Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 843 Arrival

Chapter 843 Arrival
No one can survive in that environment. The black hole, or the culprit that created the dark mountains and countless monsters, is probably the hell in people's conception in that dark hole.

In such an environment, no one could survive at all, not to mention other things, just say that the almost endless monsters are enough to tear people to pieces.

Zhang Kun is just a Nascent Soul cultivator, which is not worth mentioning in the Dayan Realm, even in Jitian City, he is not the top existence.

Jitian City Lord felt that he might have misunderstood something, and had extremely high expectations for Zhang Kun. Perhaps all of that was just an illusion. A monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, who can kill the existence of the Dark Emperor, is already a heaven in itself. It's a big miracle, why did he still expect Zhang Kun to smash the black hole? I'm afraid all this is just an illusion.

At this moment, the city lord Jitian let out a long sigh, and reason told him that all this might have become a foregone conclusion. Ten quarters of an hour had passed, and Zhang Kun still had no signs of appearing at all!
Ah Chu's pretty face turned pale and cold at this moment, she stared blankly in that direction, her heart was full of disappointment.

For the first time, she stepped out of the Lingfa Pagoda and Jitian City, and went to the outside world. She also pinned her hopes on Zhang Kun. Maybe what the young man said was true. He could level the entire dark mountain range and make Jitian City People can walk out of the protection of Jitian City Wall and see the outside world, and she can also be a pair of ordinary brothers and sisters with Jitian City Lord.

However, how could that terrifying black hole be destroyed by manpower? For thousands of years, countless generations have devoted themselves to this matter.

It's a pity that countless ancient books record the same result, and the sacrifices of countless sages can only be exchanged for such a heartbreaking consequence of failure!

Even if Zhang Kun, this visitor from another world, is cultivating vitality that they don't have, and can easily take out the legendary holy artifact, such an existence will inevitably fail in the end, right?
The roars of the surrounding monsters spread like waves, one wave after another, as if endless, so many monsters, coming to this world, are enough to slaughter Jitian City countless times, Ah Chu and Jitian City Lord It's hard to believe what happened next, the consequences are too heavy!
The sky was getting dark, and another night was coming. With the night came the excited roars of those monsters. The scarlet color in their eyes became more intense. Each one was like a wild wolf, wanting to kill the monsters. Ah Chu and Jitian City Lord are torn apart, and at this moment they have lost the ability to fight, the heart energy crystal has been completely exhausted, Jitian City Lord is also extremely exhausted, and can no longer launch the offensive that destroys the world!


At this moment, a huge explosion sounded, and the whole space shook violently, as if reincarnation created the world and recreated the world!
"In the end what happened?"

The two were puzzled, and cast their gazes in the direction of the black hole, only to see that the originally stable black hole in the sky collapsed at this moment, and the surrounding black air was in chaos. , the surrounding vitality fell into chaos, even with the spiritual power of Achu and Jitian City Lord, they couldn't perceive the power of the surrounding elements!

There was another loud noise, and the black hole shook violently, emitting an extremely bright rainbow light, illuminating the sky, as if the sun had risen again, and at the same time, the black hole suddenly disappeared!

"What, it disappeared?"

Jitian City Lord and Ah Chu looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, their hearts were greatly shocked, and it was hard for them to understand what happened.

The culprit of the dark mountains that have brought shadows to Jitian City for tens of millions of years, the black hole that created countless dark monsters just disappeared, how is this possible?
Even if it is a god, I am afraid that such an existence cannot be shaken, right?

At this time, a blood-black dark light pierced the sky, crushing the space into waste, the void was directly shattered, the space shook violently, and the whole world seemed to be trembling!

"It's... Zhang Kun!" Ah Chu exclaimed, stopping her tears.

However, something unexpected happened to everyone. Zhang Kun, who crossed the sky and entered the sky, was enveloped by a thick dark aura at this moment. There was a dark aura flowing all over his body, and his face was still delicate. , and even became a little strange, the evil smile on the corner of the mouth made people sink, one of the eyes was pure black, and the other turned into a deep and noble dark gold color!

Different-colored pupils, dark golden eyes, these are absolutely extraordinary.

Moreover, a blood-ink-colored flower grew on his forehead, swaying and graceful, exuding an inviolable majesty.

"How did he become like this! Is he an enemy or a friend now?"

Jitian City Lord was delighted at first, but the next moment, it immediately turned into horror and fear!

Covered in black air, there is a strong dark atmosphere exuding from every gesture. In his opinion, Zhang Kun must have been assimilated by the black hole and become the same existence as those monsters. He lost his mind and turned into a dark killing machine!

Hearing a majestic voice, Zhang Kun's eyes flashed, and he looked at the almost endless dark mountains below!

At this moment, everything in the whole world seems to obey Zhang Kun's call, endless primordial energy surges up and gathers around his body, and a huge black light wheel that is enough to destroy the world slowly falls on his head Expanding upwards, covering the sky, replacing the position of the stars in the sky, from south to north, from west to east are covered by the dark sky wheel!

Thousands of black lights surged above the sky, as if forming a huge formation, and each strand of intertwined dark elements was condensed into substance, even the residents of Jitian City thousands of miles away They were able to look up and see the sky wheel suddenly appearing in the sky. They were terrified in their hearts, knelt down again and again, and kowtowed to pray!

Following Zhang Kun's order, the dark sky wheel began to spin, and black waves of light fell like a shower. Every strand of rain seemed to have the power to destroy the world. Finally, Zhang Kun waved his hand, simply The entire dark sky wheel smashed down!

This suddenly triggered a violent explosion that shocked the entire world. The terrifying explosion was enough to destroy everything. The sound of rumbling was endless, and the dust raised high into the sky, and the black light that lit up was as high as ten feet high. , At this moment, it was as if the sky had fallen, and the entire mountain range with a radius of a million miles was wiped out in an instant, as if it had been directly evaporated!
(End of this chapter)

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