Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 934 Soul Refining State

Chapter 934 Soul Refining State

Zhang Kun nodded with a vague understanding. He fell into a strange state before, as if he had traveled to another world, and he didn't know where he was. Maybe this is the soul refinement that Fei Zhu talked about?
After experiencing such a state, Zhang Kun obviously felt that there was something extra in his soul, and the primordial spirit seemed to be a little stronger. What's more, he searched for his consciousness a little, and his eyes widened instantly. I closed my eyes and was stunned!
"what is this?"

Countless ancient artifact refining knowledge is extremely vast. There are tens of thousands of refining methods from magical artifacts to quasi-immortal artifacts, from purifying materials to casting models to mixing materials to quenching, and finally forming. The steps are completely recorded in Zhang Kun's sea of ​​consciousness!

Even, he was able to search for Ji Guang's feather-like memory fragments, which recorded the method of casting the legendary fairy weapon!
"Shouldn't this be sister Feizhu's memory of the manuscript of the founder of Bugong Mountain? Why do I have it too?" Zhang Kun was so surprised that he couldn't help asking.

Fei Zhu stared at Zhang Kun with wonderful eyes, and said: "The state of soul refining is a very special situation. In this state, the craftsman is not controlled by his own will, but is in a mysterious state. After that, the refinement will be completed automatically, the refining process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, it is perfect and perfect, and because we refined the original Dao Lei together, your soul refinement state also absorbed part of my memory."

"Ah?" Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up with excitement!

Feizhu is a majestic craftsman sect. She is one level higher than the master craftsman. There is no one in Weiyang and Jialan. Thinking that Zhang Kun merged her alchemy memory by chance, it means that he directly owns Feizhu's countless years of refining techniques and magic weapon forging diagrams!

This is a great happy event. As we all know, the most important thing in alchemy refining is accumulation. It is impossible to talk about refining alchemy without accumulating enough alchemy recipes and maps. Now Zhang Kun no longer needs to look for alchemy. For the method, you only need to slowly digest the refining knowledge deep in your memory.

Obtaining those memories does not mean that Zhang Kun's crafting attainments are directly comparable to Fei Zhu's becoming a master craftsman. Craftsmanship and alchemy both need practice. It cannot be said to have mastered these refining techniques.

But fortunately, Zhang Kun can ask Feizhu directly, and she can teach Zhang Kun's progress with less effort!
"By the way, since we succeeded, where did the refined things go?" Zhang Kun suddenly thought of this question. It is the original Dao Lei that can only be found in the sea of ​​​​origin thunder, which is comparable to the fairy-level refining. The materials for making are so precious. Although I don't know how he and Fei Zhu said that the original Dao Lei was successfully refined, but since the refining is successful, the refined treasure is absolutely extraordinary and powerful!
Zhang Kun looked at Feizhu with a somewhat expectant expression, feeling itchy in his heart. The immortal-level materials coupled with Feizhu's craftsman-level refining techniques, coupled with the mysterious state of soul refining he entered, Zhang Kun reckoned Even if it is refining a quasi-immortal artifact, it is possible to obtain an immortal artifact!
If this is the case, I will make a lot of money!
However, Fei Zhu shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "You have to ask yourself, because there are very few materials, I can only refine the magic weapon Thunder Talisman with the least materials, but when I refine The moment it was good, your body directly swallowed the Thunder Talisman, and then you fainted."

Seemingly recalling the somewhat voluptuous scene before, Fei Zhu's pretty face blushed again.

Zhang Kun blinked, his body swallowed Yuanyuan Daolei's Thunder Talisman?What is this situation, this kind of thing has never happened before!
With some doubts, Zhang Kun quickly checked his body. The human body is like the universe. Today, Zhang Kun is at the peak level of the Nascent Soul Realm, and he is only one step away from the Mahayana Realm. As long as he wants to advance, he can absorb it at any time. After being diluted in the Mirror Realm, Xianyuan entered the Mahayana realm.

But Zhang Kun wants to cultivate every realm to the extreme, and make a breakthrough after stabilizing the foundation of each realm.

After the cultivator's realm breaks through, the golden core formed before and the Dao foundation formed before will not disappear, but will still remain in the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian.

Because he encountered danger on the Arctic ice sheet of the unnamed continent before, Zhang Kun entered the foundation building realm in a hurry. Although he forged the five elements of the spirit base, these five elements are just ordinary elements, not heaven and earth psionic powers. .

Afterwards, Zhang Kun searched for the three kinds of psychic powers: Chixia Yanxi, Fuyao Hurricane, and Zhuoshi Canglang on the Unknown Continent, and later harvested the Extreme Heaven Pure Land in Extreme Heaven City. So far, the five elements have gathered four kinds, and there are only four kinds left. Metallicity leaves a void.

"It turns out to be like this!" Zhang Kun suddenly realized that his five-element spirit base had already reached four types, and as a result, he attracted the thunder talisman of Dao Lei from a distance. Dao Lei can just fill Zhang Kun's vacancy in metalness!
"In this way, the five kinds of spiritual powers will be fully assembled, and I can cultivate the foundation-building realm to perfection again!" Zhang Kun's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. When he cultivated the foundation-building realm to a perfect state, He can also take advantage of the trend to break through the Mahayana realm!

Originally, Zhang Kun wanted to wait until he had perfected the ultimate golden elixir to become a divine elixir before making a breakthrough, but the Bodhi test was imminent, and Yuan Wei reminded Zhang Kun as soon as he made a move before, the strength of the Buddha's protector Extremely powerful, although it is at the peak of Mahayana, but the power of the shot is completely comparable to the state of fit!

Therefore, Zhang Kun also plans to improve his strength as much as possible during the fifteen-day preparation period, and only after entering the Bodhi Secret Realm can he be confident enough to compete with those heavenly favored ones!

"Sister Fei Zhu, it's too late to explain to you, I'm going to the Dao Hall first!" Zhang Kun and Fei Zhu greeted each other, and without saying much, they left the Qi Hall in a flash.

Fei Zhu snorted softly, glanced in the direction where Zhang Kun was leaving, shook his head, got up and left the Artifact Hall, and headed for Sword Hill.

The process of refining the original Dao Lei this time also gave her a lot of inspiration, and she finally echoed the refining manuscript left by the Patriarch of Bugong Mountain. There are a lot of new ideas that need to be verified quickly, and watching the fairy swords scattered on the sword hill is a very good way.

(End of this chapter)

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