ancestral snake

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Half an hour later, the second catastrophe was brewing successfully, and a bucket-thick green thunder struck towards the top of Gu Xuan's head.This time the power of the thunder tribulation was fully doubled compared to the first one, but for Gu Xuan, this level of tribulation thunder was still tolerable for his physical body.Gu Xuan didn't evade, and didn't sacrifice any magic weapon to resist, and directly used his body to overcome the calamity.

This time, Gu Xuan did not devour the thunder calamity, but turned into a giant purple snake hovering under the thunder calamity. Despite the roar of the thunder calamity, I stood still, and a string of lightning sparks circulated on the purple snake.It was all absorbed by Gu Xuan, and he could feel that the true essence in his body was tempered and purified by this power of heavenly calamity.

The physical body is also crazily devouring the power of the heavenly tribulation, the flesh, muscles, bones, blood vessels, and bone marrow are all undergoing a great transformation.The whole body is filled with the power of thunder and calamity. After the Wood Chapter is successfully condensed, the shackles of the physical body are broken, and the catastrophe is like rain after a long drought.When the power of the second lightning calamity was completely absorbed, Gu Xuan felt that his physical body was still somewhat dissatisfied with desire.

Everyone swallowed their saliva, and were a little scared to pee by the scene of Gu Xuan crossing the tribulation.In the eyes of the world, the catastrophe was as simple as drinking water and eating after meeting Gu Xuan.Let those who dare not cross the catastrophe feel even more ashamed. You must know that the state of crossing the catastrophe is a transitional stage. After reaching this realm.Many people run in the opposite direction, for fear of falling under the catastrophe, they dare not trigger the catastrophe.

The vortex on Jieyun became bigger, and the endless aura was absorbed by Jieyun.A more terrifying breath came out from Jieyun, Gu Xuan raised his head to feel it, and let out a long hiss, looking a little excited.But after everyone felt the aura, their faces changed. The third thunder tribulation took a short time to brew, but its power was a bit strong. A dark green tribulation thunder with the thickness of a bowl struck towards Gu Xuan.

With a leap of Gu Xuan's body and a sweep of his giant tail, he swept the third tribulation thunder into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning. He opened his mouth and sucked it in, and the third tribulation thunder was swallowed up by Gu Xuan again.Gu Xuan hovered under the calamity cloud, and began to refine the power of the thunder calamity.The power of the third thunder tribulation is several times that of the second one. After being swallowed into Gu Xuan's body, it began to wreak havoc on Gu Xuan's body. Unfortunately, this time Gu Xuan has already condensed the Wood Chapter, as well as the previous Water Chapter. , the liver and kidneys release a stream of water element power and wood element aura, which are constantly circulating in the body, repairing the body damaged by the thunder calamity.

An hour has passed, and Gu Xuan has already refined the power of the third thunder calamity, but the robbery cloud in the sky is still absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, another hour has passed, and the robbery cloud is still devouring the spiritual energy, Gu Xuan His face became serious, there must be something strange when things go wrong.Could it be that several Heavenly Tribulations landed together this time?Gu Xuan didn't dare to be careless, adjusted his state to the best, and prepared to deal with this catastrophe.

Another three hours passed, and Jieyun was still devouring his spiritual energy, when suddenly there was a loud bang, and three thunderbolts as thick as buckets came rushing towards them with a might that would destroy the world.Gu Xuan didn't dare to be careless, he summoned the Hanxiao battle armor out of his body, sacrificed the sky-swallowing bottle, absolutely devoured and locked a lightning calamity, and directly swallowed one, and Gu Xuan prepared to deal with the remaining two by himself. After changing, he became a snake-headed human body, with blue-purple light shining all over his body, and flew towards a tribulation thunder.

As soon as I came into contact with Lei Jie, I felt a numbness in my body. I was terrified, but I didn't dodge. I rushed into Lei Jie with my fists, rolled my fists, and kept destroying Lei Jie. There were scars all over my body, and scales flew away. The purple bones were already exposed on the back, and all the flesh and blood were split by the thunder calamity.Although Gu Xuan was seriously injured, his eyes were full of fighting intent. There was only the last thunderbolt left, but the thunderbolt was already approaching him, so he didn't allow himself to think about it. In the end, he turned around and transformed into his own body again. A giant purple snake hundreds of feet long was hovering in the air, and a dark green band of lightning swirled around his body. Gu Xuan only felt a pain that penetrated deep into the marrow of his bones, and he stubbornly endured it, his body constantly absorbing the thunder. The power of robbery.

When all the power of thunder and calamity on the surface of the body was absorbed into the body, Gu Xuan's body changed into a human form, and he lay cross-legged on the ground, his consciousness entered his body, and he began to feel the changes in his body. It was completely a world of thunder and lightning. Nascent Soul squeezed out a handprint, sat cross-legged in the ocean of lightning, and began to temper his own Nascent Soul body.And the chaotic mist around the Zifu was also split a lot by the power of the thunder calamity, and the chaotic mist mixed with the power of the thunder calamity was absorbed by the Zifu, and the Zifu became a lot bigger.

A thick stream of qi and blood continued to radiate in Gu Xuan's body, repairing the damaged meridians. The two runes in the liver and kidneys were a little dim at this moment, but they were constantly releasing their original source to repair the body, and they had already withered. For the time being, there is nothing he can do.Gu Xuan flipped his hand and a jade bottle appeared, but what was inside was a top-quality wood-type spirit, wood essence.He opened his mouth and swallowed it, and once the wood essence entered the body, it was absorbed by the leaf rune on the liver.After absorbing the wood essence, the leaf runes shone brightly, but there was still a gap compared to before.

