Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 906

Chapter 906
Li Weiru smiled gently, and the assessment will start immediately.

Immediately, hundreds of maids rushed forward, all holding an unopened picture scroll in their hands.

Zhang Kun glanced at the hundreds of alchemists participating in the assessment, and secretly marveled in his heart. He didn't expect that there were so many ninth-level alchemists hidden in Jialan City.

However, although there are many alchemists, there are not many people who can finally complete the assessment and break through to the realm of the great alchemist. It can be said to be one in a hundred. Regardless of how many people gathered in this square, the last person who can laugh is probably no more The number of five fingers!
Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, the deacon explained: "This scroll is a scroll of vegetation. If you penetrate into it with your spiritual power, the scroll will unfold and draw your own way of vegetation. , the longer the scroll scroll is stretched, every meter it stretches means that you have mastered [-] kinds of plants, with a limit of ten meters, that is, those who have mastered [-] plants and trees have passed the first level. If there is no objection, then Let's start, a stick of incense for a limited time."

Grass and trees accomplishment, as the name suggests, is the level of understanding of spiritual materials such as spiritual grasses and flowers in this world. Only by fully knowing the nature and usage of a kind of spiritual grass can one have a certain level of grass and trees attainment. One hundred thousand grass and trees attainments are the threshold for a great alchemist , Without so much vegetation knowledge as a reserve, it is impossible to talk about advanced operations such as refining elixir later.

When the alchemists heard this, they put their hands on the painting scroll of plants and trees, and the scroll unfolded by itself, as if someone was tracing a painting on it, and the flowers and plants made of ink and wash jumped on it, lifelike, full of aura, and stained with damp inkblots.

Moren already knew the content of the first level of assessment, and he was very confident in his grass and trees accomplishments, which was enough to amaze everyone on the scene. Maybe even Li Weiru, who was the head of the voltage regulator master, would regret not accepting himself as a disciple.

He has been concentrating on alchemy for many years, and this time, he will use his own strength to overwhelm everyone else in the Great Alchemist assessment, and let everyone know who is the real alchemist genius!

Let him know what a mistake it was to fight against me, Moren!

Full of confidence, Mo Ren stretched out his hand to the picture scroll in front of him. When the picture scroll was stretched out, vegetation grew wildly in it. In an instant, it stretched to a length of five meters, causing the audience to exclaim.

Even those families and temples watching on the sidelines showed approval in many eyes.

All the people present gasped, and the scroll unfolded five meters in an instant, proving that Mo Ren's mastery of plants and trees is massive.

"As expected of Master Pill Ghost's beloved disciple, his accomplishments in plants and trees are indeed extraordinary."

"I don't know if this benefactor is willing to join my Kasyapa Temple and practice Buddhism. I think Dan Dao can go a step further."

"Looking at it like this, I'm afraid even 50 meters is promising. I didn't expect such a genius to be hidden in Jialan City."

Mo Ren was extremely proud, and he listened to all these praises. The depression accumulated in his heart yesterday was gone. Mo Ren couldn't help but opened his eyes, glanced at Zhang Kun who was stunned in place, and couldn't help but cast it over. A provocative look, although the master doesn't know why he forbids me to attack him again, but it doesn't matter, then I will crush him on the way of alchemy and smash his heart of way of alchemy!

Zhang Kun noticed Mo Ren's provocation, but didn't bother to respond to him, instead he was thinking about something blankly.

"Alchemist, haven't you started yet? It's almost half of the time." The one holding the scroll is a beautiful, petite maid, seeing that the scrolls of others have stretched several meters long, and the one in front of her The young man remained motionless, secretly worried.

Before she went on stage, she made a bet with the sisters next to her who were holding scrolls. If he didn't make a move, he probably didn't know much about vegetation and was afraid that he would make a fool of himself.

She felt a little heartbroken when she thought that she had to export all the change these days, and that she couldn't eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Linggui.

There were already a few contemptuous and mocking voices around, pointing at Zhang Kun.

"This kid didn't come in by fishing in troubled waters. He hasn't started the assessment yet. Could it be that his stomach is empty and he hasn't mastered any vegetation?" Some people sneered.

"Haha, you can see that he is so young. He doesn't know any cultivation skills. Originally, the assessment of great alchemists was conducted in secret and could be fooled. But now the trade union uses this kind of picture scroll to assess their alchemy attainments. Intuitively showing it in front of everyone, this kid is probably afraid of losing face!"

There were endless taunts, and many alchemists on the stage cast contemptuous glances at Zhang Kun. Their picture scrolls have already been unfolded for a long time, and there is a time limit for this assessment!

Zhang Kun is still thinking that this picture scroll needs the spiritual power of the alchemist, but there are many secrets in his spiritual sea, if it is leaked out, it may be difficult for him to leave Jialan City.

However, after glancing at the nearly half-burned incense, he didn't hesitate any longer, but kept a secret vigilance, and stopped if there was any accident.

At this time, the scrolls of several alchemists had already extended to ten meters long, but no one stopped there. Many alchemists had endured for many years and wanted to use this to make a blockbuster.

Ten meters long is just the threshold to enter the realm of great alchemists. Many geniuses can make longer ones. This is a manifestation of the background of an alchemist. When monks choose the alchemist they entrust, they will also choose those plants. A formidable alchemist.

The petite maid couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Zhang Kun had finally made a move. Even if she lost, at least she couldn't be at the bottom, the maid thought with a puffy face.

But in the next second, she was so frightened that she almost threw away the scroll.

The moment Zhang Kun touched the scroll, the scroll unfolded to a length of ten meters, and countless plants and trees appeared out of thin air, as if dozens of people were writing vigorously on the scroll at the same time.

Everyone was in an uproar, and there was a quarrel in the audience. Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide!
"I originally thought that young people were just fishing in troubled waters, but I didn't expect to have such profound knowledge of vegetation, I'm afraid they are no less than the disciples of Master Pill Ghost."

"I don't think so. The young man is probably just trying to impress the public, and gather his mental strength to pour in together. This will cause great mental damage. You can see that he will be exhausted in the future."

"I think it's the same. Where do you think the kid who comes out can be compared with the disciples of Master Pill Ghost?"

Those alchemists in the competition also looked sideways, and Mo Ren glanced at it, and snorted coldly: "You can only show off your cleverness, but you can barely reach the threshold of a great alchemist, and you are not my opponent at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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