Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 791 Le Qi

Chapter 791 Le Qi
An earth-shattering sound resounded, like a volcanic eruption, immediately activating the formation outside Yinyuefang, and bursts of cyan light ripples spread out, blocking the terrifying sound.

However, Hongze Lake behind Yinyue Boat suffered disaster. The originally calm lake suddenly exploded with water spray tens of meters high, and countless fish and shrimp floated to the surface of the water after being stunned.

The guests of Yinyuefang all showed expressions of watching a play, they didn't expect that someone would dare to make trouble in Yinyuefang, some of them saw it.

Qian Xun frowned, as if he was not happy to be disturbed during the meal, but then he lowered his head to fight with the fish, while Zhang Kun still drank the wine and ate the fish without haste, as if he just called People are not like him at all.

"Young Master Le, fighting is prohibited in Yinyuefang, and there is no one you are looking for here, so you should go out."

A rush of footsteps came from below, accompanied by an urgent voice.

A loud voice slowly appeared at the top of the stairs, followed by an anxious Yinyuefang attendant and a young man.

After seeing Zhang Kun by the window, the young man raised a cold smile, pointed at Zhang Kun, and whispered to the tall young man, "Brother Qi, that's him."

The three of them walked towards Zhang Kun, and the guests at the side changed their expressions after seeing it, and offered to make way for him.

"Isn't this Lejia Leqi? And who is so blind to provoke him."

"He walked towards the kid who bought the spirit fish. I don't think this kid is a fuel-efficient lamp. Now I have seen it."

"Forget it, with Le Qi's strength, I'm afraid that kid won't be able to survive one move at all."

Everyone discussed in low voices, but Le Qi was already standing in front of Zhang Kun.

"You are Zhang Kun?"

Le Qi was condescending and asked oppressively.

Youzai Youzai Zhang Kun, who was sitting there picking his teeth, was still looking at Hongze Lake, and sighed: "It really has the style of steaming Yunmengze."

Le Qi looked at the fish bones on the table and Qian Xiang who was still struggling, and suddenly a crazy guess flashed in his heart.

"How did you get this Hongze Spirit Fish!"

Le Qi reached out to grab Zhang Kun's collar, but he dodged it without a trace. Le Qi snorted coldly, and was about to strike again, when a gentle voice came from behind.

"What, you want to shoot him?"

Le Qi's heart was shocked, and when he turned his head, he saw He Xiaoling walking over gracefully.

"Le Qi, you should know the rules of Yinyuefang, right? You want to make trouble here today?" He Xiaoling asked with a slightly cold face.

Le Qi forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, cupped his fists at He Xiaoling and said, "Boss He, I'm taking the liberty this time. My ineffective younger brother was injured and is still lying at home dying, so I heard that the murderer Just in Yinyuefang, I offended you in a hurry, and I ask Mr. He to forgive me."

"I see, you go out." He Xiaoling said lightly.

"Boss He, please ask Yinyuefang to hand over the murderer, the Le family must be very grateful." Le Qi pointed to Zhang Kun and the two of them.

"Go out, or just stay here." He Xiaoling's tone was suddenly full of no doubt.

Le Qi looked very unwilling, but even though he was the leading figure of the younger generation in Bianhu City, he was still not enough for He Xiaoling.

Suddenly, Le Qi's expression changed slightly, as if he had received some instructions, he stopped his departure, and said to He Xiaoling: "Director He, if Yinyuefang doesn't hand over these two people today, then don't even think about doing business. gone."

"Oh? Are you threatening me?" He Xiaoling seemed to have heard something interesting, and looked at Le Qi indifferently.

Others can't feel any breath, but Le Qi seems to be in deep water, sweating profusely, knees bent, feet trembling unceasingly, he may kneel down at any time.

But he still looked at He Xiaoling unwillingly, and said with difficulty: "Of course I dare not threaten Manager He, but."

"He Xiaoling, it's not what we should do to bully a junior like this." An old voice sounded, and a somewhat hunched figure appeared beside Le Qi out of thin air.

He Xiaoling snorted coldly, withdrew her coercion, and looked at the black-clothed hunchbacked old man lying in the middle, but her expression was a little more puzzled. She realized that this time things seemed not so simple, even Le The old man at home was dispatched.

"Le Xiangtian, if you don't stay at Le's house, what are you doing at Yinyuefang?" He Xiaoling said coldly.

"I came to use this old face to ask Mr. He for someone." Le Xiangtian said slowly.

"He blatantly injured my Le family's direct descendants, so we must take this person back, otherwise, wouldn't others think my Le family is easy to bully?"

"It's that simple?" He Xiaoling doubted, if it was really just because Zhang Kun beat Le Huai, it wouldn't be enough for this old guy to come forward.

"Of course, I don't know if Mr. He will give the old man my face?" Le Xiangtian said.

"The rules of Yinyuefang were set by Fairy Yinyue. We as subordinates naturally dare not disobey. Fighting among monks is forbidden in Yinyuefang." He Xiaoling said with twinkling eyes.

Le Xiangtian was also not annoyed, and asked unhurriedly: "Then Yinyuefang will not interfere with the affairs outside Yinyuefang, right?"

"Of course." He Xiaoling glanced at Zhang Kun as she spoke. If it weren't for the rules set by Fairy Yinyue, she would have thrown this guy out now, so how could she possibly provide him with shelter.

"That's good." Le Xiangtian nodded in satisfaction, and walked downstairs slowly, without looking at Zhang Kun from the beginning to the end.

Looking at the two foxes talking there, Zhang Kun didn't feel angry at Yin Yuefang for betraying himself so neatly, but instead showed a big smile at He Xiaoling.

Under He Xiaoling's puzzled expression, he shouted at Le Qi: "That big fool over there, don't you want to know how I got here as this Hongze spirit fish? Let me tell you now, I used three Yuanjing You exchanged it with Supervisor He!"

Le Xiangtian turned his head abruptly, unable to maintain his indifferent attitude, he shouted at Zhang Kun with a distorted expression, "What did you say!"

"What did you say, you bought the Hongze Lingyu with three yuan crystal essences?" Le Xiangtian stared at Zhang Kun and roared angrily, and he exploded with rage.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "That's right, Director He can testify for me, and everyone in Yinyuefang knows it."

"The taste of this Hongze Lingyu is really wonderful, but the amount is a bit small, and I'm not full yet!"

Zhang Kun tapped the ivory jade chopsticks, savoring the taste of Hongze spirit fish, with a happy expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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