With the passage of time, Gu Xuan has already refined the two lightning tribulations. At this time, the strength of the physical body is comparable to the top-grade spiritual weapon, and it is comparable to the strength of a fairy weapon. It is a pity that Gu Xuan feels that even if he condenses the fire It is impossible for the physical strength of the Chapter of the Earth and the Chapter of the Earth to break through to the level of the fairy weapon.Only when the five elements are complete, will the strength of his physical body break through. Of course, if Gu Xuan gets some great opportunities, the great fortune may also break through.It's just that the hope is very slim.

There are also the last three catastrophes, as long as one survives the last three catastrophes, the power of good fortune will decline, and at that time, Gu Xuan's injuries will be fully repaired.It's just that this time it's been longer, three hours have passed, and the aura in Jieyun is even more terrifying, even the masters of the Tribulation Stage will be injured by it.But this power lasted for half an hour a foot, and the thunder disaster has not yet been brought down.It made everyone puzzled.

Suddenly, a huge suction force enveloped the entire Jieyun. With the increase of this suction, the will of heaven and earth in Jieyun was continuously weakened, and finally it could not be sensed at all.After a stick of incense time passed, Jieyun had long since disappeared, and hovering over Jieyun's position was a spear and a cauldron, which were Gu Xuan's natal magic weapon, the Coiled Snake Cauldron and the Coiled Snake Spear.

There was a fierce killing intent exuding from the Coiled Snake Spear, but the Coiled Snake Cauldron was as big as ten feet and three feet high, exuding a heavy aura, giving people the aura of suppressing the heavens.The golden auspicious clouds above are lifelike, and the snake pattern on Jiu Tiao Gu Xuan's body also exudes an obscure aura, which makes people dare not underestimate it.Especially the invisible area around the Coiled Snake Spear, full of evil spirits, is breathtaking, it is the field of seven kills.

Gu Xuan didn't expect that every time when he crossed the catastrophe, the Pan Snake Cauldron would help him. As expected, his talisman was in harmony with his divine will, and he could feel his own crisis and automatically protect the lord.

Once the catastrophe was over, the oppressive atmosphere disappeared.With a thought, the Coiled Snake Spear and Coiled Snake Cauldron turned into two beams of light and penetrated into his body.At this time, where the robbery cloud disappeared, there was a golden auspicious cloud, and a golden beam of light came directly towards Gu Xuan. One serving of magic weapon, one serving of liver and kidney.

As soon as the golden light of good fortune entered his body, Gu Xuan felt that all the wounds he suffered during the tribulation had recovered, and some of the runes on the bones had absorbed some. You must know that these runes were not absorbed when the golden light of good fortune came last time. After the catastrophe is over, it's time to check it out.The two viscera runes recovered after absorbing the golden light of good fortune, and a crystal halo shone on the surface of the liver and kidneys.

The Coiled Snake Cauldron and Coiled Snake Spear entered the Purple Mansion and began to absorb the golden light of good fortune, but the golden light of good fortune of the Nascent Soul was swallowed by it in one bite, strengthening the original source of the Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul who had absorbed the golden light of good fortune was even more agile , if it is absorbed twice, it will definitely transform into another ancient mystery.You must know that Yuanying can only truly transform into a human body after passing through the thunder calamity. At that time, Yuanying can be said to be the external incarnation of a cultivator.

"I have seen the patriarch and all the elders, I made everyone worry about the boy, thank you again." Gu Xuan gave a deep bow after speaking.

"Except for the elders, the rest go back separately. Don't say a word about today's matter, or the family will deal with it!" Snake Yan looked around and said loudly!Hearing She Yan's words, except for the elder, all the others left, Gu Xuan knew that his business was coming.

"Clan elders, please!" Gu Xuan invited a group of people to his cave, then took out a plate of spiritual fruits, and sat down on the last seat, waiting for everyone to ask questions.Seeing that the spiritual fruits that Gu Xuan entertained them were all millennium-year-old, the doubts about Gu Xuan became even greater.

After a moment of silence, She Yan asked, "Gu Xuan, your catastrophe should be related to the cultivation method?"

"That's right, the kung fu practiced by the kid is an incomplete one. According to the deduction of the kid, it can only be cultivated to the Mahayana stage, and the follow-up kung fu needs to be created by the kid himself." Hearing Gu Xuan's words, everyone's faces were full There was a hint of regret.

"However, there is still a kung fu on the boy, which can be said to be the most suitable for the people of my snake clan to cultivate. It's just that after practicing this kung fu, you will lose the opportunity to transcend this world in the future. You must know that this is the way of people who have practiced before. , we can at most cultivate to the level of our ancestors, and we need to walk the road in the future, but after reaching that level, how difficult is it to start again?" Gu Xuan shook his head and said!
Everyone was a little surprised when they heard Gu Xuan's words. As for what Gu Xuan said, they didn't care at all.Seeing that everyone didn't understand what he meant, Gu Xuan didn't say any more, and took out a jade slip with his hands, which was the skill in the mysterious tablet of inheriting Taoism --- Tian Snake Transformation!
(End of this chapter)

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