Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 850 Three realms of Taoism, anger

Chapter 850 Three Realms Dao Intent, Ting Fu

The huge handprint turned into a mountain and poured over, with a majestic momentum. Seeing that the holy flame was burning on the host, he absorbed the spirits of the black wolf and countless people in the small pastoral village, and the terrifying power was sent out of nowhere. It trembled, and the entire courtyard was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Although the presiding officer of Kongjian has completely turned into a murderous devil and a demon monk who absorbs the living soul, the exercises he performed are still so magnificent, as if the righteousness is awe-inspiring, and the Dharma is boundless. People escape from the sea of ​​suffering and ascend to bliss forever!
Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed, and the Dongyue epee in his hand slashed down violently. It roared out with the strongest power he could use at the moment, as if it was splitting a mountain and cracking a rock. Fighting Mahayana with physical strength, although he was injured at the moment, he tried his best, and the power of the explosion was not weak at all. The Dongyue in his hand soared several times, turned into a giant sky-slashing tower, and slashed down with a thunderous thunder!


There was a huge explosion, and everything around it turned into flames. The courtyard had already been wiped out. Within a hundred meters, everything was swept away, the ground was cracked, and the air was blasted again and again. !
A ring of clouds suddenly rose from the position where the two were fighting and exploded, bright light dyed the sky, and gusts of wind whizzed past, shaking the sky and shaking the earth!
The host of Kongjian completely gave up the bottom line, and turned hundreds of lives in Xiaomu Village into his own power. In addition, the spirit of the soul wolf was also absorbed by him, and his power has reached the third level of Mahayana. Mahayana strong Already able to destroy the city and destroy the land, the power of every gesture is enough to level a hill!
But Kongjian has the power of Mahayana, but he has no Mahayana state and the method of Mahayana. The giant palm he hits can cover the sky and the sun, and it can be terrifying, but with his current state of mind and state, it is absolutely impossible to exert it. Out of the most powerful force!
But Zhang Kun's side is different. After seeing Kongjian's insane approach, Zhang Kun was furious immediately. Under the anger, a sword roared out, and the sword's intent soared into the sky, going forward indomitably!

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and in the courtyard, there was only the figure of a young man fighting there, holding an epee in his hand, countless arcs of lightning flashed around him, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, thousands of divine thunders flashed, Everything around was destroyed over and over again, just like Thor in a state of rage!
"The Dao of Thunder and Lightning, the Dao of the Three Realms, Ting Fu!"

Zhang Kun has experienced the terrifying thunder calamity many times. He realized the power of thunder calamity. In terms of the attainments of the Dao of Thunder and Lightning, he was only able to comprehend the meaning of the Tao with just one kick. Now, at that moment, Zhang Kun, under the rage, , Holding Dongyue Fury Slash, all the vitality of the whole body was poured into Dongyue without leaving a trace, and the surrounding power of heaven and earth suddenly sensed, coincident with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, Ting Fu was triggered in an instant!
The artistic conception of Tao is mysterious and mysterious!
The higher the level of Taoism, the more powerful it is, and the harder it is to comprehend it. However, comprehension of Taoism does not depend on the accumulation of water dripping through stone, but on the momentary fit of the Dao of Heaven!

And at this moment, Zhang Kun directly broke through that layer of shackles, and Dongyue in his hand was shining with divine thunder in an instant, and countless arcs of light burst out, like a lion that was extremely angry!
All of a sudden, the energy of heaven and earth rushed rapidly, the thunder roared furiously, and the divine thunder descended into the world, as if punished by heaven.

"Boom boom boom!"

Loud noises exploded frequently, and countless electric fields exploded completely at this moment, and the light of extinction directly bombarded Kong Jian's body!

Kong Jian's face was extremely ugly, with an incredulous expression, which simply overturned his imagination. For him, such a mysterious thing as Taoism was really too far away. Even though he practiced Buddhism all his life, he still hadn't touched To the corner of any daoyi, but this young man in front of him, he is like a god thunder dancing wildly in the sky, the power of the three realms daoyi is too terrifying, Dongyue sword rolled up Dao vitality tide, ten thousand thunders sounded together, as if countless suns had risen at this moment, the whole space was shaking violently!

"No, you can't kill me. I'm from the Kasyapa Academy. If you kill me, Kasyapa Academy will not let you go!" Kong Jian screamed wildly, his face full of horror He has lived a hundred years, and he has never been so scared.

"Are you threatening me?" Zhang Kun sneered, and Dongyue's epee swung again!

Almost in an instant, Kongjian's big handprint was directly broken into countless pieces, and the protective cassock on his body was directly crushed. The pure thunder light could wipe out all defenses, and Kongjian didn't even have time to cast it. Dao Jue uses the golden bell cover to protect himself. At this moment, he can only rely on the power obtained by sacrificing countless souls to resist Zhang Kun's power.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that the power of Ting Fu would be so powerful that his physical body would be blown to pieces in an instant, and he could feel his whole body trembling every time thunder thundered down. In the end, even his soul They were all crushed, and when the last ray of his soul dissipated, the expression on his face was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

Although he has never touched the realm of Taoism, he is very clear about what the three realms of Taoism represent. Even some powerful people in the combined state may not be able to realize the Taoism of the Three Realms. Out of anger!
Seeing that the host is regretting, his intestines are almost green. If he knew that Zhang Kun was so terrifying, he would say nothing to provoke him!

"A 20-year-old third-level Daoist comprehender, is such a person a direct disciple of the Three Sects?"

Before Kong Jian was surprised, his soul was torn apart by the divine thunder, and the furious thunder that represented the power of death fell, Kong Jian was in extreme pain, and ended his sinful life with screams!
Zhang Kun cut his eyes open and hurried to the temple.

"Is anyone still alive?" Zhang Kun ran wildly in the temple and shouted again and again.

The monastery at this moment is no longer a place for pure Buddhist cultivation, but like a purgatory Shura field, where the dead bones of Xiaomu villagers who have been sucked dry are lying on the ground!
Zhang Kun walked through the entire temple, but couldn't see a breath of life. He frowned deeply, feeling that there seemed to be some strange existence nearby.

"It's the Buddha statue in the main hall!"

Zhang Kun immediately realized what the problem was. Holding his sword, he ran all the way up, and sensed that there seemed to be a strong dark atmosphere hidden in the Buddha statue!
(End of this chapter)

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