Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 817

Chapter 817

Bang bang bang!
The void seemed to be exploding, the vitality couldn't evaporate, Hongze Lake was turbulent, and a tsunami suddenly rolled up!

I saw phantoms intertwined one after another condensed on the blood banner, as if countless resentful spirits rushed out of the shackles of the blood banner at this moment, and when the blood banner was shaking, terrifying waves erupted like thunder The loud noise shook the world!
The Qing Wang Hailong Beast King stared at the blood banner with glaring eyes, his face full of anger!

"Ignorant human beings, stop quickly, this demon king has no intention of dying with you!"

The Qingwang Sea Dragon Beast is rolling up and down in the clouds like a long dragon, its giant claws are flying, and its fin-like fleshy wings are rushing towards it with gusts of wind. The raging tide came towards Zuya, and he was really angry immediately, wanting to prevent Zuya from using that treasure!

However, Zu Ya didn't have the slightest intention of retreating at this moment. The blood on his wrist was dripping and pouring out continuously. In less than a moment, a blood column was formed, as if restraining the blood banner. The void faintly spun with the sky, and strange sounds like singing of demon spirits came from far away, and the blood banner suddenly pointed forward!
Immediately, monstrous blood light rushed out from the blood streamer!
I saw all kinds of strange lines painted on the blood streamer, most of which were monster-shaped decorations. It was amazing. At this moment, all of them were glowing like blood, and they collided with the sea tide that was slapped by the blue king sea dragon beast. , suddenly turned into a violent explosion, and the power of the collision was enough to split Hongze Lake into two halves!
The center of the explosion continuously raised cloud rings, and the terrifying power made everyone present gasp. The ark of the Fusang Chamber of Commerce was about to capsize in the ups and downs on the surging Hongze Lake. The array mage rushed forward and took out the array map to repair the large protective array of the ark, otherwise the ship would be dumped in Hongze Lake!

Luo Qingcai grabbed Zhang Kun's hand timidly, her delicate face was full of worry, her father Luo Ting also participated in the battle, she didn't know what was going on now.

The blood light finally dissipated at this moment, and everyone took a closer look, but saw that under the bombardment of the blood banner, the Qingwang Sea Dragon Beast was on the verge of falling, and the blue scales on its body fell with layers of dirty blood and turned into scattered blood rain. The scene was extremely bloody. A stench came over, but everyone was shocked. They saw Zuya holding a blood banner in the clouds in the distance like a god!
"Okay, Master Zuya is really brave and invincible, even the Qingwang Sea Dragon Beast can be defeated, that is the demon king of the transformation stage!"

"Yeah, the masters in the fusion stage really deserve their reputation, and their strength is so terrifying!"

Zhang Kun's gaze was like a torch, looking at the sky in the distance, with a hint of worry on his brows.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"Hehehe, you little brat knows what a fart, the power of a master in the fusion stage, is that something you, a trash who doesn't even have a golden core, can imagine?"

"That's right, I think this person is an idiot. He dared to question Mr. Zuya even after provoking Master Han Yicheng?"

After hearing this, everyone on the Fusang Ark shook their heads at Zhang Kun, with expressions of disdain on their faces.

Zhang Kun didn't take it seriously, and said indifferently: "Zu Ya is going to be in danger."

Luo Qingcai couldn't help frowning slightly, she bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth and asked worriedly.

"Big brother, what should we do? Will we be in danger?"

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "It's okay, I will protect you, if the monster dares to come, I will kill it!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone was hesitant for a while, and soon bent down with a sneer, looking at Zhang Kun with contempt in their eyes.

"It's not a big draft to brag, it really makes people laugh!" A luxuriously dressed woman snorted coldly, shook her head and stopped looking at Zhang Kun.

A few young people chuckled and said, "If Master Han Yicheng said this, I would still believe it. You, a trash who was picked up, dare to be so arrogant. You really don't know how the word "death" is written?"

Han Yicheng sneered.

"Hehe, since this hero said that he has the ability to kill monsters, why not help Zuya now?"

"In order not to be questioned by everyone here, as long as you kill the monster, we will immediately kneel and kowtow to apologize!"

After Han Yicheng finished speaking, he squinted at Zhang Kun. As a child of the Han family, he naturally knew how terrifying the strength of a transformed demon king was. Even if the Han family encountered such a demon king, they must send elite elders To get rid of the demon, even his elder brother who is so talented and almost monstrous can't do anything about the Transformation Demon King, let alone a mere Zhang Kun!

He is just the ration of monsters. In the eyes of Qing Wang Hailong Beast, Zhang Kun is probably just a tiny ant!

Zhang Kun just waved his hand lightly after hearing this, and said with a light smile, "No hurry, it's not yet time!"

"Hehehe, what are you pretending, it's really hard to watch!"

Many women cast contemptuous ridicule, while the men hissed again and again, thinking that Zhang Kun was nothing but a big talker, and he was a complete lunatic.

"Don't bother with him, he's just a worthless person!"

Many people have reached a consensus that Zhang Kun does not have the so-called ability to kill monsters at all. All of this is just Zhang Kun's grandstanding. They immediately lost interest in Zhang Kun and looked away from him. , Continue to look at the peerless battle in the sky in the distance!

At this moment, Zu Ya shook the blood flag again, a stream of blood rushed out and turned into a pool of blood, and a heavy pool of blood pressed away, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top. Even if a pure angel-like existence is stained with the power of a pool of blood, it will instantly sink and degenerate. This Zuya does not seem to be a human monk!

In the eyes of everyone's attention, the pool of blood was suddenly suppressed, as if it could imprison the transformed demon king in the phantom of the blood streamer!
However, an accident happened suddenly!


Only a loud noise was heard, and the speed of the Qingwang Sea Dragon Beast accelerated to the extreme at some point, and it turned into a streak of black energy and soared into the sky with an invincible momentum, which suddenly broke through Zuya's blood streamer , rushed directly into the sky, and then turned into a dragon and bit down downwards!


There was only a heart-breaking bite sound, and the Qingwang Hailong beast directly bit off Zu Yalian with the blood streamer in one bite!

The blood flowed continuously, and the sound of chewing came, and everyone's faces turned pale!
(End of this chapter)

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