Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 860 The Gray Area

Chapter 860 The Gray Area
"How about it, will the Tianji Pavilion accept this information?" Zhang Kun said, secretly relieved in his heart.

In fact, he also took a lot of risks. Although Lin Xinchan told him that the business of Tianji Pavilion was upright and he almost never intervened in the disputes of the world, but as long as this old man wanted to kill him, he wanted to take him back and take him back. Bounty, then even he may not be able to walk out of this door.

Fortunately, even if he voluntarily exposed his identity, Tianji Pavilion had no intention of doing anything to him, which allowed his plan to proceed smoothly.

"This news, five Yuan Jing Essences, we have collected the five Yuan Jing Essences." The old man not only pushed the three Yuan Jing Essences back to Zhang Kun, but even added two more Yuan Jing Essences.

But Zhang Kun shook his head, pushed back these Yuanjing Essences, and said lightly, "I don't want these, I just need Tianji Pavilion to do one thing for me."

"Guest, you must know that Tianji Pavilion never gets involved in those disputes." The old man frowned and said.

"This matter is very simple. I just need Tianji Pavilion to help me spread this information in Weiyang, how about it?" Zhang Kun said softly. Although he was asking, he was sure that Tianji Pavilion would not refuse, because Tianji Pavilion could get it benefits that they cannot refuse.

The old man took a deep look at Zhang Kun, put away the Yuan Jingsui, and the smile on his face became more flattering.

"The distinguished guests have said so, can the little old man still refuse?"

"That's a happy cooperation." Zhang Kun turned and walked out.

The old man sent Zhang Kun out of the gate with a flattering face.

After Zhang Kun's figure disappeared in the crowd, he walked back to the attic.

"This little guy saw a lot of things." The old man glanced at the sundries piled up everywhere and said with a smile.

"Do you want to send someone to follow him?" A somewhat hoarse voice came from the shadow in the corner, and there seemed to be a shadow looming in it.

If Zhang Kun were here, he would definitely be surprised, because he had already swept the room countless times with his divine sense, but he didn't find that there was actually a person hidden here!

"Don't do superfluous things, I'll leave this to you." The old man waved his hands and said, there was no flattery just now, but he was so majestic and unparalleled that people couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship .


The shadow at the corner of the wall swayed a few times, but when I looked again, it had disappeared.

"What a funny little guy."

The old man walked towards the counter, his hunched figure seemed to blend into the world, vaguely visible and extremely mysterious.

After Zhang Kun came out of Tianji Pavilion, instead of going to the inn that Lin Yuxi told him about, he found another inn to stay in.

It wasn't until the sunset that Zhang Kun walked out of the inn and walked towards the gate of the city.

Under the city wall of the west city gate, there is a decayed tree with a crooked neck, swaying the few remaining yellow leaves in the cold wind.

Zhang Kun caressed the crooked-neck tree, wisps of white vitality were continuously input into the crooked-neck tree according to a special method.

Until all the vitality was absorbed by the crooked neck tree, nothing unusual happened.

Zhang Kun didn't panic, he stood quietly under the tree and waited.

A gust of night wind blows, and a dead leaf breaks away from the crooked-neck tree and falls in a whirl.

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand to pick it up, and the moment the leaf touched Zhang Kun's finger, a yellow light flashed across it.

The crooked neck tree was calm again, but no matter how the wind blew, no other leaves fell.


In a space that was brightly lit but could not see the sky, Zhang Kun looked at the leaves in his palm and smiled slightly.

There is a teleportation array engraved inside the crooked neck tree. Zhang Kun was just inputting vitality into the teleportation array at the beginning, and this leaf is the key to activate the teleportation array.

Zhang Kun felt his location. Based on the vitality he input, the teleportation range of the teleportation array should also be within ten kilometers. If he guessed correctly, this space is located underground in Kasyapa City!
"Welcome to the gray trading place, newcomer." A man wearing a gray fox mask opened the door and walked in.

The man in the fox mask saw that Zhang Kun ignored him, and he didn't care. He had seen this kind of customers a lot, and said to himself: "You can call me Gray Fox, I'm from this gray trading place. One of the regulators."

"This place? Are there other places?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Of course, we do gray business throughout the entire Da Yan world, as long as there are profitable places, we exist." Gray Fox raised his head and said proudly.

"So I want to find some people now, can you help me?" Zhang Kun asked.

Gray Fox froze for a moment, and said angrily, "Looking for someone? Then you should go to Tianji Pavilion, not our place."

Gray Fox paused, then asked curiously, "Who are you looking for?"

"Do you have any people who don't want to die?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Hahaha, of course there is. What we need most here is people who don't want their lives." Gray Fox suddenly laughed.

Zhang Kun looked at him quietly, Gray Fox coughed twice in embarrassment, and said seriously: "However, people who don't want their lives often ask for a lot of money."

Gray Fox stared at Zhang Kun with undisguised suspicion on his face.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Zhang Kun stroked the storage ring, and a blue light flashed across the room.

"Very well, I like doing things for the rich the most." The gray fox narrowed his eyes, just like a real fox.

Ten minutes later, Gray Fox and a man wearing a silver wolf mask walked out of the room.

"Then, Mr. Silver Wolf, you can take a stroll here first. I will send someone to notify you when I find someone." Gray Fox bowed slightly, and left contentedly, as if a big deal had been negotiated .

The silver wolf mask was naturally given to Zhang Kun by the gray fox. Here, most monks wear this mask that can isolate the detection of the spiritual sense, because there are mixed fish and dragons here, and many things come from wrong sources, so no matter the buyer or the seller, I don't want to be recognized and get into trouble, but because of this, I can find a lot of rare things that the outside world can't find.

When Zhang Kun came to the street, he found that most of the people who came and went were wearing masks, and the few who dared to show their true colors were all extremely confident in their own strength.

Although this place is underground, it is obviously shrouded by formations, it is as bright as day, and all kinds of shouts fill the ears, no different from those mortal streets.

But Zhang Kun just glanced at it casually, and couldn't help being a little startled. The earth spirit root, which was regarded as the treasure of the store by those pharmacies outside, was piled up in piles on the stalls like weeds here!
(End of this chapter)

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