ancestral snake

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

"What? The birth of a fairy artifact?" Everyone looked at the person behind them in horror.The person who came was the young genius Xie Dong from the Tianshi tribe, who was also the one who discovered the ruins together with She Qianshan and others.

"Xie Dong, are you sure?" She Qianshan asked with a slight frown!

"According to the ancient books I have read, if there are no mistakes in the records, it should be a sign of the birth of immortal artifacts. Although there are immortal artifacts in the cultivation world, they are all passed down from the immortal world, or obtained from some ruins. Only the fairy artifacts refined in the cultivation world, and those with special effects, will have signs of heaven." Xie Dong said with a serious face!

Hearing Xie Dong's words, everyone's expressions changed. You must know that the birth of the fairy artifact shocked many people, and the cultivators on the planets near the ancient horned star should have seen it too.This is a Masterless Immortal Artifact, if it is noticed by some old monsters, it can only be used as a wedding dress for others this time.

"Let's inform the elders of all clans, let's not talk about the specific distribution, we can only resign ourselves to fate now!" Gu Xuan pondered for a moment and opened his mouth.She Qianshan hurriedly took out a blood-colored jade talisman and crushed it. Xie Dong and Xuan Hong also took out their hole cards and summoned the elders of the clan.

"I don't know if Xie Xie knows, how long does it take for the fairy artifact to be born?" Xuan Hong asked!
Xie Dong smiled wryly and said: "I don't know about this, it shouldn't be too long after all!"

"Let's play by ear! People who want to come near the ancient horned star are rushing here at this time. Let's go to the giant tower first to see what we can gain. Otherwise, when everyone comes, it will be too late to detect treasures." It's not up to the few of us to distribute it." After She Qianshan finished speaking, he looked at Xuan Hong and Xie Dong, as long as the two of them had no objections, this group of people can now enter the giant tower to search for treasures.

"Thousands of birds in the forest are not as good as a bird in the hand. Only the one held in the hand is the treasure, and the rest are all on paper!" Xie Dong's eyes flashed brightly, and he also made a decision.

Each of the three clans left one person to protect the birth of the fairy artifact, and the rest of the group walked towards the giant tower. When they came to the entrance to the second floor, they found that the formation had not been broken.I was a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Time is running out now. We will break through the formation with strength. Everyone has prepared their strongest attack. We are attacking at one point. After so many years, the formation should have weakened a lot. No matter what, try it first! "After Gu Xuan finished speaking in a deep voice, he sacrificed the remnant sword and immortal weapon.Seeing this, everyone followed suit one after another, they all tried their best and waited for Gu Xuan's opening.

"Okay, I'll attack first, and then you all attack at the position where I attacked at the same time!" Gu Xuan said with a serious face, and directly slashed out with a knife, only to see a huge knife light slashing on the formation, causing everyone to attack. Shaking for a while.Seeing this, everyone was overjoyed, and then they launched their most powerful attacks, and a majestic energy bombarded the formation, only to hear a click, and the formation was broken.

"I'll go find the way for everyone first!" After Xuan Hong finished speaking, a tortoise shell appeared on his back, with black Dao patterns flashing, and he jumped towards the second floor.Everyone's hearts were raised, and soon Xuanhong's voice sounded, indicating that there was no danger, and everyone went directly to the second floor.After looking around, I found that there was nothing available, so I walked towards the third floor.

This time, there was no formation barrier at the entrance of the passage, and the group quickly came to the third floor, only to find that there were only some scattered tables and chairs, and a few bows and arrows hanging on the wall. The blood knife flew over and took all the bows and arrows into their hands , a total of five, after returning, throw them directly to Sheqian.

"Brother Xuanhong, Brother Xie, I will put away the bow and arrow first. After we have explored the tower, we will distribute all the things together. Now that time is running out, we don't need to allocate it first. The treasure hunt is the key. I don't know what you two agree. How is it?" Hearing She Qianshan's words, the two of them Si Lin nodded for a moment, expressing their approval of She Qianshan's words.

As soon as they entered the fourth floor, everyone felt a burst of surprise, because the fourth floor was full of spirit crystals, but the aura in it had faded a bit after countless years, and now it was only at the level of middle-grade spirit stones.There are as many as 5000 million, which is just a pity.

"Brother Xie, put it away first!" Xie Dong didn't shirk, and walked directly to the middle of the spirit crystals, released his consciousness, and searched all the spirit crystals.Then everyone walked towards the fifth floor. Just after entering the fifth floor, there was a piece of precious light shining, but it was a piece of magic weapon. Unfortunately, there was no sacrifice for a long time, and the original source was somewhat lost.Xuan Hong collected all the magic weapons directly without any courtesy.

The people on the next three floors got nothing, but they didn't care. When they stepped into the ninth floor, they found that the whole floor was full of some spirit beast eggs, most of which had lost their vitality, and only fourteen eggs had a trace of life. It's a pity that everyone's spiritual sense can't feel the faint breath of life.Seeing so many eggs, no one cared, Gu Xuan casually selected dozens of eggs and put them away.Everyone didn't care when they saw this, and they continued to move forward.

