Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 967

Chapter 967
"Why do you need to talk nonsense, Junior Brother Yu'an, you don't practice in the bodhi courtyard on weekdays. You don't know my strength, so you think of ways to besiege me." Xuanren said with a smile: "If you are like that Baili Qiwen, you know With my strength, I dare not come again!"

"It seems that our Lord Son is really confident." Zhang Kun said with a faint smile.

Xuanren stared at Zhang Kun for a moment, showing an intriguing smile. He nodded slightly at Zhang Kun and said, "I've heard about you. I'm really surprised by what happened to you."

Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, her eyes turned cold, and said in a deep voice: "We have learned how powerful Garuda is!"

"Garuda?" Xuanren was slightly taken aback, while Zhu Shen on the side frowned deeply. Garuda is an unrivaled monster, and he is called the same as the Mahulaka he suppressed at the Tongmen Pass. Being the Eight Demons, extremely powerful, Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun actually met Garuda?

How is this going?

Xuanren's clear eyes seemed to be like the deep sea, which was invisible at a glance. Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning slightly. Judging from his reaction, it seemed that he really didn't know about this matter.

"Let's speak with strength." Chen Zhenyan snorted coldly, as if he was too lazy to talk nonsense, his body suddenly rose with a chill.

He is very mysterious, his origin is unknown, and there are circles of black cloth strips wrapped around his hands. When he makes a move, he blasts out blue and black fist marks, like a ghost preying on Xuan Ren.

The faces of the people couldn't help but change, and they saw the appearance of an evil spirit appearing in the shadow of the fist, which made people frightened physically and mentally!

"What, what?"

"Among the guardians of the Buddha, how can there be such a person who uses sorcery?" The audience exclaimed, their eyes full of surprise.

Fang Wen shook his head and said: "This is not against the rules of the Bodhi Test. Protectors are appointed by candidates of the Buddha, regardless of their origin, regardless of their background, and regardless of the power they use."

There were many ghosts, and the ghost fist seemed to have the ability to devour souls. The faces of the people suddenly changed, and the world turned pale and darkened instantly. The ghost fist pierced through the air and pointed at Xuanren.

"Even as a test, it's too weak." Xuanren smiled lightly, with his hands behind his back, facing the ghost without moving.

A ray of light lit up in front of him, and it flew into the sky, the sky suddenly brightened, and it was so radiant that it directly broke the power of the ghost fist!
"As expected of the Holy Son of Xuanren, he has already comprehended the realm of the four dhyana and eight samadhis. The bright light is the embodiment of his Dao fruit, and Chen Zhenyan's soul-eating fist can't shake him at all." A member of Kasyapa Temple An elder couldn't help but nodded in admiration, and everyone agreed for a while.

Even Zhang Kun narrowed his eyes slightly. This so-called state of four meditations and eight samadhis is actually the state of refining the mind. It is the name of Buddhism and represents the ultimate meditation. The mind is unique, the state of mind is complete, and it is not stained with dust!

"I didn't expect to meet a person with the same perfect heart here. It's really interesting." Zhang Kun's interest in this Xuanren can be said to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Hmph, don't be too happy!" Chen Zhenyan scolded, his eyes were like knives, and he said coldly, "Let's see how I will kill you!"

Whether it is Yuan Wei or this Chen Zhenyan, it seems that they all have a strong hostility towards Xuanren. He and Chen Zhenyan were naturally dissatisfied, they wanted to compete for the title of strongest!
"Boom boom boom!"

Chen Zhenyan made another attack. At this moment, his hands blasted out alternately, and the power of soul devouring bombarded like a tide. His black hair danced out of thin air, as if he had turned into a ghost and god, and the terrifying combined power poured out out!

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring at everything in front of them, for fear of missing any details.

I saw that the space in front of Chen Zhenyan seemed to have turned into a pool of ink, pitch black and dull. It seemed that what he punched was not a fist, but the entire space!
There seem to be demons from the heavens in this space, countless ghosts, and the greatest evil at this time. The space is crushed, and the terrifying and violent energy explodes in an instant, and the void boils. It seems that Chen Zhenyan wants to use this blow to destroy the Xuanren directly suppressed and killed him!

Zhu Shen couldn't help frowning, and shouted: "Don't hurt my lord Shengzi!"

He turned into a ray of fiery red light and rushed towards Xuan Ren, trying to resist this terrifying blow for him.

However, Xuanren pointed out a finger lightly, and immeasurable light rushed out of his heavenly spirit in an instant, turning into a light wheel, and the vast aura spread suddenly, as if entering a Buddha's dojo, Zhou Tian They are all faintly singing ancient scriptures!

During the Sanskrit chanting, Xuanren's body was full of golden light, and his aura suddenly changed. If the previous Xuanren gave everyone a clean and pure feeling, Xuanren at this moment seems to be a majestic god and Buddha!

The ghost fist blasted out and turned into a ghost domain, and everyone present gasped. If they were hit by this kind of ghost domain, they would be like falling into hell in an instant, and their hearts would be devoured by thousands of ghosts!
And Xuanren was surrounded by clear light, like a Buddha holding flowers, he smiled slightly, and the light turned into a golden river across the sky and stood in front of him!

"Boom boom boom!"

The power and power of the two men shook the world, and the terrifying energy exploded instantly, rolling over each other and screaming, turning into infinite killing!
However, Chen Zhenyan's ghost domain hadn't held on under Xuanren's hand for a moment before it shattered. The golden light penetrated the ghost domain, killing all the evil spirits in it, and the dark ghost energy dissipated at this moment!

"The strength of Xuanren Shengzi is really well-deserved!" Everyone in the Bodhi Court was full of praise.

There was no emotion in Chen Zhenyan's eyes, and he was extremely indifferent. He looked at Xuanren as if he was looking at a dead person.

Ling Mu's face was full of horror at the moment, he frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and shouted loudly: "Xuan Ren is too strong, let's fight together!"

"it is good!"

Seeing the previous scene, everyone's expressions changed. This Xuanren was indeed almost invincible as the rumors said. No one dared to take the slightest chance to attack Xuanren with all his strength as soon as he came up!

The whole space suddenly seemed to be steaming, wild and raging psionic energy roared out, thunder and lightning, flames, strong winds, and light beams mingled together at this moment, and the battlefield was instantly ignited!

Zhang Kun couldn't help but frowned and shook his head slightly.

"This battle must be defeated. Even if I don't use my trump card, I am not an opponent. If I am in the same rank, I will definitely win him!" Zhang Kun thought secretly, and then blasted a few bursts of sword energy with the Dongyue epee. Xiang Xuanren.

(End of this chapter)

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