun, he created a myth.

During the Qionghua Festival, he fought almost all the other disciples alone.

The most frightening thing is that he actually won, which is simply an impossible thing to happen.

But Zhang Kun created a miracle. At this moment, I don't know who started to applaud first. There was a sound of papa papa, and more and more people began to applaud. Finally, Ji Yingting applauded thunderously.

The eyes of many Qionghua female disciples looking at Zhang Kun have completely changed, from suspicion, disgust, and rejection to worship, admiration, and even admiration.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly. At the last moment, he switched bodies with the main body in the Mirror Domain, and Zhang Kun reappeared in a full state, overcoming everything with his frosty will!
"Senior Sister, I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

Zhang Kun returned to the lotus platform, and under the eyes of everyone, he came to Lin Xinchan and smiled faintly.

Lin Xinchan's pretty face couldn't help but flush with excitement.

"Well, you did a great job."

Zhang Kun said: "Then can you promise me one thing, Senior Sister?"

"You say it."

"I want to go down the mountain to practice!"

"Just wait until you reach the Nascent Soul Realm." Lin Xinchan chuckled. She thought that Zhang Kun was going to make some excessive demands in public, but it turned out to be just this.

"According to the practice of Qionghua Palace, disciples can go down the mountain to practice after they reach the Nascent Soul Realm," Lin Xinchan said.

"But you have to break through the Nascent Soul Realm first. With your majestic vitality, it might be a hundred times more difficult to advance than ordinary people, right?" Lin Xinchan frowned slightly.

Zhang Kun said with a smile: "Sister, just watch it, I will break through to Nascent Soul tomorrow!"

"Just talk big." Lin Xinchan looked at Zhang Kun helplessly, and could only say, "Okay, come with me, and I will give you the reward for the Qionghua Festival."

 The second part of the New Year’s Day update, readers, see that Xiaozai is so hardworking and dedicated to updating every day, recommend this book to your friends more!

(End of this chapter)

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