The tenth floor actually contained some refining materials, most of which were high-grade materials, only a small part were middle-grade materials, and there were no low-grade materials at all. She Qianshan didn't talk to him, and directly collected these materials. Floor No. 11 is actually a elixir garden. Unfortunately, over the endless years, most of the elixir has withered, only a few seeds of the elixir fell on the ground, and a small tree more than one foot tall is still alive.Xie Dong collected all the surviving elixir and all the fallen seeds, and rushed towards the No.12 floor.

On the No.12 floor, there are only a few spiritual creatures, and they all look malnourished.Xuan Hong didn't say much and just put it away. There is actually a huge bookshelf on the 13th floor. There are thousands of copies of jade slips, books, bamboo carvings, and animal skins on it. She Qianshan sacrificed a tower and put the bookshelf together with the things on it. Put it away.

There is only one pill furnace on the 14th floor, and there is nothing there. Xie Dong waved his hand to collect the pill furnace, and rushed towards the 17th floor. Unfortunately, the [-]th and [-]th floors are actually retreat places for guests, and there is nothing. , only the last two layers remain. On the No.[-] floor, there is only a dead bone more than one foot high, sitting cross-legged, with a long silver stick on his lap, and a jade slip next to it, but there is nothing there.

"Look first, what is recorded in the jade slips, how about we go to the last floor?" She Qianshan said after a moment of contemplation!

Everyone nodded, Xuanhong held the jade slip in his hand as soon as he reached out, and watched it with his consciousness. After a stick of incense time passed, Xuanhong opened his eyes and threw Yuyu to She Qianshan. Although She Qianshan was a little puzzled , still probed into the spiritual sense, and after a while, his face was a little sad, and he handed the jade slip to Xie Dong.

"Brother Snake, I don't know what is recorded in the jade slips? It actually made you like this?" Gu Xuan asked suspiciously, and the rest of the people also had some doubts in their eyes, looking at She Qianshan with hope.

"It starts with the ape clan. Millions of years ago, there appeared a shocking genius in the ape clan, the Great Ape King, who awakened the blood of the purple-eyed war ape in his body as soon as he was born. A storm has been the brightest star of the Yaozu since the beginning of cultivation. It only took 37 years from birth to crossing the catastrophe. When he passed the catastrophe, he had already turned into a beast. In his life After going through tens of thousands of battles, there is no defeat. What an honor this is, but it is a pity that just when this senior was about to ascend, he fell in love with someone who shouldn't be." She Qianshan sighed and continued !

"When the great ape king was only 33 years away from ascension, their child was finally born and named Yuan Potian. Their deeds were also spread. The family of the great ape king came to him and asked him to kill them The Great Ape King, take your own child to fuck. Unfortunately, they miscalculated the strength of the Great Ape King, and the Great Ape King directly appeared in the body of a beast, killing all the members of his Taoist companions. They also provoked In a catastrophic disaster, they left the ape clan with their newborn baby and started wandering in the endless cultivation world."

"When the great ape king's child just started to practice, he showed amazing talent. He not only inherited the great ape king's animal blood, but also inherited the supernatural powers of his mother's family. He has a very high talent for alchemy and talismans. He is only 19 years old. As long as he has cultivated to the stage of integration, he can completely confront the Sanxian by relying on the way of formation, talisman and seal. It's just that when he was crossing the tribulation, he was rushed by his mother's clan, so that he failed to cross the tribulation, so he could only walk away from the Sanxian. road."

"The Great Ape King and his wife broke out at that time. Relying on the cultivation of the Mahayana period, they forcibly killed the future people, but in the end, the Taoist couple was severely injured by the secret method of the tribe, and the original source was also hurt. It is a pity that , my own child failed to pass the catastrophe, the Taoist couple was also severely injured, and the Nascent Soul was damaged. Finally, I sealed myself with the help of the family's secret method. When I sealed it, I finally told the Great Ape King that he was from the Ziyue clan in ancient times, but he was not comparable to those big clans. , had no choice but to live in the realm of comprehension, and the whole family opened up a secret realm and lived in it, but they didn't say where the secret realm is!"

"The next ten years have been peaceful, but just as the Great Ape King ascended, a large number of Ziyue people appeared and summoned two purple moons, one big and one small. The Great Ape King Before he could enter the passage, he was destroyed by a huge purple moon, and the little moon also used this power to penetrate into the body of the great ape king. The great ape king was also seriously injured by this huge storm. He used the blood secret method , took his son to break through the space and escape, the ape clan was also furious, and united the major tribes of the monster clan to besiege the Ziyue clan. In the end, the Ziyue clan was desperate and blew up the secret realm, causing a large number of masters of the ape clan to fall. It also made The apes have fallen!"

She Qianshan fell silent after saying this, Xie Dong sighed and said: "Let me talk about the next thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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