Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 888 Broken Temple

Chapter 888 Broken Temple
Lin Yuxi opened her mouth lightly and looked at Zhang Kun in a daze.

After Zhang Kun got the answer, he left contentedly.

Lin Yuxi sat for a long time, looking at the sound of the horse leading the horse, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and said softly: "It's true that you can't hide anything from Mr. Zhang."

It was getting late, and it started to rain. Compared with the previous few days, this day passed very smoothly. The caravan did not encounter any suspicious people or fights throughout the day.

These two days, in order to arrive at Jialan City ahead of schedule, the caravan even took a short rest at night and was on the road all night. Even so, they had already dealt with several groups of killers. Although they were all successfully repelled, everyone was already exhausted .

The depletion of vitality can still be replenished with pills, but the depletion of energy and spirit is even more deadly.

"There is a temple ahead, should we go in and have a rest?" The person walking in the front suddenly pointed not far away.

When everyone looked, they saw a light flickering in the wind and rain in the darkness, and it was vaguely discernible that it was a temple.

Everyone looked at Lin Yuxi, waiting for her decision, but Lin Yuxi remained silent. In this kind of wilderness, a temple suddenly appeared, no matter how you think it is abnormal.

"Miss, we are all exhausted. If we continue walking, if we meet those pursuers again, we will be hard to stop." Uncle Yu said.

"Okay then, I'll spend the night there and leave tomorrow morning." Lin Yuxi knew that Uncle Yu was telling the truth, hesitated for a while, and agreed.

After everyone approached, they found that the temple was dilapidated, even the name of the temple on the door was blurred, and the sound of wooden fish could be heard faintly inside.

Uncle Yu was about to knock on the door, when he heard a creak, the rotten wooden door opened automatically, and a breath of old and vicissitudes spread over the surface, as if there had been no human habitation here for a long time.

The door was facing the main hall. In the dilapidated main hall, a monk with a haggard face was sitting, knocking on a tattered wooden fish.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

After everyone heard the sound of the wooden fish, they felt that the fatigue on their bodies was relieved a little, and their mood became more and more peaceful.

Zhang Kun was slightly stunned, the sound of the wooden fish actually coincided with some kind of heavenly way, and the rhythm of the severity was just the manifestation of some kind of way.

"Master, we belong to a caravan. It's raining heavily outside. We want to stay here for one night." Uncle Yu saluted and said respectfully.

"All benefactors, please take care of yourself." The monk's tone was gentle, and he felt like a spring breeze.

After Bo Yu thanked him, he and everyone in the caravan found a corner to rest.

Although the main hall was dilapidated, it could still barely shelter the wind and rain. On this miserable night, the inside of the hall became more and more warm, and even the dim oil lamp felt extremely bright.

Zhang Kun frowned, although the monk's body was empty without any trace of vitality, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yuxi noticed Zhang Kun's expression and asked quietly via voice transmission.

"It's okay, I should be too nervous." Zhang Kun shook his head and said, thinking that he should be superstitious, who can hide his breath so that he can't see any flaws, at least he must be a cultivator in the Void Refining Realm, and if it is true This kind of cultivators don't need to engage in these methods at all, because the cultivators who are really refining the emptiness want to attack them, and they have no chance of surviving at all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Kun simply didn't worry so much, and closed his eyes silently to rest his mind. Li Qingqing found a corner and sat down cross-legged, slowly exercising and adjusting his breath. She wore a veil to hide her peerless beauty, so as not to attract Unnecessary trouble, these days, she also shot and killed the pursuer many times, helping Zhang Kun relieve a lot of pressure.

At this time, the little stone who had been taciturn during the previous journey came out.

Xiao Shitou hesitated for a long time in the corner, then stood up suddenly, walked up to the gray-clothed monk, clasped his hands together and bowed respectfully, and asked, "Master, why is there no Buddha statue on the altar?"

This incident made Xiaoshi very puzzled. He had never seen a temple without a Buddha statue. Could it be that this is a fake monk?

The grey-clothed monk smiled, and glanced at Xiao Shitou, who suddenly felt that his own thoughts had been completely seen by him.

The sound of the wooden fish stopped, and the gray-clothed monk stood up, turned his back to the empty altar and asked, "What's the use of a Buddha statue?"

"Naturally, it is to pay homage to understand the Buddha's nature."

Xiao Shitou blurted out, feeling more and more that this monk is a fake.

"My heart is already the same as the Buddha's heart, what is the use of this Buddha statue?" the gray-clothed monk said slowly.

Little Stone opened his eyes wide, and looked at the gray-clothed monk in disbelief.

This sentence naturally fell into the ears of other people. They just felt that this mountain monk was really arrogant, saying such arrogant words, but seeing that he was just an ordinary person, he didn't bother to care about it and cause more troubles.

But the little stone froze there, slowly and thoughtfully repeating the words of the gray-clothed monk, lost in thought for a while, at that moment the little stone seemed to have heard something magical, there are all phenomena and all things, the birth and death of the universe Reason, appeared in front of his eyes, the words of the gray-clothed monk were like an ancient Buddhist scripture!

"Master, I'm sorry."

Suddenly, the little stone bowed directly to the gray-clothed monk, with an extremely serious expression, and kowtowed reverently.

"Good, good." The gray-clothed monk glanced at the little stone and said with a smile.

His gaze dropped, and his cloudy old eyes were fixed on the small stone. No one noticed that his body was actually trembling, so he slowly opened his mouth.

"Little Shitou, I came here to accept you as an apprentice, are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Unexpectedly, the monk in gray said quietly.

Little Shitou couldn't help being startled, and a bit of astonishment flashed across his innocent face. He wasn't surprised how the gray-clothed monk knew his name. After all, with his powerful strength, he obviously had secret methods to know his name information.

Xiao Shitou was surprised that such an existence, how could he accept himself as an apprentice?

He has studied scriptures with Master Kong Jian for several years, and only practiced some self-defense techniques. He has just reached the state of Qi training, opened his dantian, and gathered vitality.

Such people are nothing more than ants in the Dayan Realm where there are countless strong people. Those powerful monks will destroy the world at every turn, and even a single trace of it will be enough to destroy countless monks in the Qi training realm.

And the master in front of him actually wanted to accept him as an apprentice. To be honest, with Xiao Shitou's dull temper, he felt that the gray-clothed monk was joking.

"Those who live must perish, and all living beings suffer from samsara. I would like to pass on a volume of the ancient Sutra to save all living beings and transcend all living beings."

(End of this chapter)

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