ancestral snake

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

The man in black felt that the celestial artifact was about to be born, so he withdrew his aura, glanced at Xiang Shan coldly, and walked towards the broken space.Xiang Shan also collected the dharma image and walked towards the space where the immortal artifact was about to be born.The three snake puppets looked at each other and walked towards that side, but quietly surrounded the black-robed man.I'm afraid that if one is not careful, the fairy artifact born in this world will fall into this person's hands.

The sound of that space breaking became louder and louder, and finally with a click, the space was completely broken, revealing a dark hole, but the terrifying energy came from the hole.Everyone was terrified, that energy breath completely surpassed the shackles of a cultivator.No one dared to approach, and everyone wandered around the hole, staring at the dark hole.

Suddenly, the man in black turned around and looked towards a space, but two figures broke through the space and appeared behind everyone.Just when these two people appeared, the black hole began to go berserk, with a loud bang, the black hole shattered, and a purple light came out from inside, everyone's eyes lit up, and the fairy artifact was about to be released.

The black-robed man released a destructive aura to seal off the surrounding space, and saw a burst of purple light shoot out, turning into a sky-supporting giant stick, directly breaking open the black-robed man's domain, and the black-robed man spat out a mouthful of blood, full of His face stared in horror at the huge stick.With a turn of the giant stick, it spun around the crowd, and finally turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the body of the last person.It was Yuan Tiangui, the most gifted genius of the recent generation of the ape clan.

As soon as the fairy artifact entered Yuan Tiangui's body, it released a majestic power, surrounding Yuan Tiangui.Immortal light bloomed, purple energy spread, and a vision rose from behind Yuan Tiangui, but it was the Purple Ape Breaking the Sky Map.

Yuan Tiangui's whole body twitched a little, a layer of blood scab appeared all over his body, his face was a little grim, and suddenly he raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, his body swelled rapidly.It turned into a purple giant ape, more than ten feet tall, as if it was suffering some kind of pain.The meridians are coiled like horned dragons, protruding from the surface of the body.Countless blood burst out from the surface of the body, and the hair on the body began to fall off.

Roar!Yuan Tiangui roared wildly, and another round of purple moon appeared in the vision, and the purple moon shot out a faint light, heading towards Yuan Tiangui.At this time, the purple stick that had penetrated into Yuan Tiangui's body flew out and penetrated into the vision, the vision also shrank for a while, and finally turned into a giant scroll wrapped around the stick, and penetrated into Yuan Tiangui's body, the pain in Yuan Tiangui's eyes also diminished When he got down, he smiled at the ape clan and passed out.

"Tiangui!" The people of the ape clan rushed over and hugged Yuan Tiangui into his arms. After feeling it for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, took out an ancient golden-green tree one foot high, and took Yuan Tiangui into it.Then he said to Xiang Shan and the others: "This kindness has been recorded by the ape clan!"

After speaking, his body shook, and he turned into a black and yellow giant ape more than three feet tall, holding a giant red stick in his hand, and swiped at the man in black.This person dares to snatch the treasures of his ape clan town, he should be killed!The man in black waved his long sleeves, and there was a burst of gold and iron intersecting, blocking Hou Li's attack, and using this force to back away, seeing a trace of fear in the eyes of the people around him, he snorted coldly, The body turned into a shadow and disappeared, and as soon as the black-robed man left, Yong Qi also left quickly.

Looking at the disappearing man in black, Gu Xuan suddenly remembered the conversation between the two in Purgatory Sea. Could it be that this person also belonged to that mysterious force?Feeling anxious, he said to the black puppet: "Old Ancestor, you can't let go of that human cultivator who was injured by Old Xiang earlier!"

Although the black puppet was a little puzzled, he still chased after Yong Qi. After a few breaths, he came back with one person in his hand.Gu Xuan walked to the side of the black puppet and transmitted a few words, the black puppet's expression changed, he looked at Gu Xuan and said, "Are you sure?"

Gu Xuan shook his head, this feeling just appeared in a flash, and he just had a little luck to catch Yong Qi.The black puppet's eyes flickered a little, and finally made hundreds of handprints on Yong Qi, completely sealing it.

"Senior Hou, these are the remains of Senior Great Ape King, and his natal magic weapon!" After She Qianshan finished speaking, he handed a jade box and the fairy stick to Hou Li, and Xie Dong also gave the jade Jane handed it to Hou Li.After Hou Li looked at it, he was silent for a moment, nodded to the black puppets and said: "This time, our ape clan owes all the tribes a favor. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask, our ape clan will never refuse!"

"Old monkey, you can't do this. Anyway, I have contributed a little bit, and I don't need you to owe me anything, just give me a thousand catties of your clan's spirit wine!" After finishing speaking, he saw Hou Li's gloomy expression With a black face, he hurriedly changed his words: "I was wrong, one hundred catties, no less, I think you apes won't be so stingy!"

Only then did Hou Li's face recover, he snorted coldly, took out a gourd with a wave, threw it to Xiang Shan and said, "For your help this time, you can come to the ape clan at any time in the future, and the spirit wine is enough!" Dozens of wine gourds were brought out, and each of them was given one to everyone. This time, no one refused, and they just put them away.

