Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 870 Kunyuhuazhang VS Durenjing

Chapter 870 Kunyuhuazhang VS Durenjing

Even a person with extremely strong physical strength like the bronze monk has weaknesses, such as the heart. The internal organs are the most difficult to cultivate, and the killer is looking for the heart.

Master Jing Kong was besieged by several Mahayana powerhouses before, and he received a small injury for a while. Now, after a period of cultivation, he has recovered. His lipstick is white and his teeth are white. A stunningly beautiful man, and his best ability is different from the other protectors but his spirit!

It is said that Master Jingkong once surpassed a ten thousand year old wraith, and directly influenced it with the powerful and boundless Dharma!

His spiritual power is so strong that people can't help but want to kneel down and convert to Buddhism when they see him.

At this moment, he directly sat down cross-legged, clasped his hands together, and recited an ancient scripture. He muttered words, as if he had entered the land of no one, and a sense of Zen enlightenment spread leisurely. The successive battles around him seemed to have nothing to do with him at all. , he immediately became a devout chant.

However, the scriptures he sang are not as harmless as others.

"The Sutra of Saving Human Beings" is the supreme sutra inherited from the Bodhi Court. It is claimed to be able to save everything. Once the Sutra of Saving People is published, even the heinous Jiangyang robbers will burst into tears when they hear it, and immediately put down their butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

The first Zen chant resounded, Master Jingkong was bathed in golden light, and his precious appearance was solemn. Everyone felt that the scriptures seemed to have a magical power. After listening to them, people wanted to kneel down and take refuge. Buddhism.

At this moment, all the believers in Kasyapa City knelt down and bowed in the direction of Master Jingkong devoutly.

"It's Master Jingkong who is chanting. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Many good men and believers wept with joy and recited scriptures along with his voice.

Suddenly a stream of Sanskrit chants sounded, and the faces of the black market mercenaries suddenly changed wildly, all of them turned a little pale. The scriptures of the People's Salvation Sutra contained incomparable mysterious power, leading Master Jingkong to be as majestic as the sea Ordinary spiritual power is coerced, and even they feel that their Dao Hearts are about to be superseded!
This is extremely dangerous for a monk!

Once the Dao heart is shaken, it is difficult to improve the cultivation base, and the spirit may be changed by others!
Many people covered their heads directly, unable to listen to Master Jing Kong's words, they were about to kneel down!
But Zhang Kun was not affected at all!
You must know that as early as in the Wuming Continent, he had experienced the state of refining his mind, and he had achieved a perfect state of mind, a stable Taoist heart, and would not be shaken by any foreign objects at all!

But looking at the people around them, they all showed embarrassment. A few people with low levels of spiritual power and unstable Taoism had already knelt down towards Master Jingkong, clasped their hands together, and kowtowed again and again!

If this goes on like this, the team that I hired with Yuan Jing Essence will be converted by Master Clearance, which is absolutely impossible!

Zhang Kun also sat down cross-legged immediately, and sat opposite Master Jingkong to perform the spell.

"What is this little guy doing?" The onlookers saw that Zhang Kun sat down directly, and asked in puzzlement.

Immediately someone on the side sneered and said: "There is nothing wrong with this, he has already been influenced by the Sutra of saving people, and he wants to sit down and chant sutras with Master Jingkong!"

"Hmph, Kasyapa Temple is indeed difficult to provoke. Zhang Kun, who is wanted all over the world, is nothing more than that. Master Jing Kong can subdue him with just one volume of scriptures!"

However, the next moment, they immediately widened their eyes and looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief.

"Isn't it just the ancient scriptures, so it looks like someone Zhang doesn't have them!"

Zhang Kun smiled lightly, his dark eyes narrowed, he smiled slightly, and began to chant sutras!
However, what he recited was Kunyuhuazhang!

"Kunyu Huazhang" is the first exercise rewarded to Zhang Kun by Jingyu. It is said to be the strongest basic exercise. Every realm before the Golden Core Realm can be cultivated with the help of Kunyu Huazhang's scriptures. Extreme!

This Kunyu Huazhang is a supreme classic created by a powerful person in ancient times, and every word recorded in it has supreme divine power!

As soon as Zhang Kun opened his mouth and chanted a section of divine scriptures recorded in the Kunyu Huazhang, a blue radiance gushed out from his body, and as he chanted, the clear radiance swept away, directly covering the surrounding The Mahayana monks were covered in it, and those Mahayana monks who were already kneeling on the ground crying bitterly realized it instantly, looked around in surprise, and shook their heads fiercely.

Zhang Kun continued to recite the supreme scriptures. Kunyu Huazhang explained the Taoism thoroughly, which is the most top-notch technique. Every word is pearls. Zhang Kun's body is surrounded by countless golden characters to suppress the void.
He doesn't even need to evolve this Kunyu Huazhang, he only needs to recite a short scripture to resist saving people!

"what's the situation!"

The surrounding audience looked in disbelief, which simply subverted their three views and cognition.

The Sutra of Saving Human Beings is a powerful scripture handed down from the Bodhi Court. Even ten thousand years of resentful spirits can be converted, but it has no effect on Zhang Kun at all, and it was directly suppressed by a scripture he recited later!

Master Jingkong's complexion changed wildly, which is simply unbelievable to people. Master Jingkong has never encountered such a situation in his many years of preaching. His Buddha heart was shaken at this moment, and he was affected, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood Come!
At the same time, the power of the Human Saving Sutra dissipated directly. Under the crushing of Kunyu Huazhang, it completely dissipated and all the Mahayana monks recovered. They even felt the vitality in their bodies surging. Seems to be supplemented in general!

Everyone was so surprised that it was difficult to add, their eyes were about to pop out, the expressions on the faces of countless people in Kasyapa City froze at this moment, Master Jingkong was their spiritual pillar, Master Jingkong sat opposite Zhang Kun The performance turned out to be that Master Jingkong was beaten to the ground and ended in a big defeat!

At this moment, their hearts darkened and they became confused. Could it be that what they believed in was wrong?

"How is this possible? Master Jingkong is the most powerful person in the Kasyapa Temple after the elders and the abbot!"

All the believers in Kasyapa Temple collapsed at this moment. Master Jingkong spat out a mouthful of old blood, stared at Zhang Kun, his body trembled, and he was speechless!

Zhang Kun smiled lightly, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Master Jing Kong, you can't do this. I still have several ancient scriptures that I haven't brought out here. You just fell down. It's really boring!"

(End of this chapter)

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