Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 985 Roast Meat

Chapter 985 Roast Meat
Baili Qiwen was so frightened that he was dumbfounded and kept struggling, but unfortunately, he had almost lost all his strength at the moment, while Zhang Kun's majestic and vast vitality was suppressing his body all the time, making him unable to move forward. move.

"Mr. Zhang, you'd better stop scaring him." Lin Yuxi glanced up from the cooking process and said with a faint smile.

Baili Qiwen was so frightened that he was stupid. Naturally, he took the initiative to strip the Supreme Dao Seed of Liuli Pharmacist Buddha from his soul. This process was extremely cruel and painful. Zhang Kun felt very painful for him while watching, and Lin Yuxi Then he lowered his head and concentrated on cooking, distracting his attention.

Groups of golden rays of light slowly emerged from Baili Qiwen's altar, illuminating the entire cave extremely brightly, as if a Buddha appeared here, suddenly a burst of brilliance flashed past, and he let out a scream , as if vomiting out his own soul, a Buddha of the color of glass is contained in a small dao seed, suspended in mid-air.

Baili Qiwen's face was as pale as paper, as if all the blood in his body had been drained, he became extremely weak in an instant, and his realm also fell. As if drained, all the inheritance obtained from Liuli Pharmacist Buddha has been forgotten at this moment.

There was a bit of hidden hatred in Baili Qiwen's eyes, and he let out a long sigh. He never thought that he would end up like this!

Together with Yuan Wei, he obviously had the opportunity to shake the position of the son of Xuanren as a Buddhist son. How come he was eliminated by Zhang Kun now?

Not reconciled, Baili Qiwen was so unwilling, but unfortunately, it didn't help. At this moment, he had lost his guardian, and also lost his inheritance, and it was too late!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun nodded, waved his hand, and with a burst of vigor, released all the restraints on Baili Qiwen's body.

"Zhang Kun, you will definitely not be able to beat Xuanren, you will regret it!" Baili Qiwen gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Zhang Kun just chuckled at this, and didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, the loser will leave."

Baili Qiwen was filled with hatred, and finally turned into a stream of white light and disappeared.

The green dao seed shining with the color of glass is floating in the cave, illuminating the whole cave colorfully. Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi stopped for a moment, looked up at it blankly, and marveled at this A kind of beauty.

Zhang Kun poked Lin Yuxi's snow-lotus-like white arm, and said with a light smile, "Absorb it, so that we can have the inheritance of the Glazed Medicine Buddha, and maybe you can complete the trial with this!"

Compared with the motivating effect of Taoism on bodhisattva, what Zhang Kun values ​​more is the ability to inherit and awaken. The seven seven and forty-nine bright lights displayed by Baili Qiwen before are really amazing. If Lin Yuxi hadn't awakened before If you come to assist Zhang Kun, the consequences will be unimaginable!

However, Lin Yuxi flicked the broken hair next to her ear, shook her and said, "No hurry, let's eat first."

Zhang Kun smiled and nodded. After all, hunger is the enemy. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. It will definitely take a lot of time and energy to fuse a Supreme Dao Seed. I can't bear to let a A young girl was hungry to do this.

"Yeah!" Lin Yuxi smiled when she saw Zhang Kun nodding in agreement.

After a while, Zhang Kun heard Lin Yuxi take out a piece of roast meat from the cauldron of the god's fence, and she blew gently on the roast meat.


Lin Yuxi had a gentle smile on his face. Zhang Kun couldn't help getting up and leaning over to take a look. He immediately felt the aroma of the barbecue, and the rich aroma of the barbecue drilled into his nostrils. The ground is very good, and it looks very appetizing!
"Come on, let Mr. Zhang eat first."

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded, as if the wind had broken jade, Lin Yuxi took out a pair of ivory jade chopsticks, and handed a piece of mouth-watering barbecue to Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, Lin Yuxi's timing of the barbecue was perfect, and the piece of barbecue made a sound, and the plump meat was divided into delicate textures, which made people move their index fingers when they saw it. Zhang Kun took a deep breath , and couldn't help but saliva.

"I didn't expect Miss Lin to be so versatile." Zhang Kun said with a smile.

Lin Yuxi lowered her head and smiled, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she urged, "Mr. Zhang, eat quickly."

Seeing her expectant eyes, Zhang Kun stuffed the delicious and juicy barbecue into his mouth, and ate it up.

Lin Yuxi couldn't help but chuckled: "Mr. Zhang, eat slowly."

The smell of meat reaches Zhang Kun's tongue like a hot stream. The tender taste is really intoxicating. Lin Yuxi's craftsmanship is very good, and all the flavors that barbecue should have are displayed on this piece of barbecue. , the crispy, salty taste seemed to be dancing on the tip of Zhang Kun's tongue, and Zhang Kun felt as if he was in heaven in an instant.

"The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, crisp and tender. I haven't eaten such delicious barbecue for a long time!" Zhang Kun praised sincerely. What he didn't expect was that after so many years of practice, he would be moved by a piece of barbecue He was on the verge of crying, but the delicious smell was still hitting his forehead.

Lin Yuxi lowered her head a little shyly when she heard this, her beautiful eyes were full of satisfaction, Zhang Kun's compliment made her a little embarrassed.

Zhang Kun chuckled, and took out a piece of barbecued meat from the Cauldron of the Fence of God, and handed it to Lin Yuxi, ready to feed her.

Lin Yuxi's pretty face turned red in an instant, as if it was a ripe fruit.

"Mr. Zhang, no, I'll come directly."

She gently opened her small mouth, her cherry lips twitched slightly, and bit the barbecue meat in small bites, biting the juicy and delicious barbecue meat.

"Wow, the ones I cook are much more delicious than usual!" Lin Yuxi couldn't help exclaiming, and finished the barbecue with a satisfied face, and didn't forget to take out a handkerchief to wipe her little mouth clean.

Hearing what she said, Zhang Kun also showed a smile on his face. He smiled triumphantly and said, "That's right, you don't look at whose flame you are using, and my knife skills for cutting ingredients are not covered of!"

Lin Yuxi couldn't help but smile, with a faint smile on her face.

"After everything is over, Mr. Zhang and I will open a restaurant together, and you will be in charge of cutting vegetables." Lin Yuxi twitched her brows slightly, and smiled shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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