Suddenly, Hou Li was overjoyed, and released the ancient tree from his body. After a few breaths, it rose to a height of more than ten feet. There were tree houses on it, but they were also magic weapons.I saw that Yuan Tiangui had already woken up, jumped up and appeared next to the crowd, after thanking the black puppet and the others, he took out a purple stick and said to the crowd: "This is Senior Yuan Potian. The township treasure left to our clan, the Ziyue Skybreaker!"

"What's the power of this stick?" Xiang Shan asked greedily!The black puppets coughed, with a little embarrassment on their faces.After all, this is their family's treasure, and they are too embarrassed to inquire about it. Now that Xiang Shan tells it, they always feel embarrassed!

"It's okay, Tiangui, just tell me about the efficacy of this treasure! These people are great benefactors of our clan, there is no need to cover up!" Yuan Tiangui, who was still a little hesitant at first, heard Hou Li's words, and the worries in his heart disappeared!
"The Ziyue Skybreaker can destroy all domains and spaces. It can be said to be a magic weapon of the cave, and the heart of the space fairy. With this skybreaker, it is completely possible to fight against the practitioners of the Mahayana stage. The power comprehended by the masters of the Mahayana stage It has no effect on the Potian Cudgel at all! And the Potian Cudgel is still a top-grade bloodline inheritance immortal weapon!" Yuan Tiangui said excitedly!
After hearing this, everyone gasped. With this stick, the rise of the ape clan is just around the corner!
"Since this is the case, I'll just come here once to make the cake even better!" Gu Xuan waved his hand and took out two jade gourds, which contained the blood essence and ordinary blood of the purple-eyed war ape. Gu Xuan kept some of each, The rest will take this opportunity to give him to the ape clan, so as to form a good relationship.

As soon as the jade gourd came out, Hou Li and Yuan Tiangui's complexions changed, and the blood in their bodies boiled for a while, extremely excited. Hou Li looked at Gu Xuan and asked tremblingly: "Is this the blood of a divine beast?"

"That's right, I got the blood essence and ordinary blood of the super divine beast Purple Eyed Battle Ape in the Blood Buddha Secret Realm. Last time, because no one from the ape clan participated, I have already handed over the blood of the divine cow clan to Niu Chongtian, the ape I put away the ones from the Ape Clan, just happened to meet this time, and I will give it to you. After all, only your Ape Clan can play the greatest role in this thing. They are all members of my Monster Clan. If you are stronger, there will be more of my Monster Clan. Gain confidence." After Gu Xuan finished speaking, his heart felt relieved, and with a thought, he lifted the little monkey out, and said to Hou Li: "I don't know, senior, can you know the details of this little guy?"

Hou Li and Yuan Tiangui looked at it for a long time, and finally shook their heads, Hou Li said: "This guy should have mutated, but I can feel the blood of my family in his body, which is from my ape family, but I have never seen it before. After I return to the clan, I will go to investigate again! When the time comes, I will notify you of the results!"

After Gu Xuan thanked him, Hou Li took Yuan Tiangui to leave, accompanied by Xiang Shan, who said he was going to the ape clan to drink some spirit wine.The black puppet and the others left after exhorting them.

"Okay, let's distribute all the things now!" She Qianshan saw that the people of the ape clan had left, and directly brought it up. Although he found a relic this time, he made a wedding dress for others , Although I understand it in my heart, I am still a little frustrated and disappointed.

Xuan Hong and Xie Dong didn't speak, and took out the collected things directly, and finally piled up a lot on the ground. Unfortunately, many treasures were lost because of too much aura, and the original source was also somewhat lost.However, it does not affect the distribution of the people.

In less than half an hour, all the things were divided into three piles, the Snake Clan, the Xuangui Clan, the Tianshi Clan, and one pile for each clan. As for how Gu Xuan and the others distributed it, that was a matter of going back to the clan.It's just that Gu Xuan was a little hesitant, and finally said: "Brother Xuanhong, Brother Xie, I wonder if it is possible to assign your two clans to the Jade Slips of Obtaining Exercises, and let me burn a copy?"

"It's such a big thing, why do I think it's such a big deal? Let you hesitate for a long time, okay, brothers, come and help me!" Xuan Hong looked at Gu Xuan's surprised expression, and laughed loudly!

Nine people from the Snake Clan, seven people from the Tianshi Clan, and seven people from the Xuangui Clan. A total of 23 people sat cross-legged on the ground to burn the jade slips. It took a full hour to burn all the jade slips.Gu Xuan thought for a moment and took out two jade bottles, and handed them to Xuan Hong and Xie Dong respectively.

Xie Dong opened it and looked, his body shook, and he said tremblingly: "This is the Ningying Pill! No, it's too precious, I can't take it!"

"What?" Xuan Hong was shocked when he heard Xie Dong's words, and shouted loudly, and hurriedly opened his own jade bottle after shouting, and finally looked shocked!
"There are only nine pieces in each jade bottle, so I hope you don't dislike them!" Gu Xuan smiled at the two of them and said they were moving!
"Okay, let's accept it! Since Gu Xuan gave it to you, it means that he doesn't lack these things, and the things have been allocated, so I will leave later!" She Qianshan was also a little surprised, and gave Gu Xuan a deep look. Said.

Everyone clasped their fists at each other, and Yukong left. Before leaving, Gu Xuan wrapped up the giant tower with his spiritual sense and put it in the Book of Heaven and Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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