Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 867

Chapter 867
Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Don't be afraid of him, there are so many of you, are you afraid that he won't succeed?"

"That's right, Made fought with him!"

The group of Mahayana monks hired by Zhang Kun are all desperadoes in the black market. They are by no means soft-hearted. Now that they have been pushed to this point, they will never back down!
"Whoever takes his head for me first, I will add another Yuanjing Essence!" Standing at the back of the Mahayana monks, Zhang Kun shouted loudly.

In his hand, a crystal essence shining with brilliant light made those Mahayana monks stare with eager eyes!
"Damn, such a generous shot, don't worry about it, kill that bald donkey!"

As expected of a ruthless person born in a black market employment agency, when they heard that Zhang Kun had added a bounty, they rolled up their sleeves one by one, took out their magic weapons, and all blasted at Master Jing Kong!
Zhang Kun hired, and naturally he would not choose ordinary people. Among this group of people, there is a strong man who once belonged to an ancient and mysterious killer organization. The moment Zhang Kun's voice fell, that killer turned into a A streak of green smoke disappeared into the air, and even Zhang Kun couldn't help but admire it a little bit. This ability to conceal his figure is really powerful, even he couldn't detect it immediately!


The fierce sound of metal and stone clashing came suddenly, Zhang Kun looked up, and saw a skinny black ghost hand suddenly protruding from the back of Master Jingkong, holding a sharp dagger in the ghost hand, stabbing directly To the heart of Mage Jingkong, and at this moment, a ray of Buddha's light lit up, and infinite brilliance lit up around Mage Jingkong's body, and a shield was directly generated, which directly stuck the black-handed dagger in the midair.

But obviously that killer is not just waiting for nothing, I saw that his figure became blurred again, entered into a black mist, there were three loud bangs, and three sharp knives pierced the air from three directions , came from an extremely treacherous angle, and the attacks hit the weakest point of the clear mage's shield impartially, and the three daggers turned into three balls of blood and pierced straight up. The shield unexpectedly exploded!
Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun clapped his hands involuntarily, and Lang laughed and said, "Hey, this is a technical job, it should be rewarded!"

"Huh? It was able to break through the defense of the poor monk. Could it be that this fierce technique came from the hands of the murderer?"

Master Jing Kong turned sideways, narrowly avoiding the killer's continued pursuit. He fixedly looked at the killer who had escaped into the shadows again, and murmured a word.

"Hehe, old bald donkey, you still remember?" The killer's voice came from nowhere. As a killer, he knows how to defuse the opponent's defense very well. His eyes seem to be able to see all the flaws in the opponent's body. , this person is extremely dangerous, he was once wanted by several sects and clans, and finally had to leave the killer organization and mix in the black market employment office.

Seeing the killer working so hard, the remaining Mahayana monks couldn't be idle. Just as Master Jing Kong escaped from the killer's pursuit, he was surrounded by those Mahayana monks!

"Amitabha, everyone has no enmity with me, Kasyapa Temple. Why don't you put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, and hand over the young man behind you. On behalf of Kasyapa Temple, I promise that I will never pursue any responsibility of you!"

Master Jingkong clasped his hands together, with a compassionate expression on his face. He was willing to forgive the crimes of these Mahayana monks, provided that Zhang Kun was handed over.

"Stop talking nonsense, I want you to know how powerful you are today!" A black-faced man shouted angrily, and smashed down the huge double hammers in his hands. The terrifying power was like a giant spirit descending from the earth. Juli burst out suddenly, even a small mountain was about to be smashed by him!
On the other side, a Mahayana monk dressed as a scribe also shot directly. He sat down cross-legged, and a guqin appeared in his hand. It was a top-grade quasi-lingual treasure. Once he took it out, Zhang Kun could feel the surging vitality Such as the sea, very spiritual, these monks who hang out in the black market employment agency are different from ordinary monks, they often undertake dangerous tasks of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and live a dangerous life like walking a tightrope on a cliff, but at the same time, they get The rewards are also very high, which leads to their strength far exceeding ordinary people, and they have all powerful magic weapons.

The sound of the zither was as clear as splashing jade, trembling like a dragon's chant. When the sound of the zither sounded, one after another sound waves shot directly at Mage Jingkong. There was a clamor, and the sound wave contained the true energy of ice, which directly condensed the surrounding air into black ice, and suddenly a gust of wind blew through it, and the place where Master Jing Kong was standing was already frozen with ice slag!

However, Mage Jing Kong is worthy of being a guardian monk with the strength of a half-step body. I saw him chanting a Buddha's name, and a dazzling golden light blasted from his long sleeves, rushing towards the sound wave, and with a bang, it turned out to be a direct The offensive was resolved.

On the other side, the terrifying sledgehammer of the black-faced man had already been smashed down, but the cassock on Master Jing Kong's body lit up. The cassock inlaid with many precious gemstones was extremely noble at first glance, and it was a defensive weapon at the level of a spiritual weapon. The magic weapon, even if it was an overwhelming blow from the black-faced man, there was not a single white mark on his body, and it even made the black-faced man take a few steps back!
"Drink, this bald donkey is really powerful!"

The black-faced burly man spat and cursed, but he was obviously not an idler, and saw the huge double hammers in his hands being danced like a tiger.

"Cloak Hammer Technique!"

The black-faced man roared angrily, and swallowed a elixir given to him by Zhang Kun. His aura suddenly rose a little, and blood red flashed in his eyes. With a huge lift of his strength, the giant hammer slammed down again. !

None of the mercenaries who can be found in the black market mercenary office is an idler. This black-faced man who wields a heavy hammer was once a famous general of his generation, and he served for a prosperous dynasty. It's not far away either!

With this hammer, the whole space trembled uncontrollably, the terrifying power was shocking, and the black-faced man also received the boost from the elixir given by Zhang Kun, and his power was directly raised to a higher level in a short time , like a human-shaped tyrannosaur, I saw the Sifang Wengjin sledgehammer roaring and falling, and everything that blocked the sledgehammer was crushed!

Master Jingkong's face changed, the power of this blow had already reached the level of the half-step fit state, even he might not be able to resist it easily!

 Go out to meet friends, just get home, update immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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