Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 881 Tai Sheng Xuan Yang Seal

Chapter 881 Tai Sheng Xuan Yang Seal

He flew out with a dharma body and wiped Zhang Kun's body, so he wanted to capture Lin Yuxi behind him!

"Did I allow you to do this?" Zhang Kun sneered, squeezed the formula, a flash of light flashed in his dark and deep eyes, and the energy of the world rushed rapidly, and several ice veins condensed in him instantly Beside him, a cold and chilling intent came out of his body, and the space seemed to be locked at this moment, Master Jingyun's dharma body stopped in an instant!

Taking Zhang Kun as the origin, the endless frost elements around constitute a huge field. In this ice kingdom, all things that Zhang Kun does not allow will be frozen and slowed down!

Master Jingyun sneered, and with a sway of his figure, the ice flakes on his body exploded and turned into white dust. His speed did not decrease, and he continued to rush towards Lin Yuxi.


Lin Yuxi exclaimed, she only had foundation building strength, Master Jingyun locked her, Lin Yuxi couldn't move at all!
"call out!"

At this moment, Master Jingyun noticed a bleak cold light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, he felt as if his eyes were about to be stabbed, and the sharp sword energy blasted towards him, that seemed to be a real The killing intent was about to tear his body apart!
"Phantom sword projection, named Canxue!"

At the critical moment, Zhang Kun directly launched the projection of the phantom sword. This sword traveled through endless space and time, and appeared directly in front of Lin Yuxi, protecting her delicate body under the sword glow!

The name Canxue is an immortal artifact. Even though it has dropped several levels due to the projection of the phantom sword, it still has spirituality. Without Zhang Kun's command, it will rain down several misty rays of light, and a crystal-clear diamond-like ice shield will appear. In front of Lin Yuxi.

But here, another dharma body of Master Jingyun has already rushed in front of Zhang Kun. Master Jingyun is the head of the twelve mages today. It's just that he hides his aura. The sixth level of fusion is enough to crush the powerhouse of the first level of fusion. As for the Mahayana state, it is as easy as chopping vegetables.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Master Jingyun has always been known for his iron fist in Kasyapa, and countless big demons have been directly suppressed and surrendered by him. Even if he faced Zhang Kun, who was far from his opponent, he still used it. full strength!


Master Jingyun's punch contains extremely profound Buddhist teachings, as if a mountain is toppled over, the golden Buddha seal shines on the fist light, and in an instant, it gives people an illusion that he seems to have transformed a Buddhist kingdom It hit Zhang Kun directly!

Everyone at the scene gasped, the power of the fusion was indeed well-deserved, with a single blow, it almost changed the color of the world.

Zhang Kun's heart sank slightly. The explosive power of the state of fusion was too powerful. Even he felt a little unbearable. The magic energy residing in his left eye had been used last time Most of the time, this kind of magic energy is not easy to obtain. There is no such pure hell world atmosphere in Dayan Realm. He can only replenish it on the special stars connected to the mirror field, so it is not until the last moment. , he didn't want to waste this hole card!


The vast aura suddenly spread, and a rainbow flashed, and Zhang Kun's figure quickly retreated, turning into a dark golden shadow, and a treasure seal, the Taisheng Xuanyang Seal, appeared in his hand, This is the top-grade spiritual treasure that he spent a total of five yuan crystals on the black market, and it is still above Dongyue in terms of grade!

Taisheng Xuanyang seal has many magical functions, it can be used for offense and defense, and it is powerful, but this thing is not very durable, and it can only be fully charged ten times before it needs to be recharged with the extremely precious Xuanyang stone!

"Shield of Xuanyang!"

Zhang Kun felt the surging vitality in his body. The Taisheng Xuanyang seal in his hand was like a bottomless pit. He suddenly injected a lot of vitality into it. sun!

Master Jingyun's face suddenly changed. Even with his strength, he couldn't help feeling the majesty of vitality contained in Taisheng Xuanyang seal!

I saw a golden barrier appearing directly in front of Zhang Kun, like an egg shell, wrapping him perfectly inside, even if Master Jingyun punched fire, crackling and hitting, one after another punching power evolved into the Nine Heavens Buddha In China, even the immeasurable Buddha's light can't penetrate Zhang Kun's Xuanyang Shield!

"Oh, Master Jingyun is really powerful, you hit the shield, it gave me a bit of a headache!"

Zhang Kun smiled calmly and looked at Master Jingyun lightly.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Master Jingyun was instantly enraged, and Ming Canxue over there also perfectly blocked his other Dharma Body, which meant that his wave of offensives had no effect at all, and was directly blocked by Zhang Kun alone.

"You mere Nascent Soul thief, you actually ruined my good deeds. I will suppress you in Abi Hell, where you will be bitten and tortured by evil spirits forever!"

Zhang Kun pretended to be terrified in the shield of Xuanyang, and said with a light smile: "Master Jingyun, as a monk, you should be merciful!"

"Stop talking nonsense, when I kill you, I'll see if your tongue is still so sharp!"

Master Jingyun sneered, clasped his hands together, and recalled all the dharma bodies. He recited an ancient scripture that Zhang Kun could not understand, and suddenly the Buddha was full of light, and a majestic aura suddenly rose. Countless phantoms of ancient Buddhas appeared on the ground, each of which was extremely powerful and majestic!
"The Art of the Great Absence of Suffering!"

The Sanskrit chanting came, and the golden light contained the true meaning of the Four Noble Truths of "suffering, origin, extinction, and Tao". It is the law of the rise and fall of all dharmas in the universe. This golden light penetrates everything. It seems that there is a great resonance!
"I'm going, so fierce!"

Zhang Kun exclaimed, and quickly called Ming Canxue back to his side, the sword shadow shuttled, leaving a white mark in the air, the cold sword intent was icy cold, and the ground was cut where the sword energy passed There were many sword marks of different shades.

"The power of Tai Sheng!"

At the same time, Zhang Kun directly urged again, Taisheng Xuanyang seal, the vast power of the surrounding world was aroused by him in an instant, so much power gathered together and rushed into his meridians crazily, almost To blow him up, he hastily poured this power into the Taisheng Xuanyang seal, a burst of mysterious light erupted from the Taisheng Xuanyang seal, and the light reflected the famous Canxue, and the golden and white ice crystals intertwined between the swords immediately , sending out a powerful wave!


(End of this chapter)

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