Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 823

Chapter 823
After the little monk brought Zhang Kun to the room, he also fell asleep. In the silent night, only the faint sound of scriptures and prayers could be heard.


The old monk sat alone in the cold hall, but the thin shadow behind him was slowly elongating. There seemed to be thick fog rolling in the darkness, and two scarlet eyes appeared, but the old monk didn't seem to notice this. It was a horrible and strange scene, with eyes closed, holding a wooden fish in his hand, and singing scriptures in his mouth.

"You humans are really hypocritical. I'm afraid those idiot villagers are still grateful to you?"

A black shadow separated from the shadow, and the black shadow was exactly the same as the old monk's shadow. It stood behind the old monk, staring at it for a long time, and a hoarse voice sounded in the hall.

The sound of the wooden fish stopped suddenly, and the old monk turned his back to the shadow and said, "You and I each take what we need, why do you humiliate the poor monk like this?"

The old monk opened his eyes, and stared at the increasingly violent snowstorm outside the barrier with cloudy eyes. There was a flash of confusion in his eyes. become firm.

The old monk slowly took out a small octagonal box from his cassock, his scarlet eyes flashed twice, and the small box flew into the shadows.

"That's right, I'm very satisfied this time." A voice came from the shadow, but he asked with some doubts: "What's the origin of that kid who came here just now? He didn't come for us, did he?"

"The poor monk has tested it. He is a monk at the golden core stage, and he should be seriously injured. In the past few days, you should restrain yourself and not be discovered by him."

"Heh, just Jindan, it's fine if you don't find me, otherwise just keep him." Heiying's tone was full of confidence.

"I hope so." The old monk closed his eyes after finishing speaking, and rang the wooden fish again.

The black shadow behind him gradually merged into the shadow on the ground and disappeared.

In the meditation room, Zhang Kun, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at the little monk who was still sleeping soundly, and looked at the still brightly lit hall not far away, showing a contemplative look.

In the early morning of the next day, the blizzard showed no sign of stopping, but instead became more violent.

"Benefactor Zhang, let's have breakfast together."

The little novice who got up at five o'clock to read in the morning opened the door, holding a large tray in his hand.

"Thank you little master."

Zhang Kun opened his eyes, his face was a little more rosy, and it was no longer as pale as last night. It seemed that the injury had eased.

The food on the plate is very simple, two bowls of porridge, a few white flour steamed buns and a plate of pickles.

"Recently, the mountain has been blocked by heavy snow, and the monks in the temple can't go down the mountain to purchase, so we can only wrong the benefactor Zhang." The little novice scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

He saw that although Zhang Kun looked downcast, his temperament and conversation were extraordinary. He thought that he should be the children of those big families in the city that the master said. The master blamed him for neglecting the distinguished guest.

Before the little novice could finish speaking, he saw Zhang Kun grabbing a steamed bun and eating it with the porridge. While eating, he still stuttered and said: "This pickle is delicious, it should be pickled by Lao Tan. Bar."

Seeing Zhang Kun gobbling it up, the little novice showed a pure smile on his face, and got a little closer to Zhang Kun, feeling that he was different from those noble princes who occasionally came to pay homage to the mountain.

After the meal, the little novice tidied up the clean dishes, and suddenly remembered something and said, "Almsgiver, there will be a blessing ceremony for the dead in the hall later, if you are interested, you can come and see it."

"Okay, I'll go." Zhang Kun lay lazily on the bed, wondering what he was thinking, and agreed casually.

The little novice patted his bare head helplessly, closed the door, and walked towards the kitchen, just bumping into the old monk who came out of the hall.

"Are you eating with that benefactor Zhang?" The old monk glanced at the bowls and chopsticks on the plate and asked.

"That's right, benefactor Zhang also boasted that the pickles in our monastery are delicious, and he ate them all by himself." The little novice proudly showed off to the old monk.

"That's it. Benefactor Zhang is our honored guest, so don't be negligent." The old monk seemed to be completely relieved, showing a gentle smile, and patted the little novice's head.


The bell in the temple rang three times, which meant that the ceremony was about to begin, and the villagers who temporarily lived in the temple all walked towards the main hall.

Zhang Kun was also among the crowd, listening to the words of these villagers talking about gratitude to the old monk and this temple.

"All benefactors. Today, the temple will hold a prayer ceremony for the deceased villagers of Xiaomu Village." The old monk said with a sad expression, followed by many monks.

"Master is merciful." The villagers of the small pastoral village put their hands together and bowed together.

As the old monk and many monks recited the "Ksitigarbha Sutra", the villagers put their hands together and sat cross-legged on the ground, all of them looked very pious, and followed the old monk to recite the scriptures.

Zhang Kun, who was quietly watching from the side of the main hall, suddenly frowned. He faintly felt a very strange power emanating from the villagers, one by one.

This is a power that is completely different from vitality. Although it is very thin, it is very pure. It is a bit like spiritual power, but where do the villagers who are ordinary people have spiritual power.

Zhang Kun looked suspiciously at the invisible silk threads, all flying toward the old monk, or flying behind the old monk, all of which were absorbed by his shadow, although Zhang Kun could faintly feel it. There was something hidden in the old monk's shadow, but it was covered by magic. Unless he used his spiritual sense to forcibly search for it, he didn't know what it was, but he would be discovered by the old monk.

"This is the power of faith, which is what folks call incense." A mechanical voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Kun's mind.

"Is this the power cultivated by those who practice Buddhism?"

Zhang Kun suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The so-called cultivation of Buddha is to draw strength from all living beings to strengthen himself?

"Yes, but neither."

"Hey, what do you mean, speak clearly!"

After Jing Yu said this sentence, he fell silent again, no matter how much Zhang Kun shouted, he would not answer again.

Zhang Kun sighed helplessly. By now, he is very clear about the nature of this Jingyu, just like an unscrupulous businessman who wants money for everything. Zhang Kun needs to pay some price.

(End of this chapter)

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