Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 922 Ordinary Elixir

Chapter 922 Ordinary Elixir
"It's a bit ordinary. Although it is the Huangguang Cangming Pill that Mo Ren chose to refine, it is not as good as Mo Ren in any aspect. I think I can only give a five-hundred-point evaluation at most. With this elixir, please wait for us to discuss the rank of great alchemist granted to Xiaoyou." Li Weiru sighed and said with some regret.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!

"The president said that the elixir he made is very ordinary?" Everyone was very surprised at the moment, with incredible expressions on their faces. Zhang Kun left a deep impression on them in the previous two levels. With such a powerful spiritual power, he finally refined an ordinary pill?

"Hahaha, let me just say, that guy is just a bastard, and you even said he is a master, you really laughed me to death!" The audience who made a mockery of Zhang Kun before immediately elated and laughed come out.

The faces of everyone in the auditorium were extremely embarrassed in an instant, Zhang Kun let them down so much!
It may be because Zhang Kun's performance was too amazing in the previous two times, but this time Zhang Kun just did a relatively ordinary performance and surprised everyone!
The little maid who took the picture scroll for Zhang Kun before was pale at the moment, and she tasted the sweetness from Zhang Kun twice in a row. She once again gambled with some unbelieving friends and gave away all the salary for the whole year. I bet on Zhang Kun, betting that the elixir he made could beat Mo Ren, but now it seems that Zhang Kun has been completely overwhelmed by Mo Ren!

The two refined the same kind of elixir, but Li Weiru's evaluation of Mo Ren's elixir was extremely high, while their evaluation of Zhang Kun's elixir was average!
This caught everyone by surprise, even Mo Ren was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wantonly, not hiding his pride and pleasure of revenge at all!

He has been very aggrieved since the assessment of the great alchemist, and has been snatched away by Zhang Kun. Even in the process of refining the elixir, he has been holding back his breath. Hearing Li Weiru's words to Zhang Kun at this moment After the evaluation, he was completely released!

"Hahaha, this is the so-called genius in your eyes!" Mo Ren laughed wildly at the audience and the people of the four major families: "You have all been deceived, if he is really a genius, how could he be in Jialan City before? Unknown in China? He is just a guy showing off his skills, without any real talents at all!"

"The elixir he refined is rubbish. He is not worthy of the title of great alchemist!" Mo Ren said loudly, pointing to Zhang Kun's nose, and said without hesitation that he is the apprentice of the alchemy ghost. There is no need to give Li Weiru their face.

After hearing this, the other alchemists on the assessment platform were also filled with righteous indignation. Zhang Kun was really stealing the limelight before, and his flames were even more domineering, suppressing everyone's spiritual fire. Zhang Kun restrained the energy and power of Chixia's flame breath, but the power and effect of many flames were still reduced a lot!

"Hehehe, he didn't hesitate to suppress us with that kind of flame, but he only got [-] points of evaluation. I'm really ashamed for him!"

"Tsk tsk, yes, this genius alchemist is really arrogant. With so many top-notch configurations, the alchemy furnace and flame are the best, and he finally made this thing. It's me who can do it, no, If I come, I will definitely not be worse than him!"

"That's it!" Many alchemists who were suppressed by Zhang Kun before shouted in dissatisfaction, their faces were filled with righteous indignation, and they wished to swallow Zhang Kun alive!
Moren even sneered, staring at Zhang Kun and said: "I see that his performance in the previous two assessments was obtained by some special means. He doesn't have that kind of strength at all. I suggest that everyone in the alchemy union Check carefully to see if he cheated!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

The eyes of many people looking at Zhang Kun changed again, and they felt that they had been deceived!

"That's right, this talent is less than 20 years old, how could he have hundreds of millions of plants and trees, there must be something tricky in it?"

The audience was also shaken, looking at Zhang Kun with a bit of unkindness in their eyes.

The faces of Li Weiru and the other two vice presidents suddenly became a little ugly. They were full of praise before, but after seeing Zhang Kun's elixir, their faces froze instantly, which made them unable to get off the table.

The patriarchs of the four major families couldn't help but shut their mouths, calmed down, and began to think about whether Zhang Kun was worthy of their invitation. If his previous performance was all done by some special means, everyone If they are all lied to, then Zhang Kun must be ready to accept the wrath of the four major families and even the entire Jialan City!
However, Zhang Kun's face still had a calm and calm expression at this time. When Mo Ren saw Zhang Kun's expression, he immediately became angry, pointed at Zhang Kun and cursed: "Pretend, you continue to pretend, I will Let's see how long you want to pretend!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly, shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity."

Li Weiru frowned and asked puzzledly, "What do you mean, little friend?"

Zhang Kun said indifferently: "I think it's a bit of a pity. You don't understand so much about elixir, but you can't see the power of my elixir. If I knew it was like this, I would honestly refine an ordinary elixir. Here comes the elixir."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent!

Immediately, there was a burst of noise in the audience, no doubt, they were all scolding Zhang Kun!

"Bullshit, this young man is too arrogant, and he has to be stubborn when he is about to die. It really makes him feel bad. Before, I wanted to sympathize with him because of his amazing performance before. I didn't expect him to be so ignorant. Congratulations!" Everyone in the auditorium shook their heads, extremely disappointed with Zhang Kun!

Zhang Kun stretched out a finger, and lightly tapped on the Huangguang Cangming Pill. Everyone was puzzled, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd!

However, at the next moment, first Li Weiru, then Zhang Mingong and Lu Deming, then all the alchemists on the entire assessment platform, and finally all the audience in the entire alchemist guild were stunned, and they felt their hearts pounding in an instant After a while, it almost stopped dancing!

The vast aura suddenly spread, and I saw that the Huangguang Cangming Pill suddenly burst into a dazzling star-like brilliance. If the faint fire light circulating on the surface of the Huangguang Cangming Pill refined by Mo Ren is just the light of a candle In other words, what bloomed from Zhang Kun's Huangguang Cangming Pill at this moment is the holy brilliance of the sun!

(End of this chapter)

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