Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 885 Master Jingyun's hole card

Chapter 885 Master Jingyun's hole card
The rose thorns have countless sharp thorns, and they can even easily tear apart the body shield of a Mahayana monk. The moment the Rose Queen came, countless grass buds and thorns broke through the soil and grew from all directions. Interlaced and intertwined, the vitality of this savage growth is too wild!

Everyone present took a deep breath.

The monks of the Fengyu Chamber of Commerce hurriedly protected Lin Yuxi and retreated, for fear of being affected by those vines, but the monks of the Kasyapa Monastery were not so lucky. In a rage, Li Qingqing summoned an extremely thick plant cage to lock them up completely. It's inside!
"What, what happened!"

Before those monks noticed what happened, they saw countless vines entangled and surrounded themselves. The dense forest prison can surround everything, even monsters in the transformation stage are trapped in it, except for roaring. Can't do anything else!
"Damn, let me out!"

The monks kept roaring. They were startled, and they were immediately tied up. Under the blessing of the Rose Queen, Li Qingqing was no different from the Forest Goddess. Unleash her boundless power!

A little less holy and aloof, but a little more domineering and majestic!

The strangling vines didn't give those monks any chance at all. The thorns pierced deeply into their bodies, and the golden Buddha light was directly scattered, turning into fragments and scattered like a whip whip. Blood shadows appeared on their bodies, and a cane whip was pulled down, gouging out a piece of flesh from their bodies!

Plants that usually look gentle and harmless have completely turned into deadly weapons at this moment. The bright red blood pulsation is still spreading, and countless monks have turned into blood mist floating in the sound of screams, and the blood is red. The whole valley!
Thousands of blades are more like sharp swords. Tens of thousands of arrows pierced everything and fell like a shower. A few unlucky Mahayana experts were directly shot into a sieve, bloody and bloody, and they couldn't die anymore!
Zhang Kun raised his eyebrows, and his heart moved slightly.

What surprised him wasn't the power of Li Qingqing's attack, but the expression on the faces of those monks, which was full of enjoyment. They opened their arms to accept those deadly thorns and thorns.

The power of charm, that is the bright red fluctuations emitted by the Rose Queen, making it difficult for those people to resist the blood red pulses, knowing that the thorns are extremely dangerous, but they still let the vines whip their bodies like moths to the flame!

"It's a big killer." Zhang Kun couldn't help but muttered, the power of the Rose Queen is so powerful, if Zhang Kun's spiritual power had not already broken through, I'm afraid he would also be terribly affected by that charming power!
And the scope of this ability to control plants is too wide, countless vines can fight hundreds of enemies at once, this ability is even more terrifying in war!
Just imagine how terrifying it would be to rush out of countless thorny cages from the ground on a battlefield where thousands of horses are galloping. This ability is too powerful for a group. No wonder countless seniors in the cultivation world said not to offend a master plant at will. family of power.

In the middle of the sky, Li Qingqing stood on the cloud, her eyes had already turned into emerald color without any emotion, but this time her eyes were still slightly bright red, adding to her beauty.

The entire valley has become her garden, and the crystal green color shines on every flower and every blade of grass, and the vines that have drank blood become thicker and brighter red. This majestic vitality is also A terrifying power that devours life.

The beautiful and moving rose petals slowly fell, as if the curtain of a funeral had come to an end, and everyone couldn't help feeling a little sad in their hearts.

At this moment, countless people raised their heads and looked up at Li Qingqing's face, feeling a sense of awe in their hearts. The power of nature is really amazing!

Who would have thought that once the quiet and silent white-robed woman exploded, she would be so terrifying. Seeing this scene, Lin Yuxi's beautiful eyes moved slightly, as if she was thinking about something, while Zhang Kun's mouth curled up slightly. An arc!
This Yuan Jing Essence is too valuable!

He looked indifferently at the verdant green plants spreading wantonly all over the valley, but suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, that majestic life force possessed an extremely powerful tension!

He closed his eyes, but a pool of spring water appeared in front of him. An ice crystal was thrown into the lake. In an instant, the infinite ice breath spread, just like vines growing wantonly. Thousand Ice Crystal Spikes!
The members of the Fengyu Chamber of Commerce let out a long sigh, and the crisis was resolved. They saw with their own eyes that the spreading vines strangled all the monks and turned them into pieces. The blood mist proved that they had all been turned into pieces. Dust, the bloodthirsty rattan directly absorbed their blood, turned it into nourishment, and strengthened itself!
"Ah, ah!"

At this moment, the energy of the heavens and the earth rushed rapidly, and an unwilling roar came out, and a golden radiance exploded from the deepest part of the thick green shadow. Master Jingyun was naked at the moment, with his upper body , The strong muscles burst out one by one, and the thick blue veins on his arms burst out, like tiny blue dragons, and it seemed that he had the power to shake the world in the palm of his hand!

A huge force surged like a turbulent wave, and Master Jingyun directly tore apart countless vines that entangled him with his physical body. It was as if the sun had burst out with fiery energy in the dark green bushes, and the entire forest kingdom trembled violently. stand up!
Everyone's hearts sank slightly, that Master Jingyun's physical strength was extremely powerful, and his colossal strength was enough to move mountains and fill seas.

"Worthy of being the head of the twelve mages, Jing Yun, I didn't expect your body to be so powerful."

Lin Yuxi said indifferently, staring at Jingyun in front of her. From his body, she could feel the power of the dragon and elephant. He must have practiced an extremely powerful body cultivation method, and may even have an extraordinary physique!

"Huh, there are so many secret arts in my Kasyapa Temple, how can casual practitioners like you guess them?" Jing Yun sneered, and he was surrounded by strands of dark red energy, which seemed to be real, exuding A destructive throbbing!

The rose queen's vines and leaves did not dare to approach him, as if they were afraid of his terrifying power!
The energy around Jingyun was almost berserk, and the sound of electric current was making people palpitate. It seemed that once he got close to him, he would be blown to pieces by that terrifying force!
 Dear judges, happy Chinese New Year, after a few days of going home, I was forced to lie down for a few days, and finally let me understand a truth: Sometimes, I really, really need to use the scheduled release function!I'm sorry, it was broken for two days, and the 6 chapters owed will be made up by adding two chapters every day in the next few days!
(End of this chapter)

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