Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 893

Chapter 893
Uncle Yu opened his eyes and looked around, but the surrounding environment was extremely strange and desolate, and all he could see was the wilderness.

Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, biting her red lips with her white teeth, glanced at Zhang Kun who was still in the state of enlightenment, and sighed: "The master said to give us a ride, maybe this place is very far away from Jialan City. It's getting closer, but we should discuss everything after Mr. Zhang wakes up."


Everyone saluted respectfully and still sighed endlessly. When they recalled what happened just now, they felt so miraculous and unbelievable.

Everyone in the Phoenix Feather Chamber of Commerce immediately rested on the spot. Having experienced what happened just now, they dared not take it lightly. Several formation mages from the Chamber of Commerce began to set up formations around them, and they would be able to detect any disturbance.

Zhang Kun can be said to be the strongest among them. Now he is in a state of cultivation and unable to fight, so they must be extremely careful.

Li Qingqing leaned on a big tree, fixed her eyes on Zhang Kun, protecting him.

Lin Yuxi took a deep look at Zhang Kun. She felt that she couldn't understand the young man in front of her. Even if she had the ability to see through falsehoods, she couldn't see through Zhang Kun.

At this moment, Zhang Kun's body is really like a chaotic dark universe, extremely cold and silent, suddenly a stream of light breaks in, brilliantly shining, the complex and intertwined meridians in his body are lit up at this moment, and the nine-turn golden wheel Yuanying is in the void. Floating and sinking in it, emitting a faint radiance, lighting up the entire haggard universe.

A series of extremely complicated changes occurred in Zhang Kun's body, and countless rare visions evolved. It is hard to believe that his realm is just the Nascent Soul realm. , extremely bright!

I don't know how long it took before Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the color of his pupils changed again. The power of the demon envoy from the hell realm resided in the left pupil, which was a cold and noble dark gold color. At this moment, his right pupil glowed with seven-colored glazed light, which was incomparably miraculous. A bright Buddha light is faintly radiating outside.

"Nine turns of the golden wheel, return to one cycle."

He murmured in a low voice about the new ability bestowed on him by the enlightened power of the Nine-turned Golden Wheel Nascent Soul, which is almost the strongest blow of the gray-clothed monk. If he used it directly, it might be enough to kill Jia in an instant. Lou Luo killed, he didn't do it, it was just to guide the potential in Xiao Shitou's body.

Returning to reincarnation is a big killer move. Once it is used, the nine-fold golden wheel will gradually unfold around the user's body. This is the strongest form of the nine-turn golden wheel Yuanying. The golden wheel spews holy flames, which are enough to burn everything. When the nine-fold golden wheel is unfolded, thousands of bright lights will fill the sky and the earth, and the power of each ray of light will reach the peak blow of the user!
At the same time, the power of returning to samsara will be lifted accordingly, and returning to samsara can pour all the original Tao of Tao that the user has comprehended throughout his life on the target in an instant, directly transcending it to heaven, and comprehending the Tao The more thoughts and the higher the realm, the greater the power of returning to samsara.

In the hands of the monk in gray, the power of returning to reincarnation is invincible!
"Unfortunately, the lowest limit for using the reincarnation is to reach the state of Mahayana. Every time I unfold a golden wheel, a huge amount of vitality is required. It is estimated that my vitality will be exhausted and I will die before the nine-fold golden wheel is unfolded." Zhang Zhang Kun thought with some regret that his realm was still at the peak of Nascent Soul.

He now understands the power of the Nine-Turn Golden Wheel Nascent Soul, no wonder the vitality it can contain is so pure and huge, but even so, it cannot support the Nine-Turn Golden Wheel to unfold, let alone use it. It's back again.

This kind of power is too powerful, but it is almost impossible to use it, and Zhang Kun no longer has much expectation for it.

However, the grey-clothed monk flicked his fingers for the last time and injected a stream of light into Zhang Kun's body. It was the pure green glass heart left after the death of Garuda Luo. Luo Zeng was the Dharma protector under the seat of the Holy Buddha and possessed the heart of a Buddha. At this moment, the pure blue colored glaze had been refined by Zhang Kun and lodged in Zhang Kun's right pupil.

It's a pity that now Zhang Kun doesn't know what it's useful for, and he doesn't know what the gray-clothed monk's intention of gifting Garuda's relic to him is.

Seeing Zhang Kun awake, Lin Yuxi came up.

"Mr. Zhang, you finally woke up."

Zhang Kun nodded and asked, "How long has it been?"

"Seven days." A bit of worry flashed in Lin Yuxi's beautiful eyes, "If we don't hurry up, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with the Land and Water Conference."

Zhang Kun smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, but I had a moment of comprehension, and I couldn't stop."

"Where are we?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking when he saw the surrounding environment.

"I don't know either. The master used the secret method and sent us here directly. Seeing that Mr. Zhang was not awake, we had to stop and wait for you." Lin Yuxi laughed.

Zhang Kun glanced around. Most of the monks of Fengyu Chamber of Commerce were meditating and practicing on the spot. Li Qingqing seemed to have stood there for seven days leaning on a big tree. The surrounding environment was strange, and no one knew where this place was.

Zhang Kun nodded thoughtfully, then suddenly looked at Lin Yuxi and said, "Miss Lin, I think we should have a talk?"

Lin Yuxi was taken aback for a moment, and then regained her expression. She seemed to have expected this a long time ago, so she smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Zhang comes with me, let's take a step to talk."

Zhang Kun got up, and the two walked away.

"Tell me, what secret do you have? The Bodhi Court sent Garuda to deal with you?" The two of them were walking in a wheat field, and the wind blew the wheat waves far away and the sky was golden.

"Since Mr. Zhang has guessed everything, I won't hide anything." Lin Yuxi smiled lightly. For seven days, everyone did not hurry and took a good rest. Lin Yuxi seemed to have recovered to her best condition. Her beautiful eyes A bright brilliance shone in his eyes.

"I participated in the water and land conference to compete for the position of Buddha's son, but I am not the only candidate. There are seven holy sons and saints in the entire Garan realm who have been designated as candidates by the Lingfo's oracle. There are four places, and two people were selected because of their merits in preaching and being with the Buddha, as for me, it was because of my talent that I became a candidate for the Buddha's disciple."

Lin Yuxi said that after many battles, she was able to confirm that Zhang Kun would stand on the same side as her, on the opposite side of the Bodhi Courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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