Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 819

Chapter 819
Like a huge force crashing down, the ark of the Fusang caravan is like a flat boat in the vast ocean, and it may capsize at any time!

The protective cover exuding a misty light was shattered into pieces almost in an instant, and turned into nothing. Spitting blood, they were in a state of embarrassment, their hands were shaking, no matter what they did, they couldn't stop the shattering of the protective formation, and the next moment, the giant claws of the Qing King Sea Dragon Beast King would tear the ark apart!
The people who had no means of escape hugged into a ball, with desperate and painful expressions on their faces, they knew that their lives were coming to an end!



The Mahayana monks led by Luo Ting were dragged down by the siege of the Qingwang Sea Dragon Beasts, and they also suffered heavy losses. Several strong men were injured, and even Luo Ting had to explode a magic weapon to save his life!

And even if they come, with their strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of Qingwang Hailong Beast Demon King!

At this moment, there is no way out, and everyone is desperate to the extreme!

At this moment, there was a loud noise!
"Phantom sword, projection!"

A young man's clear whistle came, and there seemed to be an invisible fluctuation between the sky and the earth, and a snow-colored divine light shone past!

The destruction that everyone expected did not come, they opened their eyes in disbelief, only to see that in the dark clouds of thunder, a young man held the Qing King Sea Dragon Beast King with his sword!

"What, what!"

Everyone present took a deep breath.

Their faces were in disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions. They saw Zhang Kun holding a snow-like long sword tightly in his hand, against the storm, blasting towards the Qing King Sea Dragon Beast King!

"Famous Canxue!"

The low-grade fairy sword of the fairy level is projected through countless barriers of space. There is a faint frost on the whole sword, which seems insignificant, but in every particle of ice crystals, there seems to be an icy world. In the world, the power of frost suddenly exploded in an instant, and the power of the fairy sword, even though it has dropped several levels due to the projection, is still cutting iron like mud!

Zhang Kun's body was bursting with breath, and he held a pure water-like pill in his mouth. Once he bit it, the endless true essence flowed into his limbs and bones, and he broke through the Zhujin pill, and directly recovered to the original state. Infant realm, and it is still rising!
Different from the power needed to compress the elixir to condense the Nine-turn Golden Wheel Nascent Soul before, this time Zhang Kun took the Wuxiang elixir entirely for pure power. Long dragons wrapped around the famous Canxue, and immediately turned into a sharp ice spike!

The air of frost was overflowing, and everything around was shrouded in a snowstorm. The original thunder cloud was instantly transformed into a frost cloud at this moment, and the water waves of Hongze Lake were also frozen in an instant. up!
The night sky was illuminated by that snow light at this moment, and the power of the quasi-lingbao could already threaten the life of the strong fit man!

The arrogance and contempt on the face of Qingwang Hailong Beast Demon King disappeared in an instant!
He has already returned to the ancestral dragon, and the surging pure dragon blood makes him feel as noble as a giant dragon, but at this moment, his face pales instantly!
The threat brought by the name Can Xue made his heart shrink suddenly, and he was filled with fear!


The Qingwang Hailong Beast King screamed crazily and stared in horror at Zhang Kun, who was hundreds of times smaller than him in front of him. He was just an ordinary boy. The Beast King didn't feel anything special about him at all!
But it was this guy who actually hurt him!

The dignity of the demon king in the transformation period cannot be challenged. The Qingwang Hailong beast demon king suddenly became extremely angry, and spit out deadly demon energy from his mouth. At this moment, the endless demon energy gathered in his mouth, spit it out suddenly, and turned into a chaotic stream. Like the flames, a strange light bursts out, illuminating the sky, trying to break through the ice and snow made by Ming Canxue!

"Like maggots!"

At this moment, Zhang Kun smiled lightly, using the surging vitality of the Wuxiang elixir to control Ming Canxue!
"Thousands of Mountains Twilight Snow!"

Once this unique trick belonging to He Xi Nian is used, everyone feels as if they have come to a small illusory world, where the brilliance to the extreme blooms wantonly, the endless snow is as sharp as a razor, and the towering ice peaks and majestic The frost was produced in an instant, aiming at the vitals of Qingwang Hailong Beast Demon King's body and stabbing suddenly!

Even if Zhang Kun's understanding of Qianshan Muxue was not as terrifying as Xi Nian's, the memory of enlightenment left him with only one ten-thousandth memory is enough to make his sword skills unrivaled in the world!


Zhang Kun yelled angrily, his vitality exploded to the greatest extent, and a sword crossed the void, breaking through the chaotic flames of the Qing King Sea Dragon Beast King, stabbing his body covered with green scales, one blow followed by another. Can Xue's sword glow was as high as a thousand feet, and it made the demon king howl and scream!
"How is it possible, how can this happen!"

Qing Wang Hailong Beast King was furious, his eyes widened, but it had no effect at all. All the flames he exhaled were directly frozen by Qianshan Muxue, and the sword that flew like a flying fairy that day cut his body into a dragon. It's covered in bruises!

At this moment, Zhang Kun is really like the legendary sword fairy, whirling with his sword, his figure lingering, his white clothes fluttering, flying all over the sky, the speed is so fast that everyone is dazzled!

Canxue's sharp sword light is unstoppable, and it slashes with icy cold air, bursting out a series of avalanche-like ice explosions. The Qingwang Hailong Beast Demon King was severely injured by Zu Ya, but at this moment he was beaten by Zhang Kun. Crazy slash, already dying!
In Zhang Kun's eyes, giant monsters are nothing more than maggots. Just before the projection of the phantom sword dissipated, he grabbed Canxue with both hands and slashed down. The sound seemed to shake the world, a icy rainbow fell from the sky, the sword glow spewed out extremely brightly, and the endless surging and terrifying vitality turned into a divine light, instantly annihilating everything around it into the form of particles, almost turning Hongze Lake into a A icy lake, the space trembled so much that it almost couldn't bear this terrifying blow and caused it to collapse!

A fairy sword of the quasi-lingbao level, coupled with the explosive power of the Wuxiang elixir, plus the terrifying amount of vitality of the life-defying body, what kind of terrifying power level is that?

Even the monster king in the metamorphosis period can hardly bear this sword!

In an instant, the ten thousand zhang demon body was torn into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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