Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 901

Chapter 901
And the young swordsman who clamored to cut off Xuanren's head just now turned out to be Baili Qiwen's guardian. These two shocking news immediately caused everyone's heads to explode, which is simply unbelievable!

The attitudes of the people who were quite critical of them immediately changed, and they became extremely respectful and flattering in an instant. Even the shopkeeper of the restaurant came out to meet him in person, and exempted him from the cost of a table of dishes, and invited them to serve him. I bought the old daughter Hong from the shopkeeper Homebrew.

Zhang Kun looked at the two of them lightly, without any ups and downs in his heart, and soon his food was served. After eating a little with Li Qingqing, he found an inn to stay in. Of course, he asked for two rooms for Li Qingqing to live in. In another room.

In the center of Jialan City, there stands a huge Buddha statue that is beyond description. It is grounded to the sky. The head of the Buddha statue is already above the clouds, blurred and invisible. The surrounding clouds are dyed with golden light. The left hand of the huge Buddha statue is holding a string of crystal beads. , crystal clear, with brilliance flowing in it.The right hand of the Buddha statue is bent, and the palm is spread flat. There are pavilions and pavilions built on it, surrounded by the glazed Buddha light, and the sound of Hongda's scriptures can be vaguely heard.

The Bodhi Court is built on the right hand of the Tongtian Buddha statue, overlooking all living beings and saving all things.

Lin Yuxi followed the escorting monk to the outside of Jialan City. A lotus flower emerged from the escorting monk's hand, which became larger as it spun and was suspended in the air an inch above the ground.

"Benefactor Lin, please." The receiving monk said.

Lin Yuxi walked up to the lotus platform gracefully, the petals closed one by one, and the inside of the lotus platform was dark.

Lin Yuxi still had a smile on her face, not worried about whether there were any traps hidden in it.

If a Buddhist candidate is assassinated in this place known as the Holy Land of Buddhism, then Bodhiyuan will be reduced to the laughing stock of the entire Dayan world. It's safe, even that person can't do anything.

As Lin Yuxi was thinking this way, Sanskrit sounds faintly came from her ears, beams of light leaked in, and the petals were slowly opening.

You can see the solemn and simple temple. The various buildings are endless. The main hall in the middle is shining with golden light. The whole body is made of gold. Come.

"Fang Wen, the poor monk, was entrusted by the senior brother in charge of the courtyard to welcome Donor Lin. This is the Bodhi Temple, which is specially prepared for the buddhist candidates who participated in the Bodhi test."

In front of the main hall, the monk wearing Baoguang cassock had a gentle expression, folded his hands together, and saluted, and many monks behind him also saluted one after another.

Lin Yuxi's heart was shocked, and she hurriedly returned the salute, carefully sizing up the haggard monk, his eyes were cloudy and his expression was miserable, just like those ordinary people in Jialan City who were troubled by their lives.

But Lin Yuxi didn't dare to take it lightly because of this, because this haggard-faced monk was the head of the Bodhi Temple, second only to the abbot, and one of the strongest in status and strength in the entire Garan Realm.

Master Fang Wen, a figure like the Big Dipper of Mount Tai in the Bodhi Court, there are occasional secret rumors that he and the Son of Xuanren are at odds, often dissatisfied with the various domineering practices of the Son of Xuanren, and also opposed to the other saints in the Bodhi Court. Xuanren's excessive protection and partiality, and even beat Xuanren's son again, caused Xuanren to suffer a big loss.

"Benefactor Lin, the journey is exhausting, why don't you go to rest first. The courtyard has prepared a room." Fang Wen noticed the deep tiredness in Lin Yuxi's brows, and said gently.

"Alright, then I'll have to thank you, Master." Lin Yuxi didn't refuse. She had encountered too many things along the way, and she was really tired all the way.

To Lin Yuxi's surprise, Fang Wen didn't ask someone to lead him the way. Instead, he dismissed the other monks and personally led her. While she was flattered, she also had strong doubts.

Not to mention that he was just one of the candidates for the Buddha's disciple, even if he really became the Buddha's disciple, with the strength and status of the monk Fangwen, even if he ignored himself, he would not pose any threat to him at all.

I am afraid that even if the abbot of the Four Great Courts came to visit Fang Wen in person, it would be impossible for Monk Fang Wen to greet and lead the way outside the hall in person.

Since he did this, he probably had only one purpose.

Some people in the Bodhi Courtyard seem to have already noticed the small actions of Xuanren Shengzi, knowing that he blocked and intercepted his party, but since she has come here, the Bodhi Courtyard will not allow that person to do anything wrong again. To do so is to deter and warn that person.

Although Shengzi Xuanren is regarded as the successor of Bodhiyuan by many saints in Bodhiyuan and is the most suitable person to become a disciple of Buddha, there are still many people in Bodhiyuan who can't understand his actions like Fang Wen. After all, the Bodhi Temple is one of the six palaces. It is huge and governs the Sifang Temple. The internal forces are intertwined and very complicated. The forces of all parties also check and balance each other to achieve a balance. This cannot be changed even if the Son of Xuanren becomes a Buddha. Although he is almost invincible among the younger generation, he still cannot cover the sky with one hand in the Bodhi Court.

Just like Tangli, Zhao Aichu and other amazingly gifted girls, it is impossible for them to act alone in the Qionghua Palace, the Son of Xuanren has not yet had the courage and strength to make the entire Bodhi Court serve him.

Lin Yuxi figured out the key point, and became much calmer and calmer. Along the way, she talked with Monk Fang Wen about the history and scriptures of Bodhi Court naturally.

During the conversation, Fang Wen smiled and nodded frequently. He could see that Lin Yuxi's Buddhist skills were very good, no less than some highly respected monks in the Bodhi Court, and he was a seedling worth cultivating.

"Benefactor Lin will stay here temporarily, and someone will deliver the bedding later." Fang Wen led Lin Yuxi to the end of a path, saluted and turned to leave.

Lin Yuxi returned the gift, watched Monk Fang Wen disappear, turned around and looked at the small bamboo building at the end of the path, which seemed to be specially built for guests, small but exquisite.

Surrounded by tall trees, winding paths lead to seclusion.

Lin Yuxi pushed open the wooden door, the inside was very simple, but everything was available.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Lin Yuxi began to think about the next action.

According to the news she received, she was the first candidate for the Buddha disciples to arrive at the Bodhi Courtyard. The other six people were either still on the way, or stayed in the Jialan City below, or were originally in the Bodhi Temple like Xuanren Shengzi. In the courtyard, but did not directly enter the Bodhi other courtyard, because according to the rules, the candidates for the Buddha and their guardians are not allowed to leave after entering the Bodhi other courtyard until the water and land ceremony is completed and the real Buddha is selected. Bodhi other courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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