Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 838 Come with me

Chapter 838 Come with me
The sky slowly lit up at this moment, as if the sun was rising.

In Ah Chu's sea of ​​consciousness, a petite figure is well-behaved but somewhat lonely squatting in a small room. It is the Lingfa Tower of Jitian City. The whole tower is very large, like a small In the city, besides Ah Chu living here, many of her servants also live on the lower level of the Lingfa Pagoda.

But they never bothered Achu, Achu is the saint of Jitian City, whose spiritual strength has reached the existence of the Spirit Emperor, and Jitian City relies on her and the Jitian City Lord to resist the terrifying monsters in the dark mountains. She is the pillar of Extreme Sky City.

While being admired by thousands of people, what she lacks is friends.

Because of her supreme status, no one disrespects her and treats her like a god, but also because of this, no one can truly accompany her.

The Jitian City Lord once accompanied her by her side, but from the moment he became the City Lord, he also shouldered a responsibility. At first, the Jitian City Lord would spare a little time to accompany his sister, but later, as soon as As the offensive from the Dark Mountain Range became stronger and stronger, the monsters that appeared became more and more terrifying, and the Jitian City Lord couldn't get away anymore.

At the same time, the burden on Ah Chu's body became very heavy. She could only immerse herself in endless cultivation, but as a naive and fun girl, she didn't like boring cultivation at all, and only yearned for the distant world.

At this moment in her spiritual world, she was guarding in the small room on the top floor of the Lingfa Pagoda, looking into the distance, that was the dark mountains stretching for thousands of miles, blocking the sight of Jitian City, no matter how the people of Jitian City looked at it. In this world, their vision will be blocked by towering dark mountains.

It was like a ruthless black cloth, blocking Ah Chu's imagination of the outside world. She couldn't leave the Lingfa Pagoda, because the countless citizens of Jitian city below needed her, but in the deepest part of her heart, she always yearned for to the outside world.

But she has no friends, and no outside world. A round of sunset in the distance is about to sink into the horizon, and this world will be shrouded in darkness again. Maybe a terrible enemy attack will come soon, maybe this will be a safe place. Night, but it doesn't matter to Ah Chu at this moment, anyway, she has long been used to this lonely life alone.

At this moment, Ah Chu is like a kitten, wandering on the street, a kitten abandoned by its owner, helpless and pitiful, on the street that is about to rain, she doesn't want to go anywhere, she just wants to curl up her body , Bring yourself some warmth.

"It's getting dark."

Ah Chu was alone in the room, talking quietly, she hugged herself into a ball, rubbed her tiny crystal feet with her small hands, her pretty face was full of loneliness.

At this moment, there was a gentle push on the door, as if someone was calling her. From far to near, she finally heard clearly that it was Zhang Kun's voice.

Zhang Kun walked into Ah Chu's room, Ah Chu glanced at Zhang Kun indifferently, and asked a little timidly, "Are you here to take me away?"

Zhang Kun smiled and replied, "Come with me."

Ah Chu smiled happily and nodded, and the surrounding scene collapsed.

"Cough cough!"

Ah Chu coughed a few times, her delicate body swayed for a while, her beautiful eyes regained their clear light, and she turned back into that holy girl who was revered by thousands of people in Extreme Sky City again.

At the same time, a black shadow appeared beside Ah Chu. Zhang Kun stared at the black shadow, only to see that the black shadow began to spin around, as if struggling, but it was useless. Zhang Kun forced it out of Ah Chu's body with tremendous mental power. The black shadow at this moment is an independent existence. Zhang Kun can finally use his most powerful method to crush it!
Before Zhang Kun had always been a mouse-throwing weapon, and he couldn't use his full strength at all!
However, at this moment, the black shadow turned into black air, fluttering in the sky, dancing rapidly, sweeping the surrounding space, unexpectedly began to change!


Zhang Kun's face changed, and he waved his hand, and a blow from Qianshan Muxue directly hit the black shadow!

Countless ice swords bombarded away at this moment, turning into dense barrages. Such an attack is enough to smash a monster in the transformation stage into a sieve!
It's a pity that the black shadow has turned into a terrifying black storm. He directly pierced through the space, smashing the space out of a singularity, forming a bottomless black hole!

In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth rushed in rapidly. After the black hole was formed, it had a great swallowing power, which was enough to swallow all the black energy in the dark mountains into his own interior. Zhang Kun's face changed wildly. When Sombra competed for mental strength, he invaded Sombra's spiritual world, and he mastered some new information.

He already knew that those monsters of the dark king level and dark king level were made of the black air in the dark mountains, coming from the black air, and going to the black air.

And it is the black shadow that controls all of this. Zhang Kun is still not sure what the nature of the black shadow is, and it can create such terrifying disasters!

At this moment, the black hole completed its swallowing. Even though Zhang Kun frequently waved Ming Canxue in his hand to create ice crystal bombardments one after another, evolving Qianshan Muxue to the extreme, it still didn't stop the black shadow from swallowing black air.

Zhang Kun's face had become extremely solemn. He looked at Ah Chu, who had recovered, and put the pleated flowing color dark flower cloud brocade and moon skirt on the ground.

Zhang Kun said, "Ah Chu, be careful, prepare for the attack!"

Achu quickly recovered from the stupefaction, and she realized that she was completely naked at the moment, and that she had been exposed to Zhang Kun for so long, and Achu's delicate and pretty face immediately turned red.

With a wave of her plain hand, she put on the pleated flowing color dark flower cloud brocade moon dress, took a few deep breaths to calm down her ups and downs, glanced at Zhang Kun shyly, and then nodded seriously.

She saw her plain hand like a spring willow lightly waved again, and new crystals of heart energy appeared around her body.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being speechless when he saw this situation, this Ah Chu is definitely a little rich woman!
Although mind energy crystals are not common in the Dayan world, Zhang Kun has seen magic weapons with similar functions. Any magic weapon that can enhance spiritual strength is a sky-high price!

And Ah Chu took out hundreds of them so casually, he couldn't help feeling in his heart, these are consumables for Ah Chu, you can throw them away when you run out!

Seeing Zhang Kun's strange gaze, Ah Chu's pretty face turned red again, and he hummed softly, "What are you looking at, rascal!"

(End of this chapter)

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