Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 858 Heavenly Secret Pavilion

Chapter 858 Heavenly Secret Pavilion

The caravan began to move slowly again. Uncle Yu and Lin Yuxi walked up to Zhang Kun and said, "Mr. Zhang, why don't you put on a little disguise to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

"Okay." Zhang Kun nodded in agreement, and a black cloth appeared in his hand, which was taken from the masked man. It is a relatively rare spiritual treasure, which can hide the breath and change the appearance.

As the black cloth disappeared from Zhang Kun's face, a young man with a sallow complexion and a sluggish look appeared in front of everyone.

Before leaving, Lin Yuxi said in a low voice: "Things are weird, the hands of the Twelve Sects should not be able to reach the Garan Realm, let's take a look first and then talk about it."

The vehicles of Fengyu Chamber of Commerce were lined up among many pedestrians. When it was time to be inspected, Lin Yuxi seemed to ask a question unintentionally.

"Brother, what's going on today? I didn't need to be checked when I came to Kasyapa City before."

The young monk who was inspecting showed an impatient look, and when he was about to wave his hand to tell him to leave, when he looked up and saw Lin Yuxi's beautiful face, his face suddenly changed, showing a smile that he thought was charming, and pointed to the wanted notice behind him to complain Said: "It's not for this kid who is wanted by Kasyapa Temple."

"What did he do? He doesn't look like a good person." Lin Yuxi pretended to be surprised.

"He demolished a temple within the jurisdiction of Kasyapa Temple and killed the abbot inside. Do you think Kasyapa Temple can spare him?" the young man said in a low voice.

"It turned out to be like this, that was really terrifying." Lin Yuxi patted her bulging chest, pretending to be afraid, but glanced at Zhang Kun without showing any signs.

The young monk's eyes lit up, and he seemed to want to continue the chat, but was reprimanded by the elders at the side, and then he resentfully went to check the team behind.

Zhang Kun looked at her strange gaze, and touched his nose in embarrassment. He didn't expect that he was wanted because of this matter. Indeed, the old monk seemed to have said before his death that he was a monk from Kasyapa Monastery. I didn't care too much, I didn't expect it to have a lot of background.

After everyone entered the city, the surprise on Zhang Kun's face disappeared in a flash, and he glanced at the extremely noble Kasyapa Temple on the mountain without any trace.

Uncle Yu wanted to ask Zhang Kun about his next plan, but Lin Yuxi took a meaningful look at Zhang Kun and said first, "We are staying at the Xianyuan Inn in the west of the city. If Mr. Zhang needs anything, you can come to see us there. Set off for Jialan City in a week, and for the rest of the time, Mr. Zhang please do whatever you want."

Zhang Kun smiled knowingly, knowing that Lin Yuxi must have guessed something. Although Zhang Kun wanted to keep a respectful distance from this overly intelligent girl, he couldn't hate her anyway.

Zhang Kun glanced at the helpless little stone, and the girl in green who held his arm and touched his head, nodded and said, "I'll leave that little stone to you."

"Brother Zhang." Xiao Shitou hesitated to speak, his expression full of worry.

"I'll be back soon after I finish my work." Zhang Kun comforted, turned around and blended into the flow of people.

"Miss, why don't you keep him? If he is discovered, it will affect our future plans." Uncle Yu asked in confusion.

"This kind of person is not something we can control. I am afraid that the pattern of Dayan World will be changed in the future because of him." Lin Yuxi said in a daze.

Uncle Yu turned pale with shock, he never expected that this young lady, who was praised by a big person as being comparable to Li Qingluan, would comment on a young man like this.

"Just wait and see. If I don't expect it, he will give us a surprise soon." Lin Yuxi looked at the towering Mount Kasyapa and smiled lightly.

"Jingyu, are you sure there are fragments of ancient mirrors in Kasyapa Temple?" Zhang Kun seemed to be walking along the street aimlessly, but his mind was already connected to Jingyu.

The moment he stepped into Kasyapa City, he felt a familiar feeling in his heart. Sure enough, the next moment, the realm confirmed his guess.

"The fragments of the ancient mirror are in a hundred miles around, where the Dharma is the strongest." The mechanical voice of the realm sounded in Zhang Kun's heart.

"That's right, the only temple in Kasyapa City is Kasyapa Temple. Just let me collect some interest." Zhang Kun narrowed his eyes and looked at Kasyapa Mountain, which is illuminated by Buddha's light.

However, he didn't act rashly. If he rushed to Mount Kasyapa in such a reckless manner, it would be tantamount to courting death.

From Yu Bo and the others, he probably also knew the distribution of power in the Jialan Realm. The Bodhi Courtyard located in Jialan City is the undisputed No. [-] Courtyard of Jialan.

And below the Bodhi Court, there are four other courtyards, namely the Kasyapa Court, the Dharma Court, the Ananda Court and the Moke Court.

The Kasyapa Temple is one of the four courtyards located in the east of the town. The inner library is said to contain [-] Dharma doors, which can save all living beings and transcend the six realms.

There are so many masters in the courtyard, according to Uncle Yu, it is possible to find a gatekeeper at random, which is an eminent monk with Mahayana strength, and there will definitely be masters of a higher level.

But Zhang Kun is planning how to steal things inside at this moment, which is nothing short of whimsical.

"found it."

Zhang Kun suddenly stopped in front of an inconspicuous small attic, and looked up at the large characters painted with silver hooks on the plaque.

Heavenly Secret Pavilion!
The moment Zhang Kun stepped into the attic, he felt at least three kinds of consciousness sweeping over his body. The master of each of the consciousness has at least the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and even has an extremely obscure aura. , faintly touched the threshold of the Mahayana period.

But a shop with such a master in charge seems to be built in a dirty alley as if it doesn't want to be found.

Zhang Kun's face remained unchanged, revealing a wooden sign in the palm of his hand, and those auras disappeared in an instant. Although it was his first time here, he already knew the rules here.

This wooden sign was also given to him by Lin Xinchan before leaving, it was regarded as a token of Tianji Pavilion, and among the many things Lin Xinchan told him, it was also about this organization.

Tianji Pavilion, an organization that has existed for the longest time in Dayan Realm, no one even remembers how long this organization has existed, because since ancient times, whether it is the change of dynasties or the rise and fall of sects in Dayan Realm, Tianji Pavilion has always remained the same. stand there.No one knew his background at all, and some even suspected that Tianji Pavilion was not founded by people from this world.

Moreover, Tianji Pavilion does not participate in the war between sects, but only sells information, which makes no sect willing to provoke it.

Even most sects have business dealings with Tianji Pavilion, it seems that there is no information that Tianji Pavilion does not know, even as long as you can afford it, even the secret of becoming a fairy, Tianji Pavilion can provide it.

(End of this chapter)

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